
Last-modified: 2009-03-28 (土) 15:22:33
  • Sprite, frameWidth, frameHeight, dest)
    Create a sprite from an image file
    path (String): path of the file which contains the sprite
    frameWidth (Number): width of the frames
    frameHeight (Number): height of the frames
    dest (Number): destination (RAM or VRAM)
  • Void sprite:drawFrame(screen, x, y, nbFrame)
    Draw a frame of the sprite
    screen (Number): screen (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x (Number): X-coordinate where to draw the frame
    y (Number): Y-coordinate where to draw the frame
    nbFrame (Number): number of the frame to draw
  • Void sprite:addAnimation(tabAnim, delay)
    Create an animation
    tabAnim (Table): the table of the animation frames
    delay (Number): delay between each frame
  • Void sprite:playAnimation(screen, x, y, nbAnim)
    Play an animation on the screen
    screen (Number): screen (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x (Number): X-coordinate where to draw the frame
    y (Number): Y-coordinate where to draw the frame
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation to play
  • Void sprite:resetAnimation(nbAnim)
    Reset an animation
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation
  • Void sprite:startAnimation(nbAnim)
    Start an animation
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation
  • Void sprite:stopAnimation(nbAnim)
    Stop an animation
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation
  • Boolean sprite:isAnimationAtEnd(nbAnim)
    Return true if the animation has drawn the last frame
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation