
Last-modified: 2009-03-28 (土) 15:28:19

(Al methods are shared)

  • String System.currentDirectory()
    Get the current working directory
  • Void System.changeDirectory(path)
    Change the current working directory
    path (String): path of the directory
  • Void System.remove(name)
    Remove a file or an empty folder
    name (String): name of the file or directory to remove
  • Void System.rename(oldName, newName)
    Rename file or an empty folder
    oldName (String): name of the file or directory to rename
    newName (String): new name of the file or directory
  • Void System.makeDirectory(name)
    Create a new directory
    name (String): path and name of the directory
  • Table System.listDirectory(path)
    List all files and folders of a directory
    path (String): path of the directory to list
    (See examples for more details)