
Last-modified: 2016-08-10 (水) 19:15:09


[コンテスト] プレイヤーとして…

一連のコミュニティイベントの最初への準備はできていますか? ここ数日で私たちDeca Gamesは皆さんの想像性や反響に驚いています。そこでコンテストを企画しました!
このイベントでは“As a player I want to…”で始まる文章を書いてもらいます。この文章でRealm of the Mad Godにあなたが希望する活動や使いたい機能を述べてもらいます。


As a player I want to be able to send my pet on adventure.
08/04/2016 12:00 PM UTC (8/5 21時)

  • アカウントごとに1エントリ
  • “As a player I want to..”で始めなければならない


  • 最優秀エントリに好きなUTを1つ


  • 他に3エントリを選び、Ambrosiaを5個進呈
  • イベントに参加したプレイヤーから20名にAmbrosiaを1個進呈!
[Contest] As A player ...

[Contest] As A player ...

Hi guys,
Are you ready for the first of a long series of community events? In the past few days we have been amazed at Deca Games by your creativity and feedback so we thought we could make a contest out of it!
In this event, we ask you to write a text starting with “As a player I want to…” This text should describe an action or feature you’d like to use in Realm of the Mad God.


As a player I want to be able to send my pet on adventure.
Start date:
End date:
08/04/2016 12:00 PM UTC

  • 1 entry per account
  • The entry must start by “As a player I want to..”


  • We will choose the best and his/her author will receive one (1) UT of his choice

Bonus rewards:

  • We will choose 3 other entries and his/her author will receive 5 ambrosia
  • In addition we will send 1 Ambrosia to 20 random players who participated to the event!


[コンテスト] "プレイヤーとして…" 結果発表!


このコンテストへのすべての投稿*1を審査するのに私たちはかなり時間をかけました。活発に参加いただいたことにとても感謝しています。提案はふざけた可笑しなものから丹念で詳細なものまでありましたがどれも読んでいて楽しかったです! エントリは多少似通っているものもありましたが、小さくも意味のある差異があり、それらを考慮に入れるよう努めました。最終的に、いくつかのエントリに(予定より多めに)2位を授賞しました。また約束の通り、Ambrosiaをランダムな20エントリにプレゼントします。すべての当選者はRedditで私(Sil3x)にIGNをPMしてください。このチャンネルで質問には答えませんので注意してください。


一位 - Afro - 詳細でユニークなアイデア。仕様に落とし込むには開発の労力が多少必要ですが、力作です!

プレイヤーとして、ジェム(Gems, 宝玉)による素晴らしいブーストシステムを期待する。5つの異なった力を持ったジェムがJanus the Doorwardenよりドロップする(彼女に価値が出る)。
Forbidden Luck(禁断の運)のジェムは短時間ルートチャンスを上昇する。Vet's Charm(獣医のお守り)のジェムはペットのステータスやダメージを短時間倍にする。他にもPure Torture(純粋な拷問)のジェムは短時間ダメージを5割増しにする。4つ目のアイデアとしてMagician's Curse(魔術師の呪い)のジェムはDEFを半分にする代わりに周囲全員のDEFを倍加する。最後は一番レアで最高のジェム、それはFatal Sacrifice(致命的な犠牲)のジェム。これはHPの半分を奪う(take away)がBerserkとDamagingかつスキルダメージを2倍にする。更にbuffクラスについては、例えばパラディンならばbuff継続時間が倍になるし、プリーストならば回復量が2倍になるし、トリックスターはデコイが2つ(Prism of Dancing Swordsならば3つ)になる。ローグは釣りを防ぐためにクローク時間は増えないが、ローグが歩いた場所は溶岩が現れて敵だけがダメージを受ける。これはクロークの時間と同じだけ時間制限がある。ミスティックはStasis中の敵にダメージを与えられるようになる。Curseはジェムの効果中は無効になる。ネクロマンサーは回復量が倍加する。
この私のアイデアを気に入ってもらえると嬉しい。つまらなく思えたら残念だが、投稿に想像力をすべて詰め込んだ。バフについて何か忘れているキャラクターがあったらゲームかRealmEyeで教えて :) ゲームでPMするなら、IGNはAfro。

Pfiffel, Skandling, Happyselling - 私たちは彼らのアチーブメントシステムのアイデアを気に入りました。それぞれ良いため合わせて1つの勝者としました。

  • Pfiffel: プレイヤーとして、どれだけのShattersを攻略したかわかるようになりたい。なぜなら今のところTunnel Rat対象のダンジョンしかカウントされないから。また、Shattersでより多くの経験値とその結果のfameを稼げるようになりたい。
  • Skandling: プレイヤーとしてアチーブメントをゲームで確認したい。お墓も良いがrealm内の死亡でかつ見に行ける別のキャラクターが無いと自分で見に行けない。すべてのキャラクターでなくても一定以上のレベルならば見にいけると良い。ステータスカンスト数だけでなくfameも。
  • Happyselling: プレイヤーとしてゲーム中に墓場が欲しい。プレイヤーが実際に入場して過去のキャラクターの墓を確認でき、カンストしたステータスや装備、持ち物を見れる。また、Decaに、このゲームに時間や資源をつぎ込んで過去の栄光を蘇らせてくれたことを感謝したい。

Duncs1189, Hasenga, Czaxi - 数多くのプレイヤーがPvPについて触れていましたが、これら3人が一歩踏み込んだ詳細を書いていたので、私たちはPvPをrealmに導入するならば良い基礎となると思いました。

  • Duncs1189: プレイヤーとして「ギルドバトル」(PvP)が欲しい。今のギルドはあまり意味がなく、ギルドの重要度が増すと良いと思う。バトルで死んでも装備を失う心配がない。これはゴッドランドでwhiteバッグのアイテムを失いたくない人にとってアイテムを試すクールな方法だし、このゲームがPvPではどういう風にプレイされるのかを見る上でもイケていると思う。
  • Hasenga: プレイヤーとしてPvPに参加したい。特に目的に基づいた、例えば小さなアリーナの反対側にギルドチームで走って行き、何か目標(旗?)を取る。そして協力した友達と勝利を祝う。
  • Czaxi: プレイヤーとしてギルド同士で戦いたい。ダンジョンをX回攻略して勝者がルートを総取りしたり、アリーナでギルド同士のPvPを行なう。

Windscale - マーケットシステムやトレード機能については他にも数エントリありました。この投稿が単純かつきめ細かい、合理的な方法として私たちの目に留まりました。

  • Windscale: プレイヤーとして「市場」システムが欲しい。こんな風に: 市場を示すアイコンがVaultにあり、RealmEyeのトレード募集のように働き売買を提示できる。例えばlifeポーションを置いて8個のdefポーションを希望する。Vaultチェストにあらかじめlifeポーションが必要。するとlifeポーションが市場に出る。誰かがあなたからlifeポーションを買うと、受け取るdefポーションは市場に留め置かれる。トレードで受け取るか、Vault下の青いチェストに送って飲める。何かを買うのに8アイテム以上をトレードできる可能性もある。トレードが簡単になり、詐欺から解放される。

FooKLOP, Spiderslay, GeoRotmg, Oalei, YYGiD, Hemmingfish, mittica25, ShortGnome, HTCxREPEAT, FCatarina, SuperJazzHands, TACONlNJA, koalaleader, Smcmax, Averis, SnazyTurtl, niCid, koKoRoro1, CourtChester, Acathasia

[CONTEST] "As a Player..." Results!

[CONTEST] "As a Player..." Results!

Dear Players,

It has taken us quite some time to sift through all the submissions in this contest. Thanks a lot for participating so vividly - the submissions ranged from deliberately funny to painstakingly detailed and overall it was a fun read! Some entries were kind of similar but there were some small but meaningful differences and we tried to take that into consideration. In the end, we decided to merge several entries that would win the secondary prize (getting more winners on that rank). As promised, we also raffled away 20 ambro among all entries randomly. To all the winners, don't forget to contact me (Sil3x) on via Reddit PM with your IGN - Note that I will not be answering any questions via this channel.

Now, long story short - here are our winners for the "As a player..." contest:

1. Place - Afro - with a detailed and unique idea. It would take some work to mold it into a spec for our devs, but it is a great effort! As a player, i want to see a fantastic boost system of Gems, there would be 5 gems all with different powers, they would drop from Janus the Doorwarden(making her worthwhile). Once having a Gem equipped, a bar will show up, the bar accumulates EXP as you kill enemies, once the bar fills up, you get the power up for a period of time by pressing a specific hotkey . But only being able to use every 2 hours as there would be a cooldown. There would be the Gem of Forbidden Luck, which would boost loot chances for a small time. There would be the Gem of the Vet's Charm, this gem will double your pets stats/damage for a short period of time. Another Gem called the Gem of Pure Torture, this would increase your damage by 50% for a short period of time. The penultimate gem idea i have is the Gem of the Magician's Curse, this Gem would half your defence, but then double everyone's defence that is in radius of you. The last Gem would be the rarest, being the best gem, this is.. The Gem of Fatal Sacrifice, this will take away half of your total health, but then giving you Berserk, Damaging and your ability does 2x the damage it usually does, also if you are a buffing class, lets say paladin, your buff lasts twice the duration, priest heals twice as much, trickster 2 decoys (being 3 if you have a Prism of Dancing Swords.) Although, due to reasons of trolling, rogue will not have twice the cloak duration, instead everywhere the Rogue walks, a trail of lava appears, which can only been damaged by enemies, this has the same duration as the cloak its self. Mystic has the ability to make an enemy damageable when it is stasis'd, it will cancel the Curse effect when the gem power up is active. Necro will heal double that is usually does. That is my idea i really hope you like it, sorry if this sounds like a handful, but this is all my creativity into one post, if i missed a buff for a charater, tell me in game or through realmeye please :) If anyone reads this and wants to pm me in game, my Ign is Afro

Secondary Placements
Pfiffel, Skandling, Happyselling - we liked their ideas for an achievement system. Each of them had some good ideas so we decided to merge them into one winner.

Duncs1189, Hasenga, Czaxi - a lot of players mentioned something about pvp, but these three just had that extra ounce of detail and we think it would make a good base if one were to start thinking about introducing pvp into realm.

Windscale - there were also several entries for a market system or trading feature. This one caught our eye with a simple yet detailed and logical approach.

Raffle Winners
FooKLOP, Spiderslay, GeoRotmg, Oalei, YYGiD, Hemmingfish, mittica25, ShortGnome, HTCxREPEAT, FCatarina, SuperJazzHands, TACONlNJA, koalaleader, Smcmax, Averis, SnazyTurtl, niCid, koKoRoro1, CourtChester, Acathasia

As a player I want to be able to know how many Shatters I have successfully completed, because unfortunately the game currently only tracks completion for the Tunnel Rat dungeons.

As a player I also want to be able to earn more EXP and as a result Fame in the Shatters.


As a player I want to see my achievements recognised in game. A grave is nice but I don’t get to see it myself, unless it’s in-realm and I have another character that can visit it. It would be nice if I could see it every time. Not for every death, but those above a certain level. Not just maxed stats but fame.


As a player, I want to see an in-game graveyard that your player can physically enter to see your graves of past characters, what stats they were maxed in, and their gear/inventory. I also want to thank DECA, for putting time and resources into this game in attempt to revive it's former glory.


As a player I want to see 'Guild battles' (PvP). Currently guilds don't mean much at the moment and I would like to see them become of importance again. In these battles every player can use their gear without a worry because they won't lose it if they died. I think this is a cool way for people to test out their white bag gear that they are too afraid to lose in the Godlands and it would also be cool to see how a PvP aspect of the game played out.


As a player, I want to be able to participate in PvP, particularly objective based, like running across one end of a small arena with a team of guildies, capturing an objective (flag?), and celebratug a victory with the friends I worked with to win.


As a player I want to be able to fight, guild on guild. As in, who can complete X amount of dungeons, winner takes all loot gained. or guild vs. guild pvp battles in the arena.


As a player I want to have a "market" system. It would look like this: you have a icon that represents market in your vault. That would work like trade offers in realmeye. You can create sell or buy offers. For e.g. you put a life potion and want to get 8 def for it. You need to have life potion in vault chest. Your life is now in market. When somebody buys life from you, defs you get are still in market. You can trade with them or get them to blue chests on the bottom of vault and drink them. It would also give possibilty to trade more than 8 items for something you want to buy. That would make trading easier and free from scams.



*1 2200件以上