Production Build #2.0

Last-modified: 2012-10-23 (火) 21:25:52


日本時間で 2012/10/10


Build 124.0(v1.0) との違い。

  • Build 1.1 (test) ~ Build 2.0 (test) いずれも非公開




  • 利用規約に、政府(アメリカ)の施行する年齢制限に従い認証を導入
  • チュートリアルの拡張(Nexus、Shop、ギルドについての情報の追加)
  • レベルによる職業解除の他に、Goldによる解除を追加
  • スパム(チャット荒らし)対策の導入(より高度なチャットフィルター, チャット内の文字制限, アカウント未登や名前をつけていないキャラクターでのチャット使用不可)
  • 更にスパムやRWTへの更なる対策も今後導入予定


  • モンスターの0Defバグと、それに伴うバランス修正
  • のバグ修正
  • 忍者の装備品がレア度に関わらず茶色袋になるバグの修正(今後はレア度に応じて適切な袋に入ってドロップします)、適正な Fame Bonus の設定。
  • その他様々な修正 - しかしまだ未修正あり


  • テストサーバーをもうすぐ解放します
  • ハロウィーン要素と商品がもうすぐ追加されます
  • アミュレットに不思議な呪いが発見されました! 今のところマイナス効果は見つかってないけど・・・気をつけて!!




  • すでに解除ずみのクラスがあれば、それは解除されたままです。
  • レベルアップでクラスを解除したければ、引き続きその方法で可能です。(この方法はこれまで通りですし -- 今もその方法で行えます)
  • 本当にプレイしたいクラスがあってまだ解除できていなくても、今なら(課金で)可能なのです


  • このゲームが今や"pay to win?"(金を払わないと負ける)となったのか?
  • このゲームが今や"pay to participate"(金を払わないと参加できない)となったのか?

0-Defバグについて:そう、再調整しました -- いくつかの変更に気づくかも知れませんが。




Feature additions:

  • Added TOS in compliance with government age requirements
  • Extended tutorial to give more info about the Nexus, shops, and guilds
  • Option for paid class unlocks!
  • Anti-spamming measures (better chat filter; character limit in chat; unregistered unnamed characters banned from Chat)
  • More weapons in the battle against spammers and RWT coming soon

Bug fixes

  • Zero defense on monsters bug + balancing
  • Katana fixes
  • Ninja gear drops in appropriate bags and has appropriate fame bonus
  • And many more - but still more left to be fixed

Other news

  • We're working on opening up the testing server soon
  • Very cool Halloween content and features are coming
  • A subtle curse has been discovered on Amulets of Resurrection. So far no negative effects have been seen, but... beware.
Mike Sellers' comment

A few comments to add to Dash's:

First, yes, this is Release 2. This is a new numbering scheme. We decided integers have worked well for thousands of years, so we thought we'd give them a try.

Regarding paid character unlocks. For those who didn't hear about this earlier, here's how it works:

  • If you have a character class already unlocked, it stays unlocked.
  • If you want to unlock character classes by leveling up (the way it has been done so far -- and the way I'm doing it now) you can continue to do so.
  • If there's a character class you really want to play and haven't yet been able to unlock, now you can!

And to answer some of the earlier questions:

  • Does this mean the game is now "pay to win?" No. If a new player starts playing a Necromancer, they're not going to have the benefit of the skill needed to play the game until they've played a while. The skill you need to do well in ROTMG is not going away.
  • Does this mean the game is now "pay to participate?" No. You can still play for free. Players who have already unlocked a class still have access to those classes, and you can still unlock them "the old-fashioned" way.

Regarding the zero defense bug: yes, we have re-balanced -- but you may notice some changes.

Oh, on the anti-spamming: our release was delayed by a few minutes. It should be up shortly (if not already). Check the spammage then; we should see a marked improvement. And our fight isn't over.

Regarding amulets: it's a troubling curse. I'm sure more will be revealed... soon.

Build 2.0a

日本時間で 2012/10/13

  • Lagの一部原因を修正

