
Last-modified: 2011-10-08 (土) 00:09:45

Diablo3 公式ページに装備品・アイテムリストが公開  date:2011.9.23
The GrandfatherやBuriza-do Kyanon、Windforce等お馴染みの武器もあるようです。

延期のおしらせ  date:2011.9.23
our new target for the game is early 2012.
とあるので、2012年の(Blizzard timeで)早い時期にリリースする予定に変更されたようです。

We commonly use the term “soon” when referring to Blizzard releases, because we know that no matter how hard we’re working to reach a target, we’re not going to compromise and launch a game before it’s ready. For Diablo III, we were aiming to launch by the end of 2011. As we’re announcing globally today, our new target for the game is early 2012.

While this news might not be a complete surprise, I know that many of you were hopeful that Diablo III would ship this year. We were too. However, this week we pulled together people from all of the teams involved with the game to decide whether we felt it would be ready before the end of December, and we grudgingly came to the conclusion that it would not. Ultimately, we feel that to deliver an awesome Diablo sequel that lives up to our expectations and yours as well, we should take a little more time and add further polish to a few different elements of the game.

The upside of today’s announcement is that we will be running the beta test longer than we initially planned, which will allow us to invite more of you who have opted in.

For those taking on the Diableard challenge, we salute you -- and now fear for your well-being and personal hygiene. We hereby issue an official reprieve to all Diableard participants, including Blizzard employees, if you want to trim or otherwise manage the lower half of your face. We’d still love to see your beardly achievements, and we look forward to seeing more of your efforts as we move into 2012, but not to the detriment of your workplaces and significant others.

Thank you everyone for your support and anticipation for Diablo III. We’re still moving ahead at full pace, and we’ll be keeping you fully informed of any news and developments here at, including the specific release date when the time comes, so stay tuned.

-Mike Morhaime

F&F beta情報簡易まとめ  date:2011.9.21

・ベータクライアントで確認されたプレフィックス(接頭辞)とサフィックス(接尾辞)の効果:+ ゴールド、 + 経験値、+ 売却価格 %、+ HPリジェネレーション、+ ダメージ、+ クリティカルダメージ、+ HP、+ 各種抵抗>-値、+ リペア、+ ライフリーチ(吸収)、+ マジックアイテム発見、+ 攻撃スピードなど

・プレイヤーのFollowers(前作の傭兵にあたる)が“+ 経験値”や“+ マジックアイテム発見”アイテムを装備している場合には、プレイヤーにもその恩恵が得られる







・プレイヤーがAoE攻撃(Area of Effect:ウィザードのNovaなど範囲攻撃スキル)などで一度に大量の敵をキルした場合、ボーナスXPが得られる

・野外に固定の“+ 経験値”と“+ 取得ゴールド”効果が得られる神殿が存在する

・+ 攻撃スピード”アイテムは今回も非常に強力





The Diablo III Beta Is Now Live date:2011.9.21
キーを受け取った場合は、Battle.netのaccount managementより入力しましょう。

The fiery gates leading to the Burning Hells have begun to swing open, and the Diablo III beta test is officially underway. Invitations to participate in the beta test are now being delivered to the chosen heroes. As with beta tests for other Blizzard Entertainment games, the testing process for Diablo III will occur in phases. In addition to selecting players who have opted in via their accounts, we’ll also be providing keys through beta promotions and giveaways -- stay tuned for more info. We welcome those invited to provide feedback or report bugs on the official forums.

If you have a beta license, you are free to show, share, or talk about any portion of the beta content to which you have access, as this beta test is not confidential.

We’d like to remind those looking forward to an invite to be wary of phishing attempts. If you believe you’ve received an invite to the Diablo III beta test, it’s best to refrain from clicking on any links in the email, and instead log in to your account to see if a Diablo III beta game account was granted. Or, if you were sent a key, attempt to add it manually by going to the Add or Upgrade a Game section of the account management page.

For those who have received an invite to the beta test, we thank you for helping us test out our server stability and hardware. For those of you still hoping for an invite, we wish you the best of luck and hope you’ll keep an eye out for some of the beta-key giveaways and promotions we’ll have right here on the Diablo III community site.

For more information, please see the beta opt-in announcement and FAQ.

Gold Auction House Added to Friends & Family  date:2011.9.15
Friends & Family beta tester向けにGoldで利用できるauction houseが実装されたようです。

We’ve recently patched the Diablo III Friends & Family beta test to include access to the gold-based auction house.
Friends & Family beta test participants can check out the auction house by clicking on the ‘gavel’ icon at the bottom of the main interface seen when first logging into the game.
To sell items, you’ll first need to place anything you want to sell in your shared stash. The shared stash can be found near the Slaughtered Calf Inn in New Tristram. Once you’ve placed items in your stash you’ll be able to choose from them the items you’d like to sell. By placing starting and (optional) buyout prices, you can place your item up for auction. If someone chooses to buy the item, you’ll receive the final sale price, minus any posting fees.

Keep in mind that this is the gold-based auction house only. The currency-based auction house may be available for testing at a later date, and if it is, we’ll have more information on how it will function at that time.
We’re looking for both stability and usability testing, and appreciate your help with buying and selling items to run the system through its paces. If you’d like to provide feedback, please do so by posting in this thread: and if you find any bugs please post in the Beta Bug Report >
forum in this thread:
For an auction house overview and information regarding specific functionality, be sure to check out the services section of the Diablo III community site, here: > Browse through the auction house section of the site using the multiple tabs at the top for more details, located here: >