
Last-modified: 2011-09-18 (日) 10:41:31

Active Skill


Magic Missile?

wizard_magicmissile.pngUnlocked at level 1

Cost: 0 Arcane Power
Launch a missile of magic energy causing 40 - 61 Arcane damage.
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells cost 1 less Arcane Power every time you gain a level.

魔法エネルギーのミサイルを放ち、40 - 61の神秘ダメージを与える。

Shock Pulse?

wizard_shockpulse.pngUnlocked at level 3


Cost: 0 Arcane Power
Release a pulse of 3 unpredictable charges of electricity that deal 36 - 72 Lightning damage to enemies they hit.
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells cost 1 less Arcane Power every time you gain a level.
予測不能な電気パルスを 3発放つ。当たった敵に36 - 72雷ダメージを与える。

Spectral Blade?

wizard_spectralblade.pngUnlocked at level 5

Cost:0 Arcane Power
Summon a spectral blade that strikes all enemies in your path 3 times causing 35% weapon damage with each hit.
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells cost 1 less Arcane Power every time you gain a level.
霊剣を召喚し、あなたの移動線上全ての敵に 3回攻撃させる。それぞれ武器ダメージの35%を与える。


wizard_electrocute.pngUnlocked at level 6

Cost:0 Arcane Power
Lightning arcs from your fingertips towards an enemy dealing 1 - 59 Lightning damage. The lightning can jump, hitting up to 2 enemies. Damage is reduced by 30% for each jump.
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells cost 1 less Arcane Power every time you gain a level.
指先から電気の弧を放つ。1 - 59雷ダメージを与える。電撃は連鎖可能で、2体まで連鎖する。連鎖する毎にダメージは30%ずつ減っていく。


Wave of Force?

wizard_waveofforce.pngUnlocked at level 4

Cost:25 Arcane Power
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Explode a wave of pure energy that repels projectiles and knocks back nearby enemies. This also slows the movement of enemies by 50% and deals 92 - 107 physical damage to them.
エネルギーの波を爆発させ、投射物を弾き返し、付近の敵をノックバックさせる。又、92 - 107物理ダメージを与え、移動速度を50%低下させる。

Arcane Orb?

wizard_arcaneorb.pngUnlocked at level 8

Cost:35 Arcane Power
Hurl an orb of pure energy that explodes when it hits, dealing 135 - 185 Arcane damage to all enemies within 10 yards.
エネルギー球を投げつけ、当たると爆発し10ヤード内の敵全てに135 - 185神秘ダメージを与える。

Energy Twister?

wizard_energytwister.pngUnlocked at level 11

Cost:35 Arcane Power
Unleash a twister of pure energy that deals 27 Arcane damage per second to everything caught within it.


wizard_disintegrate.pngUnlocked at level 12

Cost: 20 Arcane Power per second
Thrust a beam of pure energy forward dealing 85 - 107 Arcane damage per second and disintegrating enemies it kills.
エネルギービームを発射し、85 - 107神秘ダメージ/秒を与え、敵が死ぬと分解する。(?)

Explosive Blast?

wizard_explosiveblast.pngUnlocked at level 14

Cost:45 Arcane Power
Cooldown: 1 second
Gather an infusion of energy around you that explodes after 2 seconds, causing 99 - 135 physical damage to any nearby enemies.
周囲のエネルギーを寄り集め、2秒後に爆発させる。付近の敵へ99 - 135物理ダメージを与える。


wizard_hydra.pngUnlocked at level 19

Cost:60 Arcane Power
Summon a multi-headed Hydra for 9 seconds that attacks enemies with bolts of fire dealing 18 - 22 Fire damage per attack.
ヒドラを9秒間召喚する、付近の敵を攻撃し、18 - 22火ダメージを与える。

Ray of Frost?

wizard_rayoffrost.pngUnlocked at level 21

Cost:29 Arcane Power per second
Project a beam of frozen ice that blasts 142 - 167 Cold damage per second to the first enemy it hits, slowing the target's movement by 40% and attack speed by 30% for 5 seconds.
冷凍ビームを出し、当たった最初の敵へ142 - 167氷ダメージ/秒を与える。5秒間、移動速度を40%、攻撃速度を 30%低下させる。

Arcane Torrent?

wizard_arcanetorrent.pngUnlocked at level 23

Cost:&color(green){20} Arcane Power per second
Hurl a barrage of arcane projectiles that deal 107 - 181 Arcane damage per second to all enemies near the impact location.
神秘弾の弾幕を投げつけ、着弾点付近全ての敵に107 - 181神秘ダメージ/秒を与える。


wizard_meteor.pngUnlocked at level 24

Cost:60 Arcane Power
Summon an immense meteor that plummets from the sky causing 213 - 291 Fire damage to all enemies it crashes into. The ground it hits is scorched with molten fire that does 28 - 43 Fire damage over 3 seconds.
超巨大隕石を召喚し、激突させる。衝突圏内の全ての敵に213 - 291火ダメージを与え、落下点の溶岩に触れたものに3秒間で28 - 43火ダメージを与える。


wizard_blizzard.pngUnlocked at level 26

Cost:45 Arcane Power
Call down shards of ice to pelt an area dealing 57 - 78 Cold damage per second for 3 seconds.
氷片を範囲内に叩き付け、57 - 78氷ダメージ/秒を 3秒間与える


Frost Nova?

wizard_frostnova.pngUnlocked at level 1

Cooldown: 12 seconds
An explosion of ice freezes nearby enemies for 4 seconds and causes 28 - 50 Cold damage.
氷の爆発を起こし、付近の敵を4秒間凍らせ、28 - 50氷ダメージを与える

Ice Armor?

wizard_icearmor.pngUnlocked at level 2

Cost:25 Arcane Power
Surround yourself in a barrier of ice that increases armor by 50%, and causes 7 - 9 Cold damage to melee attackers, chilling them for 2 seconds. Lasts 120 seconds.
This is an Armor spell. Only one Armor spell can be active at a time.
氷の障壁で自らを覆い、アーマーを 50%増加させる。近接攻撃を受けると7 - 9氷ダメージを返し2秒間冷却状態にする。120秒間効果が続く。

Magic Weapon?

wizard_magicweapon.pngUnlocked at level 7

Cost:8 Arcane Power
Imbue your weapon with magical energy granting it 20% increased physical damage. Can only affect melee weapons. Lasts 60 seconds.

Diamond Skin?

wizard_diamondskin.pngUnlocked at level 9

Cost:25 seconds
Transform your skin to diamond for 5 seconds absorbing up to 2661 damage from incoming attacks.

Storm Armor?

wizard_stormarmor.pngUnlocked at level 13

Cost:25 Arcane Power
Bathe yourself in electrical energy, shocking ranged and melee attackers for 1 - 61 Lightning damage. Lasts 120 seconds.
This is an Armor spell. Only one Armor spell can be active at a time.
電気エネルギーに身を浸し、遠隔・近接の攻撃者へ1 - 61の雷ダメージを返す。120秒間効果が続く。

Mirror Image?

wizard_mirrorimage.pngUnlocked at level 15

Cost:25 seconds
Summon 2 illusionary duplicates of yourself that last for 15 seconds and have 25% of your Life. The images may cast some of the same spells as you, but those spells deal no damage.
2体の分身を召喚する。プレイヤーのライフ 25%を持ち、15秒間残る。分身はプレイヤーと同じスペルを使うが、ダメージは無い。

Slow Time?

wizard_slowtime.pngUnlocked at level 16

Cooldown: 30 seconds
Invoke a bubble of warped time and space for 10 seconds, slowing the movement and attack speed of enemies by 35%. This bubble also slows the movement of enemy projectiles by 90%.


wizard_teleport.pngUnlocked at level 18

Cost:15 Arcane Power
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Teleport through the ether to the selected location up to 35 yards away.

Energy Armor?

wizard_energyarmor.pngUnlocked at level 22

Cost:25 Arcane Power
Focus your energies, increasing your Defense by 20% but lowers your maximum Arcane Power by 20. Lasts 120 seconds.
This is an Armor spell. Only one Armor spell can be active at a time.
エナジーを集中し、防御力を20%増加させるが、最大Arcane Powerが 20減少する。120秒間効果が続く。


wizard_familiar.pngUnlocked at level 27

Cost:20 Arcane Power
Summon a companion that will attack your targets for 5 - 9 Arcane damage. This companion cannot be targeted or damaged by enemies. Pet lasts 60 seconds.
仲間を召喚し、5 - 9神秘ダメージで攻撃してくれる。この仲間は敵から攻撃されず、ダメージも受けない。60秒間残る。


wizard_archon.pngUnlocked at level 29

Cost:25 Arcane Power
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Transform into a being of pure arcane energy for 15 seconds. While in Archon form your normal abilities are replaced by powerful Archon abilities, and your armor and resistances are increased by 40%. Every enemy killed while in Archon form adds 1 second to the duration of Archon.

Passive Skill

Power Hungry?

wizard_passive_powerhungry.pngUnlocked at level 10
Gain 30 Arcane Power whenever you are healed by a health globe.
ヘルスグローブを拾うと、30 Arcane Powerも回復する。

Temporal Flux?

wizard_passive_temporalflux.pngUnlocked at level 10
Whenever you deal Arcane damage, enemies are slowed by 24% for 2 seconds.

Glass Cannon?

wizard_passive_glasscannon.pngUnlocked at level 13
Increases all damage done by 20% but decreases armor and resistances by 10%.


wizard_passive_prodigy.pngUnlocked at level 15
Every time you cast a Signature spell, you gain 5 Arcane Power.
The following skills are Signature spells:
-Magic Missile
-Shock Pulse
-Spectral Blade
Signatureスペルを唱える度に、5 Arcane Powerを回復する。


wizard_passive_virtuoso.pngUnlocked at level 17
Increases the damage of your basic wand attack by 100%. Successful attacks with a wand generate 15 Arcane Power and heal you for 1% of your maximum Life.
ワンドによる攻撃のダメージを100%増加させる。攻撃がヒットすると15 Arcane Powerと最大ライフの1%を回復する。

Astral Presence?

wizard_passive_astralpresence.pngUnlocked at level 19
Increases your maximum Arcane Power by 20 and Arcane Power regeneration by 2 per second.
最大Arcane Powerを20増加し、毎秒 2Arcane Powerを回復する。


wizard_passive_illusionist.pngUnlocked at level 20
Whenever you suffer more than 15% of your Life in a single hit the cooldown on your Mirror Image and Teleport abilities is automatically reset.
1撃でライフの15%を失った場合、Mirror ImageとTeleportのクールダウンがリセットされる(?)

Galvanizing Ward?

wizard_passive_galvanizingward.pngUnlocked at level 23
Increases the duration of your armor spells by 120 seconds. As long as an Armor spell is active, you gain 32 Life per second.
The following skills are improved:
-Energy Armor
-Ice Armor
-Storm Armor
アーマースペルの効果時間を120秒延長すし、アーマー発動中は32/秒 ライフが回復する。


wizard_passive_blur.pngUnlocked at level 25
Decreases melee damage taken by 20%.


wizard_passive_evocation.pngUnlocked at level 26
Reduces all cooldowns by 20%.

Arcane Dynamo?

wizard_passive_arcanedynamo.pngUnlocked at level 28
When you deal damage with a Signature spell you gain a Flash of Insight. After 8 Flashes of Insight your next non-Signature spell deals 50% additional damage. You cannot gain a Flash of Insight more than once every 1.5 seconds.
The following skills are Signature spells:
-Magic Missile
-Shock Pulse
-Spectral Blade
Signatureスペルでダメージを与えると、Flash of Insightを得る。 Flashes of Insightを8個貯めた後に非Signatureスペルを使うと50%の追加ダメージを与える。Flash of Insightは1.5秒につき1回しか獲得できない。

Unstable Anomaly?

wizard_passive_unstableanomaly.pngUnlocked at level 30
When reduced below 20% Life release a shockwave that knocks all enemies back. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 seconds.