Moogle_X/Actors Friendship System

Last-modified: 2018-02-21 (水) 07:03:39

利用規約/Terms of Use

Free to use in both commercial and non-commercial project as long as creditis given.






This plugin adds friendship mechanic between actors of your choice. Each actor has their own Friendship Points that can be increased or decreased multiple ways.

As their Friendship Points grows, that actor's Friendship Level may level up. You can set some skills to be automatically learned at certain Friendship Level.

There is also the option to store certain actor's Friendship Points or Friendship Level into in-game variable. You can then use that variable's value as a conditional trigger for new event, etc.

シングルリーダーとマルチリーダーについて/Single Leader vs Multiple Leaders





<AFS Leader>


AFS Open // フレンド画面を開きます。


シングルリーダー版にするには、プラグインパラメータの設定で"Use Single Leader Scene"をON(1:Yes)にしてください。


AFS Show Leader x // リーダーリストにアクターxを表示
AFS Show Friend x Leader y // リーダーyのフレンドリストにアクターxをフレンドとして表示


AFS Hide Leader x // リーダーリストからアクターxを隠す
AFS Hide Friend x Leader y // リーダーyのフレンドリストからアクターxを隠す

You are given a choice to go with Single Leader approach or Multiple Leaders approach.

Single Leader means there is one actor who is the central of relationships. This actor is usually the main protagonist of your game. You can view other actors' Friendship Points towards this Leader, but you cannot view their Friendship Points towards other actors.

Multiple Leaders approach take away this limitation. You can view all actors' Friendship Points towards any actors that you tag as "Leader". You can make all actors become Leader, or just a few of them.

To make an actor become Leader, insert this notetag into his/her notebox:

<AFS Leader>

Actor's friendship value can be viewed in custom scene. You can access it from the main menu or simply by using this plugin command:

AFS Open // Open Friendship Scene.

There are 2 versions of Friendship Scene, Single Leader version and Multiple Leaders version. Single Leader one only contains Window Friend List while Multiple Leaders version contains both of Window Leader List and Window Friend List.

To enable Single Leader version, simply turn on "Use Single Leader Scene" option in the plugin configuration.

By default, no actor's friendship data will be shown. In order for it to show up in the scene, you must first manually "unlock" that actor by using these plugin commands:

AFS Show Leader x              // Show actor x in the leader list.
AFS Show Friend x Leader y     // Show actor x as friend in leader y's friend list.

If you want to hide the "unlocked" leader or friend for some reason during mid-game, simply use these plugin commands:

AFS Hide Leader x              // Hide actor x from the leader list.
AFS Hide Friend x Leader y     // Hide actor x from leader y's friend list.

友情レベルと必要経験値のセットアップ/Setting Up Friendship Level and Exp Requirements



<AFS Max Level: x> // 最大友情レベルx に設定
<AFS Exp: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>  // 最初のレベルアップには n1 FP必要 以降のレベルアップにはそれぞれ n2… FP必要

Each actor has their own Max Friendship Level and Exp Requirements needed for each level up.

You can go with the default value by editting the plugin configuration. Or you can make each actor has their own Max Level and Exp Requirements byinserting these notetags into the Actors' notebox:

<AFS Max Level: x>             // Maximum Friendship Level is x.
<AFS Exp: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>  // First level up will require n1 FP, second level up will require n2 FP, etc.

友情ポイントの増やし方/How to Increase Friendship Points



AFS Gain x Friend y Leader z // アクターyからリーダーzへの友情ポイントを x 増やす
AFS Lose x Friend y Leader z // アクターyからリーダーzへの友情ポイントを x 減らす

デフォルトでは、すべてのスキル/アイテムのFP増加量は 0 です。


<AFS Gain 2: 5>
<AFS Gain 3: -10>
<AFS Gain Default: 1>


このヒールはアクター2からリーダーへのFPを 5 増やし
アクター3からリーダーへのFPを 10 減らし、それ以外のアクターからリーダーへのFPを1増やします。

獲得するFPの量はプラグインパラメータ"Friendship Gain Each Battle"で変更できます。


There are 3 methods to increase or decrease Friendship Points. The easiest method is using plugin command. With plugin command, you can increase or decrease actor's Friendship Points by certain amount.

AFS Gain x Friend y Leader z   // Increase actor y's FP towards Leader z by x amount.
AFS Lose x Friend y Leader z   // Decrease actor y's FP towards Leader z by x amount.

The second method is using skills and items. By default, all skills and items increase actor's Friendship Points by 0 amount. You can change this by inserting new notetags into the skill/item's notebox. The value can be either positive or negative. You can make the same skill/item to have different effects on different actors.

For example, the skill "Heal" with these notetags:

<AFS Gain 2: 5>
<AFS Gain 3: -10>
<AFS Gain Default: 1>

If the caster of this skill is a Leader, depending on who receive this healing...

This "Heal" will increase Actor 2's FP (Friendship Points) towards this Leader by 2, decrease Actor 3's FP towards this Leader by 10, and increase other actors' FP towards this Leader by 1. Items also share similar notetags.
(※ by 5 の誤りだと思います。)

The third and the last method to increase actor's FP is by having the actor as one of the active battle members. All actors in active battle party will gain certain amount of FP at the end of each battle (win only). The FP amount can be changed in "Friendship Gain Each Battle" option in the plugin configurations.

フレンドスキル/Friendship Skills


<AFS Skill x Leader y: n>

このノートタグは、このアクターからリーダー y への友情レベルが x に達したとき、スキル n を習得することを表します。

<AFS Skill x Leader y: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>

このアクターからリーダーyへの友情レベルが x に達したとき、スキルn1、n2…n5を習得します。


Actors are able to learn new skills when their Friendship Level is increased. You need to set up what skills they learn by inserting notetags into their respective noteboxes.

The above notetag means this actor will learn skill n when their Friendship Level towards Leader y reach level x. If you want the actor learn more than one skills at the same time, use this notetag instead:

This actor will learn skills n1, n2, n3, n4, and n5 when their Friendship Level towards Leader y reach level x.

ベストフレンドスキル/EXTRA feature! "Best Friend Skill(s)"



<AFS Max Skill Leader x: n> // 1つだけ習得する場合
<AFS Max Skill Leader x: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5> // 同時に複数習得する場合






Actor can learn a new type of skill, called "Best Friend Skill". Best Friend Skill will be automatically learn when these conditions are met:
1. The actor must have the necessary notetag in their notebox.

<AFS Max Skill Leader x: n> // Use it for one skill.
<AFS Max Skill Leader x: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>  // Use this for multiple skills.

2. This actor Friendship Level towards Leader x must reach maximum level.
3. Leader x's Friendship Level towards this actor must ALSO reach maximum Level.

When the above conditions are met, this actor will learn skill n (or n1, n2, n3, n4, n5).
Keep in mind that only this actor will learn the skills. If Leader x doesn't have any "Best Friend Skill" notetag, that Leader won't learn anything. If you want Leader x to learn "Best Friend Skill" as well, you must give him/her the necessary notetag as well.

One thing to remember. If their Friendship Level is decreased (therefore they are no longer "Max Level"), both actors will forget their Best Friend Skills.

グローバル レベル キャップ/Global Level Cap


AFS Cap Leader x Level y // リーダーxのフレンドリスト内にいる全アクターにグローバルレベルキャップをかけ、フレンドレベルを y に制限

例えば"AFS Cap Leader 2 Level 5"のプラグインコマンドを適用したとします。



AFS Uncap Leader x // リーダーxのフレンドリスト内にいる全アクターのグローバルレベルキャップを解除

At any point in the game, you can put a Friendship Level restriction to all actors in certain Leader's friend list. This "Global Level Cap" effect can be applied by using a plugin command:

AFS Cap Leader x Level y // Put Global Level Cap at level y to all actors in Leader x's friend list.

For example, if you use "AFS Cap Leader 2 Level 5" plugin command. All actors in Leader 2's friend list cannot increase their Friendship Level towards Leader 2 past level 5.
No matter how much FP they get, their Friendship Level towards this Leader cannot reach level 6 or above.

This Global Level Cap effect only works on any friends that currently has Friendship Level 5 or lower. If there is one (or more) friend that already reach level 6 or higher, this particular friend can still increase his/her Friendship Level normally. In other word, this friend is unaffected by Global Level Cap effect.

This situation can be used to your advantage depending on your game project.

Global Level Cap effect can be removed by using plugin command:

AFS Uncap Leader x               // Remove Global Level Cap effect from Leader x.

友情ポイントのロック/FP Lock Effect



AFS Lock Friend x Leader y // リーダーyのフレンドリストにいるフレンドxのFPをロック

あなたはプラグインパラメータ"Default Lock Icon" からデフォルトのアイコンを設定することができます。


<AFS Lock Icon: x> // このアクターのFPロックアイコンは ID x のアイコンになります。

"FP Lock Icon Offset X"と"FP Lock Icon Offset Y"で位置を調整できます。


AFS Unlock Friend x Leader y // リーダーyのフレンドリストにいるフレンドxのFPロックを解除します。

You can give a FP Lock effect to certain friend in certain Leader's friendlist. Any friend that's affected by FP Lock effect cannot increase or decrease his/her FP or Friendship Level towards a certain Leader.

This effect can be applied by using plugin command:

AFS Lock Friend x Leader y      // Friend x in Leader y's friend list will receive FP Lock effect.

FP Lock has a special icon indicator beside the friend's name. You can decide the default icon by editting the "Default Lock Icon" option in the plugin configuration.

If you prefer some actors to use different icon, insert this notetag into the actor's notebox:

<AFS Lock Icon: x>             // This actor's FP Lock Icon will be icon with ID x.

If you dislike the default icon position, you can adjust the new position by editting "FP Lock Icon Offset X" and "FP Lock Icon Offset Y" options in the plugin configuration.

FP Lock effect can be removed anytime by using this plugin command:

AFS Unlock Friend x Leader y   // Remove FP Lock effect from friend x in Leader y's friend list.

アイコン/Extra Icons


デフォルトでは、これらのアイコンはFriendship Gaugeのすぐ上にあります。
デフォルトの場所が気に入らない場合は、プラグインの設定で"Friendship Icons Offset X"と"Friendship Icons Offset Y"オプションを調整するだけです。

<AFS Icon Level x Leader y: n>   // このアクターのリーダーyに対する友情レベルが現在レベルxのとき、アイコンnを表示します。


<AFS Icon Level x Leader y: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>    // 上記と同じですが、同時に多くのアイコンが表示されます。

アイコンの位置は、プラグインの設定で"Custom Friend Icon Offset X" と"Custom Friend Icon Offset Y" を編集することで変更できます。

AFS CFI x Friend y Leader z // リーダーzのフレンドリスト内のフレンドyにID xのアイコンを表示


AFS CFI Remove Friend x Leader y // リーダーyのフレンドリスト内のフレンドxからカスタムフレンドアイコンを削除


AFS CLI x Leader y                 // リーダーyの名前の横にアイコンxを追加


AFS CLI Remove Leader x            // リーダーxのカスタムリーダーアイコンを削除

This plugin allows you to add 3 new icon types to the Window Friend List. All of these icons are merely visual. They do not have any gameplay impact. You can use these icons as special indicator for some gameplay mechanics unique to your game project.

1. Friendship Icons
This icons will show up in the window at certain Friendship Level. Each actor can have different Friendship Icons with other actors or other Leader. By default, these icons are located just above Friendship Gauge. Again, if you dislike the default location, simply adjust "Friendship Icons Offset X" and "Friendship Icons Offset Y" options in the plugin configuration. You can adjust actor's Friendship Icons by inserting these notetags into actor's notebox:

<AFS Icon Level x Leader y: n>   // Show icon n when this actor's Friendship Level towards Leader y is currently at level x.

If you want to show more than one icons, use this notetag instead:

<AFS Icon Level x Leader y: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>    // Same as above, but more icons at the same time.

2. Custom Friend Icon
This icon is by default located near the right most part of Friendship Gauge. Icon position can changed by editting "Custom Friend Icon Offset X" and "Custom Friend Icon Offset Y" in the plugin configuration. Custom Friend Icon is only 1 icon. You cannot show more than one icons for this icon type. To show Custom Friend Icon, simply use this plugin command:

AFS CFI x Friend y Leader z      // Friend y in Leader z's friend list will get icon with ID x.

It's up to you what kind of icon that you want to show up. This icon can be used for special indicator or anything. If you want to remove the icon, simply use this plugin command:

AFS CFI Remove Friend x Leader y   // Remove the Custom Friend Icon from friend x in Leader y's friend list.

3. Custom Leader Icon
This icon, unlike 2 icons above, is located in Window Leader List instead of Window Friend List. It's located just to the right of Leader's name. This icon is also merely visual. It doesn't have any gameplay impact. To add this icon, simply use this plugin command:

AFS CLI x Leader y                 // Add icon x beside Leader y's name.

You can remove Custom Leader Icon anytime by using this plugin command:

AFS CLI Remove Leader x            // Remove Custom Leader Icon beside Leader x's name.

友情コモンイベント/Friendship Common Event



<AFS Event Level x Leader y: n> //このアクターのリーダーyに対するの友情レベルがxに上がった時、コモンイベントnを実行

You can also set up a certain common event to be run at specific Friendship Level. This common event will be triggered automatically during Friendship Level Up process. It does NOT triggered during "level down".

To set up Friendship Common Event, put this notetag inside Actor's notebox:

<AFS Event Level x Leader y: n>

When this actor's Friendship Level towards Leader y level up to level x, common event n will be run.


<AFS Event Level 5 Leader 3: 10>

When this actor's Friendship Level towards Leader 3 is increased (level up) to level 5. Commmon event with ID number 10 will be executed automatically.

ノートタグ一覧/Notetags List

Actors Notetags:

<AFS Leader>
<AFS Exp: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>
<AFS Max Level: x>
<AFS Skill x Leader y: n>
<AFS Skill x Leader y: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>
<AFS Max Skill Leader x: n>
<AFS Max Skill Leader x: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>
<AFS Icon Level x Leader y: n>
<AFS Icon Level x Leader y: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5>
<AFS Lock Icon: x>
<AFS Event Level x Leader y: n>

Skills and Items Notetags:

<AFS Gain x: n>
<AFS Gain Default: n>

プラグインコマンド一覧/Plugin Commands List

AFS Open
AFS Show Leader x
AFS Hide Leader x
AFS Show Friend x Leader y
AFS Hide Friend x Leader y
AFS Gain x Friend y Leader z
AFS Lose x Friend y Leader z
AFS Level Up Friend x Leader y
AFS Level Down Friend x Leader y
AFS Lock Friend x Leader y
AFS Unlock Friend x Leader y
AFS Cap Leader x Level y
AFS Uncap Leader x
AFS CLI x Leader y
AFS CLI Remove Leader x
AFS CFI x Friend y Leader z
AFS CFI Remove Friend x Leader y


AFS Var x FP Friend y Leader z // 変数xに、フレンドyからリーダーzに対するFPの値を代入
AFS Var x Level Friend y Leader z // 変数xに、フレンドyからリーダーzに対する友情レベルの値を代入
AFS Var x Best FP Leader y // 変数xに、リーダーyのフレンドリスト内で最も高いFPを持つアクターのFPの値を代入
AFS Var x Best Level Leader y // 変数xに、リーダーyのフレンドリスト内で最も高い友情レベルを持つアクターの友情レベルの値を代入
AFS Var x Best FP Friend Leader y // 変数xに、リーダーyのフレンドリスト内で最も高いFPを持つアクターのIDを代入
AFS Var x Best Level Friend Leader y // 変数xに、リーダーyのフレンドリスト内で最も高い友情レベルを持つアクターのIDを代入

SPECIAL Plugin Commands!

AFS Var x FP Friend y Leader z

"Change variable x value to be equal to the total FP that actor y have towards Leader z."

AFS Var x Level Friend y Leader z

"Change variable x value to be equal to the actor y's Friendship Level towards Leader z."

AFS Var x Best FP Leader y

"The engine will look at all the actors in Leader y's friend list. Then, it will search the highest FP total among all these actors. The highest FP value will be put inside variable x."

AFS Var x Best Level Leader y

"The engine will look at all the actors in Leader y's friend list. Then, it will search the highest Friendship Level among all these actors. The highest level will be put inside variable x."

AFS Var x Best FP Friend Leader y

"The engine will look at all the actors in Leader y's friend list. Then, it will search the highest FP total among all these actors. Then, it will check which actor has the highest FP total. This actor ID will be put inside variable x."

AFS Var x Best Level Friend Leader y

"The engine will look at all the actors in Leader y's friend list. Then, it will search the highest Friendship Level among all these actors. Then, it will check which actor has the highest Friendship Level. This actor ID will be put inside variable x."

