
Last-modified: 2009-04-13 (月) 22:22:18

Micro LUA DS 3.0 Documentation

Some useful variables
MICROLUA_VERSION: version of Micro Lua (String)
SCREEN_WIDTH: width of the screens
SCREEN_HEIGHT: height of the screens
NB_FPS: number of frame per second automatically updated each second. You can display it
with a screen.print between screen.startDrawing() and screen.stopDrawing(). Don’t display it
in the debug console
SCREEN_UP, SCREEN_DOWN: screen number where to draw. See examples for more
RAM and VRAM: destination where to load some object. See examples for more details
ATTR_VISIBLE, ATTR_FONT, ATTR_IMAGE: attributes used in canvas

The screen

(All methods are shared)

  • Void render()
    Refresh the screen.
  • Void startDrawing() & stopDrawing() OBSOLETE
    All your drawing instructions must be between these two functions
  • Void screen.switch()
    Switch the screens
  • Void screen.print(screen, x, y, text [, color])
    Print a text on the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x (Number): x-coordinate where to draw
    y (Number): y-coordinate where to draw
    text (String): text to print
    color (Color): color of the text
  • Void screen.printFont(screen, x, y, text , color, font)
    Print a text on the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x (Number): x-coordinate where to draw
    y (Number): y-coordinate where to draw
    text (String): text to print
    color (Color): color of the text
    font (Font) : special font
  • Void screen.blit(screen, x, y, image, [, sourcex, sourcey] [, width, height])
    Blit an image on the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x (Number): x-coordinate where to draw
    y (Number): y-coordinate where to draw
    image (Image): image to blit
    sourcex, sourcey (Number): coordinates in the source image to draw
    width, height (Number): width and height of the rectangle to draw
  • Void screen.drawLine(screen, x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
    Draw a line on the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x0, y0, x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the line
    color (Color): color of the line
  • Void screen.drawRect(screen, x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
    Draw a rectangle on the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x0, y0, x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the rectangle
    color (Color): color of the rectangle
  • Void screen.drawFillRect(screen, x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
    Draw a fill rectangle on the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x0, y0, x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the rectangle
    color (Color): color of the rectangle
  • Void drawGradientRect(screen, x0, y0, x1, y1, color1, color2, color3, color4)
    Draw a gradient rectangle on the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x0, y0, x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the rectangle
    color1, color2, color3, color4 (Color): colors of the rectangle
  • Void drawTextBox(screen, x0, y0, x1, y1, text [, color])
    Draw a text box on the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x0, y0, x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the text box
    text (String): text to print
    color (Color): color of the text box


  • Color, g, b)
    Create a new color
    r (Number): red mask
    g (Number): green mask
    b (Number): blue mask


  • Void
    Read the controls and update all control structures


Stylus.X: x-coordinate of the stylus
Stylus.Y: y-coordinate of the stylus
Stylus.held: is the stylus held on the screen
Stylus.released: is the stylus released
Stylus.doubleClick: true if stylus do a double click
Stylus.deltaX: delta x of the stylus movement
Stylus.deltaY: delta y of the stylus movement
Stylus.newPress: true if stylus do a new press


([KEY] can take the following values :
A B X Y L Start Select Up Down Left Right)
Keys.held.[KEY]: is the key held
Keys.released.[KEY]: is the key released
Keys.newPress.[KEY]: true if key do a new press


  • Image Image.load(path, destination)
    Create a new image in memory from an image file (PNG, JPG or GIF)
    path (String): path of the image to load
    destination (Number): destination of the image in memory (can be RAM of VRAM)
  • Void Image.destroy(image)
    Desotroy the image
    To completely destroy an image, do :
    myImage = nil
    image (Image): image to destroy
  • Number Image.width(image)
    Get the width of the image
    image (Image): image to use
  • Number Image.height(image)
    Get the height of the image
    image (Image): image to use
  • Void Image.scale(image, width, height)
    Scale the image
    image (Image): image to scale
    width (Number): new width of the image
    height (Number): new height of the image
  • Void Image.rotate(image, angle [, centerx, centery])
    Rotate the image around rotation center
    image (Image): image to rotate
    angle (Number): angle of roattion (between 0 and 511)
    centerx (Number): x-coordinate of the new rotation center
    centery (Number): y-coordinate of the new rotation center
  • Void Image.rotateDegree(image, angle [, centerx, centery])
    Rotate the image around rotation center, the angle is given in degree
    image (Image): image to rotate
    angle (Number): angle of rotation in degree (between 0 and 360)
    centerx (Number): x-coordinate of the new rotation center
    centery (Number): y-coordinate of the new rotation center
  • Void Image.mirrorH(image)
    Mirror the image horizontally
    image (Image): image to mirror
  • Void Image.mirrorV(image)
    Mirror the image vertically
    image (Image): image to mirror
  • Void Image.setTint(image, color)
    Set the tint of the image
    image (Image): image to tint
    color (Color): color of the image

Millisecond Timers

  • Timer
    Create a new timer, you can start it
  • Number timer:time()
    Return the time of the timer
  • Void timer:start()
    Start a timer
  • Void timer:stop()
    Stop a timer
  • Void timer:reset()
    Reset a timer


  • Sprite, frameWidth, frameHeight, dest)
    Create a sprite from an image file
    path (String): path of the file which contains the sprite
    frameWidth (Number): width of the frames
    frameHeight (Number): height of the frames
    dest (Number): destination (RAM or VRAM)
  • Void sprite:drawFrame(screen, x, y, nbFrame)
    Draw a frame of the sprite
    screen (Number): screen (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x (Number): X-coordinate where to draw the frame
    y (Number): Y-coordinate where to draw the frame
    nbFrame (Number): number of the frame to draw
  • Void sprite:addAnimation(tabAnim, delay)
    Create an animation
    tabAnim (Table): the table of the animation frames
    delay (Number): delay between each frame
  • Void sprite:playAnimation(screen, x, y, nbAnim)
    Play an animation on the screen
    screen (Number): screen (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    x (Number): X-coordinate where to draw the frame
    y (Number): Y-coordinate where to draw the frame
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation to play
  • Void sprite:resetAnimation(nbAnim)
    Reset an animation
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation
  • Void sprite:startAnimation(nbAnim)
    Start an animation
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation
  • Void sprite:stopAnimation(nbAnim)
    Stop an animation
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation
  • Boolean sprite:isAnimationAtEnd(nbAnim)
    Return true if the animation has drawn the last frame
    nbAnim (Number): number of the animation


(All methods are shared)

  • Void Debug.ON()
    Activate the debug mode
  • Void Debug.OFF()
    Desactivate the debug mode
  • Void Debug.print(text)
    Print a debug line
    text (String): text to print
  • Void Debug.clear()
    Clear the debug console
  • Void Debug.setColor(color)
    Set the debug text color
    color (Color): color of the text


(Al methods are shared)

  • String System.currentDirectory()
    Get the current working directory
  • Void System.changeDirectory(path)
    Change the current working directory
    path (String): path of the directory
  • Void System.remove(name)
    Remove a file or an empty folder
    name (String): name of the file or directory to remove
  • Void System.rename(oldName, newName)
    Rename file or an empty folder
    oldName (String): name of the file or directory to rename
    newName (String): new name of the file or directory
  • Void System.makeDirectory(name)
    Create a new directory
    name (String): path and name of the directory
  • Table System.listDirectory(path)
    List all files and folders of a directory
    path (String): path of the directory to list
    (See examples for more details)


Font Font.load(path)

  • Create a new font from a font file (oslib and µLibrayr format)
    Path (String): path of the file to load
  • Void Font.print(screen, font, x, y, text [, color])
    Print a text with a special font
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    font (Font): font to use
    x (Number): x-coordinate where to draw
    y (Number): y-coordinate where to draw
    text (String): text to print
    color (Color): color of the text
  • Number Font.getCharHeight(font)
    Get the height of the characters of a font
    font (Font): font to use
  • Number getStringWidth(font, text)
    Get the width of a text with a specific font
    font (Font): font to use
    text (String): text


  • Map, mapfile, width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight)
    Create a new map by giving a map file
    image (Image): image which contains tiles
    mapfile (String): path to the map file (.map)
    width (Number): width of the map in tile
    height (Number): height of the map in tile
    tileWidth (Number): width of the tiles in pixel
    tileHeight (Number): height of the tiles in pixel
  • Void Map.destroy(map)
    Destroy a map
    map (Map): map to destroy
  • Void Map.draw(screen, map, x, y, width, height)
    Draw a map
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    map (Map): map to destroy
    x (Number): x-coordinate where to draw the map
    y (Number): y-coordinate where to draw the map
    width (Number): x number of tiles to draw
    height (Number): y number of tiles to draw
  • Void Map.scroll(map, x, y)
    Scroll a map
    map (Map): map to destroy
    x (Number): x number of tiles to scroll
    y (Number): y number of tiles to scroll
  • Void, x, y)
    Set the space between each tiles of a map
    map (Map): map to destroy
    x (Number): x space between tiles
    y (Number): y space between tiles
  • Void Map.setTile(map, x, y, tile)
    Change a tile value
    map (Map): map to destroy
    x (Number): x-coordinate of the tile to change in the map table
    y (Number): y-coordinate of the tile to change in the map table
    tile (Number): new tile value
  • Number Map.getTile(map, x, y, tile)
    Get a tile value
    map (Map): map to destroy
    x (Number): x-coordinate of the tile to get
    y (Number): y-coordinate of the tile to get


  • ScrollMap, mapfile, width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight)
    image (Image): image which contains tiles
    mapfile (String): path to the map file (.map)
    width (Number): width of the map in tile
    height (Number): height of the map in tile
    tileWidth (Number): width of the tiles in pixel
    tileHeight (Number): height of the tiles in pixel
  • Void ScrollMap.destroy(scrollmap)
    Destroy a ScrollMap
    scrollmap (ScrollMap): ScrollMap to destroy
  • Void ScrollMap.draw(scrollmap)
    Draw a ScrollMap
    scrollmap (ScrollMap): ScrollMap to draw
  • Void ScrollMap.scroll(scrollmap, x, y)
    Scroll a ScrollMap
    scrollmap (ScrollMap): ScrollMap to scroll
    x (Number): x scrolling in pixel
    y (Number): y scrolling in pixel


  • Canvas
    Create a new canvas
  • Void Canvas.destroy(canvas)
    Destroy a canvas. Must be followed by canvas = nil
    Canvas (Canvas): canvas to destroy
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
    Create a new line
    x1, y1, x2, y2 (Number): coordinates of the line
    color (Color): color of the line
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newPoint(x1, y1, color)
    Create a new point
    x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the point
    color (Color): color of the point
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
    Create a new rectangle
    x1, y1, x2, y2 (Number): coordinates of the rectangle
    color (Color): color of the rectangle
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newFillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
    Create a new fill rectangle
    x1, y1, x2, y2 (Number): coordinates of the rectangle
    color (Color): color of the rectangle
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, color1, color2, color3, color4)
    Create a new gradient rectangle
    x1, y1, x2, y2 (Number): coordinates of the rectangle
    color1, color2, color3, color4 (Color): colors of the fill rectangle
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newText(x1, y1, text [, color])
    Create a new text
    x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the text
    text (String): text
    color (Color): color of the text
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newTextFont(x1, y1, text, color, font)
    Create a new text with a special font
    x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the text
    text (String): text
    color (Color): color of the text
    font (Font): special font of the text
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newTextBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, text [, color])
    Create a new textbox
    x1, y1, x2, y2 (Number): coordinates of the textbox
    text (String): text
    color (Color): color of the textbox
  • CanvasObject Canvas.newImage(x1, y1, image [, x2, y2] [, x3, y3])
    Create a new image
    x1, y1 (Number): coordinates of the image
    x2, y2 (Number): coordinates in the source image to draw
    x3, y3 (Number): width and height of the rectangle to draw
  • Void Canvas.add(canvas, object)
    Add a CanvasObject in a canvas
    canvas (Canvas): canvas to draw
    object (CanvasObject): object to add
  • Void Canvas.draw(screen, canvas, x, y)
    Draw a canvas to the screen
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    canvas (Canvas): canvas to draw
    x (Number): x-coordinate where to draw
    y (Number): y-coordinate where to draw
  • Void Canvas.setAttr(object, attrName, attrValue)
    Set an attribute value
    object (CanvasObject): object to modify
    attName (Constant): attribute to modify. Must be ATTR_XXX. See “some useful variables” for more details
    attrValue (?): new value for the attribute. Must be the good type
  • ? Canvas.getAttr(object, attrName)
    Get an attribute value. Return type depends of the attribute
    object (CanvasObject): object to use
    attName (Constant): attribute to get value. Must be ATTR_XXX. See “some useful variables” for more details


  • Boolean Rumble.isInserted()
    Check if a rumble pack is inserted.
  • Void Rumble.set(status)
    Set the rumble status.
    status (Boolean): status of the rumble (true: ON, false: OFF)


  • Boolean Motion.init()
    Init the motion system if a motion device is detected. Return true if a motion device is detected.
  • Void Motion.calibrate()
    Calibrate the motion system.
  • Number Motion.readX()
    Read the X tilt of the motion.
  • Number Motion.readY()
    Read the Y tilt of the motion.
  • Number Motion.readZ()
    Read the Z tilt of the motion.
  • Number Motion.accelerationX()
    Read the X acceleration of the motion.
  • Number Motion.accelerationY()
    Read the Y acceleration of the motion.
  • Number Motion.accelerationZ()
    Read the Z acceleration of the motion.
  • Number Motion.readGyro()
    Read the gyro value of the motion.
  • Number Motion.rotation()
    Read the rotation value of the motion.


  • DateTime
    Create a new DateTime object.
  • DateTime DateTime.getCurrentTime()
    Create a new DateTime object with current time values.

Attributes :

year, month, day, hour, minute, second
(See the example for more details)


  • Void Wifi.connectWFC()
    Connect the DS to the Wifi connection. Use the firmware configurations. So, you need to configure your connec-
    tion with an official DS game.
  • Void Wifi.disconnect()
    Disconnect the DS form the Wifi connection.
  • Socket Wifi.createTCPSocket(host, port)
    Create a TCP socket on a server.
    host (String): hostname or IP adress of the server
    port (Number): port to use
  • Socket Wifi.createUDPSocket(host, port)
    Create an UDP socket on a server.
    host (String): hostname or IP adress of the server
    port (Number): port to use
  • Void Wifi.closeSocket(socket)
    Close a socket (TCP or UDP).
    socket (Socket): Socket to close
  • Void Wifi.send(socket, buffer)
    Send data to a server using a socket.
  • socket (Socket): Socket to use
    buffer (String): data to send
  • String Wifi.receive(socket, length)
    Receive data from a server using a socket.
    socket (Socket): Socket to use
    length (Number): size of the data to receive

The sound

Sound banks:

  • Void Sound.loadBank(filename)
    Load a soundbank from a file in memory.
    filename (String): path of the file to load
  • Void Sound.unloadBank()
    Unload the sound bank from the memory.


  • Void Sound.loadMod(id)
    Load a module in memory.
    id (Number): id of the module to load
  • Void Sound.unloadMod(id)
    Unload a module from the memory.
    id (Number): id of the module to unload
  • Void Sound.startMod(id, playmode)
    Start playing a module already loaded in memory.
    id (Number): id of the module to play
    playmode (Number): playing mode (PLAY_ONCE or PLAY_LOOP)
  • Void Sound.pause()
    Pause all modules.
  • Void Sound.resume()
    Resume all modules.
  • Void Sound.stop()
    Stop all modules.
  • Void Sound.setPosition(id, position)
    Set the cursor position of a module.
    id (Number): id of the module
    Boolean Sound.isActive()
    Return true if the player is active and false if it's not.
  • Void Sound.startJingle(id)
    Start playing a module as a jingle.
    id (Number): id of the module to play
  • Void Sound.setModVolume(volume)
    Set the volume of the played module.
    volume (Number): new volume value between 0 and 1024
  • Void Sound.setJingleVolume(volume)
    Set the volume of the played jingle.
    volume (Number): new volume value between 0 and 1024
  • Void Sound.setModTempo(tempo)
    Set the tempo of the module player.
    tempo (Number): new tempo value between 512 and 2048
  • Void Sound.setModPitch(pitch)
    Set the pitch of the module player.
    pitch (Number): new pitch value


  • Void Sound.loadSFX(id)
    Load a SFX in the meory.
    id (Number): id of the SFX to load
  • Void Sound.unloadSFX(id)
    Unload a SFX in the meory.
    id (Number): id of the SFX to unload
    Handle Sound.startSFX(id)
    Start a sound effect already loaded in memory. Return and handle to this SFX.
    id (Number): id of the SFX to start
  • Void Sound.stopSFX(handle)
    Stop a played SFX.
    handle (Handle): handle of a SFX, given by the startSFX function
  • Void Sound.releaseSFX(handle)
    Mark an effect as low priority.
    handle (Handle): handle of a SFX, given by the startSFX function
  • Void Sound.stopAllSFX()
    Stop all payed SFX.
  • Void Sound.setSFXVolume(handle, volume)
    Set the volume of a playing SFX.
    handle (Handle): handle of a SFX, given by the startSFX function
    volume (Number): new volume value between 0 and 255 (different from Mods)
  • Void Sound.setSFXPanning(handle, panning)
    Set the panning of a playing SFX.
    handle (Handle): handle of a SFX, given by the startSFX function
    panning (Number): new panning value between 0 (left) and 255 (right)
  • Void Sound.setSFXPitch(handle, pitch)
    Set the pitch of a playing SFX.
    handle (Handle): handle of a SFX, given by the startSFX function
    pitch (Number): new pitch value
  • Void Sound.setSFXScalePitch(handle, scale)
    Set the scaling pitch ratio of a playing SFX.
    handle (Handle): handle of a SFX, given by the startSFX function
    scale (Number): new sclae pitch value

INI Files

  • Table INI.load(filename)
    Load an INI file and create a table with it
    filename (String): file to load
  • Void, tab)
    Save a table in an INI file
    filename (String): file to load
    tab (Table): table to save
    Exemple :
    An INI file contains :
    tab  = INI.load(“myfile.ini”)
    tab[“infos”][“name”] = “tata”“myfile.ini”, tab)
    This exemple change the line name=toto into name=tata.
    Tables can only contains Strings!!!
    If you want to store integers convert them
    with the tostring function!