Last-modified: 2021-02-18 (木) 23:19:26
2020/05/22(Fri): Journal Club (online)
- Porphyromonas gingivalis in Alzheimer’s disease brains:
Evidence for disease causation and treatment with small-molecule inhibitors
S. S. Dominy et. al. , Science Advances (2019)
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau3333
- Decline of globalism in the late Bronze Age.
(Indroduciton of the book "B.C.1177" (Japanese translation, Eric H. Cline )
Report S. Nozawa ( @melonsode )
2020/05/29(Fri): Discussion & Journal Club (online)
- T. Takano practiced making a presentation at a thesis defense.
- (paper title)
Report M. Toshima
2020/06/05(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by K. Omata
2020/06/12(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by T. Ishikawa
2020/06/19(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by Yoshinori
2020/06/26(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by A. Onzo
2020/07/10(Fri): Journal Club (online)
- Food sharing and feeding another person suggest intimacy; two studies of American college students.
Miller, L., Rozin, P., & Fiske, A. P. (1998).
European Journal of Social Psychology, 28(3), 423-436.
[Full text]
- Acute social isolation evokes midbrain craving responses similar to hunger.
Tomova, L., Wang, K. L., Thompson, T., Matthews, G. A., Takahashi, A., Tye, K. M., & Saxe, R. (2020).
Nature Neuroscience, 23(12), 1597-1605.
[Full text]
Report T. Takano
2020/07/18(Sat): Discussion (online)
- Some thoughts on free will
will and synonyms, "will" differs from "wants"?, nature-nurture-determinism, what is "free" of free will, "Having will" is not proceeded by will of to have will.
Talk by S. Nozawa ( @melonsode )
2020/07/24(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by M. Toshima
2020/07/31(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by K. Omata
2020/08/07(Fri): Journal Club (online)
- Architecture and evolution of semantic networks in mathematics texts.
Christianson, N. H., Sizemore Blevins, A., & Bassett, D. S. (2020).
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 476(2239), 20190741.
[Full text]
- The landscape of NeuroImage-ing research.
Dworkin, J. D., Shinohara, R. T., & Bassett, D. S. (2018).
NeuroImage, 183, 872-883.
[Full text]
Report T. Ishikawa
2020/08/14(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by Yoshinori
2020/08/28(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by K. Mogi
2020/09/05(Sat): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by A. Onzo
2020/09/12(Sat): Journal Club (online)
- Human Herpesvirus 6B Greatly Increases Risk of Depression by Activating Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis during Latent Phase of Infection
N, Kobayashi, iScience (2020)
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101187
Talk by S. Nozawa ( @melonsode )
2020/09/18(Fri): Discussion (online)
- T. Takano practiced making a presentation at a thesis defense again.
2020/09/26(Sat): Report Meeting (online)
- We told easch other about our recent activities.
2020/10/09(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by M. Toshima
2020/10/23(Fri): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by Yoshinori
2020/11/06(Fri): Journal Club (online)
- Formation of global self-beliefs in the human brain.
Rouault, M., & Fleming, S. M. (2020).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(44), 27268-27276.
[Full text]
Report T. Ishikawa
2020/11/28(Sat): Journal Club (online)
- Political neuroscience.
Haas, I. J. (2016).
Neuroimaging Personality, Social Cognition, and Character (pp. 355-370). Academic Press.
[Full text]
Report K. Omata
2020/12/19(Sat): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by K. Mogi
2020/12/26(Sat): (online)
- (paper title)
Talk by A. Onzo