by Nishiumi Masataka

Last-modified: 2024-05-21 (火) 17:28:14

Welcome to world of blue




  • 旅行
  • 写真
  • 小説

City of shadows 西海正隆1作目


  • Psychopath
    Characteristics and Motivation of the Protagonist: Clarify the characteristics of the psychopathic protagonist and explore the motivations behind their actions. Explain why they behave the way they do and what experiences or environments led them to develop such a personality.

Complex Character Relationships: Describe how the protagonist interacts with the people around them and the impact their actions have on other characters. Through various relationships with friends, family, rivals, and others, delve into the protagonist's humanity.

Moral Dilemmas: Investigate the moral issues and dilemmas caused by the protagonist's actions. Clarify how they justify their actions and how they deal with the consequences of those actions.

Dark Worldview: The story of a psychopathic protagonist often involves a dark and harsh worldview. Set the stage and background of the story to harmonize with the protagonist's personality and actions.

Growth and Change: Depict how the protagonist grows and changes as the story progresses. Through their choices and actions, observe the impact on themselves and those around them, highlighting their inner transformation.

「波濤を越えて - 西海正隆の冒険」

  • 登場人物
    西海正隆: 主人公。聡明で勇敢な漁師の息子。冒険心に溢れ、大海原を舞台に数々の冒険を繰り広げる。
    真田広之: 浪人。剣術の達人で、正隆の良き友人。冷静沈着で、困難な状況でも的確な判断を下す。
    茜: 商人の娘。知恵と策略に優れ、正隆たちの航海を陰で支える。正隆とは次第に心を通わせるようになる。
    黒田龍馬: 悪名高い海賊。西海の海域を支配し、正隆たちの最大の敵となる。
  • テーマ
    冒険と成長: 正隆の成長物語として、彼がさまざまな経験を通じて人間として成熟していく様子を描く。
    友情と絆: 仲間との強い絆や、困難を乗り越えるための協力の大切さをテーマとする。
    正義と勇気: 悪に立ち向かう勇気と、正義を貫く心の強さを強調する。