
Last-modified: 2023-01-24 (火) 12:11:46

天猛星・ラダマンティス/天猛星·拉达曼迪斯/Wyvern Rhadamanthys


闘士の殿堂: 光の拳速/光之拳速/Speed Fist
星々の志: 強攻意思/强攻意思/Physical Will
[中国版/グローバル版] 輪廻実装済

Lv.1 ダメージ率35%×3(105%)
Lv.2 ダメージ率40%×3(120%)
Lv.3 ダメージ率45%×3(135%)
Lv.4 ダメージ率50%×3(150%)、HP吸収率5%、2ターン持続
Lv.5 ダメージ率55%×3 (165%)、HP吸収率15%、3ターン持続
Fluttering Strike
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times, dealing (35,40,45,50,55)% P.DMG each time.( Also increases Life Steal by (-,-,-,5,15)% for (-,-,-,2,3) action rounds (can be dispelled)*2).
lv.1 35% x3 (105%) damage multiplier
lv.2 40% x3 (120%) damage multiplier
lv.3 45% x3 (135%) damage multiplier
lv.4 50% x3 (150%) damage multiplier and 5% Life Steal for 2 action rounds.
lv.5 55% x 3 (165%) damage multiplier and 15% Life Steal for 3 action rounds.
Lv.1 警戒波1本につきダメージ率90%
Lv.2 警戒波1本につきダメージ率95%
Lv.3 警戒波1本につきダメージ率100%
Lv.4 警戒波1本につきダメージ率105%、次のターンに力を蓄え終わる
Lv.5 警戒波1本につきダメージ率110%、次のターンに力を蓄え終わる
Ultimate Vigilance
Charges up for (2,2,2,1,1) rounds. Unleashes 3 Alert Waves at the beginning of (the 3rd*5,next*6) action round, each dealing (90,95,100,105,110)% P.DMG to a random enemy. If Rhadamanthys is under control, the Alert Waves are released the next time he takes action.
lv.1 Each wave has a 90% damage multiplier.
lv.2 Each wave has a 95% damage multiplier.
lv.3 Each wave has a 100% damage multiplier.
lv.4 Each wave has a 105% damage multiplier and finishes charging up before the next action round.
lv.5 Each wave has a 110% damage multiplier and finishes charging up before the next action round.
Lv.1 5回フル注入すると燃え上がり、1対の龍翼につき10%の確率で追加で発動
Lv.2 4回フル注入すると燃え上がり、1対の龍翼につき10%の確率で追加で発動
Lv.3 4回フル注入すると燃え上がり、1対の龍翼につき30%の確率で追加で発動
Lv.4 3回フル注入すると燃え上がり、1対の龍翼につき30%の確率で追加で発動
Lv.5 3回フル注入すると燃え上がり、1対の龍翼につき50%の確率で追加で発動

Flaming Wings
Whenever an ally lands a critical hit, the Dragon Wings gain 1 charge. Continuous crits also grant 1 extra charge. Each pair of Dragon Wings burns fiercely upon reaching (5,4,4,3,3) charges. When Rhadamanthys casts "Ultimate Vigilance", each pair of burning Dragon Wings has a (10,10,30,30,50)% chance to generate 3 additional Alert Waves. When all 4 pairs of wings are burning, he enters Flaming Wings and generates 12 additional Alert Waves.
lv.1 Burns fiercely upon reaching 5 charges. Each pair of wings has a 10% chance to generate additional waves.
lv.2 Burns fiercely upon reaching 4 charges. Each pair of wing s has a 10% chance to generate additional waves.
lv.3 Burns fiercely upon reaching 4 charges. Each pair of wing s has a 30% chance to generate additional waves.
lv.4 Burns fiercely upon reaching 3 charges. Each pair of wing s has a 30% chance to generate additional waves.
lv.5 Burns fiercely upon reaching 3 charges. Each pair of wing s has a 50% chance to generate additional waves.

Imbue: During 1 turn, each ally may only charge a Saint's abili ty 3 times normally and 3 times triggered by critical strikes.
Lv.1 60%の確率でエネルギーが爆発し、力を蓄える必要がない
Lv.2 70%の確率でエネルギーが爆発し、力を蓄える必要がない
Lv.3 85%の確率でエネルギーが爆発し、力を蓄える必要がない
Lv.4 95%の確率でエネルギーが爆発し、力を蓄える必要がない
Lv.5 100%の確率でエネルギーが爆発し、力を蓄える必要がない
Roar of Gloom
When casting "Ultimate Vigilance", there is a (60,70,85,95,100)% chance to unleash energy without needing to charge up.
lv.1 Has a 60% chance to unleash energy without needing to charge up.
lv.2 Has a 70% chance to unleash energy without needing to charge up.
lv.3 Has an 85% chance to unleash energy without needing to charge up.
lv.4 Has a 95% chance to unleash energy without needing to charge up.
lv.5 Has a 100% chance to unleash energy without needing to charge up.

Lv.1 50%の確率でエネルギー注入、グレイテストコーションの120%のダメージを受ける
Lv.2 50%の確率でエネルギー注入、グレイテストコーションの150%のダメージを受ける
Lv.3 60%の確率でエネルギー注入、グレイテストコーションの150%のダメージを受ける
Lv.4 75%の確率でエネルギー注入、グレイテストコーションの200%のダメージを受ける
Lv.5 100%の確率でエネルギー注入、グレイテストコーションの200%のダメージを受ける
Roar of Gloom - Awakened
Rhadamanthys gains a 50% damage reduction when he is charging, during which he has a (50,50,60,75,100)% chance to gain a charge when an ally is attacked, or a 100% chance when an ally dies. When he takes lethal damage while charging, he is immune to death (only triggers once). All enemies that have attacked him while he was charging will take (120,150,150,200,200)% damage from the charged Ultimate Vigilance.
lv.1 50% chance to gain a charge, Ultimate Vigilance deals 120% damage to attackers.
lv.2 50% chance to gain a charge, Ultimate Vigilance deals 150% damage to attackers.
lv.3 60% chance to gain a charge, Ultimate Vigilance deals 150% damage to attackers.
lv.4 75% chance to gain a charge, Ultimate Vigilance deals 200% damage to attackers.
lv.5 100% chance to gain a charge, Ultimate Vigilance deals 200% damage to attackers.




Screenshot_20220727-035354.png戦闘学院・炎-Battle Academy - Fire





*1 レベル4から
*2 レベル4から
*3 レベル3まで
*4 レベル4から
*5 レベル3まで
*6 レベル4から