Salvage - The Basics

Last-modified: 2008-03-20 (木) 00:45:29


To enter Salvage areas, you must have completed Treasures of Aht Urhgan Mission 17 and be level 65 or higher.

Entry to Salvage requires the key item Remnants Permit. This key item can be bought from Zasshal in Aht Urhgan Whitegate in exchange for 1500 Assault Points. The Assault Points must come from a single Assault area (points from different areas cannot be combined).

Minimum Number of Players: 6
Maximum Number of Players: 18

Upon entering Salvage, you will be unable to equip any armor or weapons, unable to use any job abilities, all stats will be lowered, Support jobs will be restricted and players will be unable to cast any magic. Each monster in Salvage has a possibility of dropping one or more imbued item (also known as cells). These cells can be used to remove one of the effects specific to each cell. Cells can be traded (or Bazaared) to other players.

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You only get 100mins inside the instance with no time extensions. The main key to success is time management. It is very easy to get greedy and spend more time to collect Cells for PT members than one should. Not everyone will have as many Attributes/Ability/Sub Job etc as they would want, remember that we are going for the win and not just for fun and excitement!

Pass or Lot on the Imbued Items (Cells) efficiently

Experience will greatly increase the speed at which we can do this, but we need to know what order people are lotting which Cells BEFORE we enter the Salvage instance. Important thing is pass on the Cells that someone has lotted on. There is no point in waiting 5mins for it to clear from the item pool! Make a habit of checking the item pool after every kill, or during fights. When no one has lotted on something, the run organizer will say who will lot on them. Some LS assigns one person to Shout through a macro regularly until newer members are used to it. E.g. /sh LOT or PASS on the Cells!!!

Crates/Coffer Checking

Especially at the beginning when DDs are constantly busy killing incoming mobs, it is a wise plan to make Mages open the Crates. When you see what is inside, say who should get the items inside the crates instead of just saying what they are.

Temporary Items

Simply said, using or not using these items inside the instance makes so much difference to the difficulty of the content.

Know what the items you need are, mages will have to learn all these names in order to specify which DD/Tank gets what.

For DDs/Tanks
Body Boost (HP multiplied by 1.5 for 15mins)
Fighter’s Drink (Acc UP)
Soldier’s Drink (Slight Dmg UP)
Champion’s Drink (Critical Rate UP)
Monarch’s Drink (Regain Effect – TP gradually restored)
Barbarian’s Drink (Dmg UP)
Fanatic’s Drink (Physical Dmg invulnerability)
Fool’s Drink (Magic Dmg invulnerability)
Braver’s Drink (All Attributes +15)
Spy’s Drink (Haste Effect)

For Mages
Mana Boost (MP multiplied by 1.5 for 15mins)
Oracle’s Drink (Magic Atk UP)
Assasin’s Drink (Magic Accuracy UP)
Gnostic’s Drink (Effect of Pax – Enmity generation reduced)
Dusty Ether (Restores 150MP)
Dusty Elixir (Restores a little MP+HP)
Healing Powder (AOE HP healing effect)
Mana Powder (AOE MP healing effect )

Use the Dusty Ether as soon as you obtain one IF you are fairly down in MP.

Also, you will be needing a Reraise Scroll (not an equipment Reraise), and a lot of HiPots.

Hipots will be the main means of healing HP for a while at the beginning!

Recasting Pro/Shell/Reraise
Try to do the recast of Protect/Shell/Reraise just before every Warp.

Watch your surroundings after you warp

Do not cast magic right after the Warp. Sometimes Gears are very close to where you warp out and aggro you upon casting.
Warp > Magic Cast > Gears aggro magic > Wipe
Warp > HP Cells used > HP in the Red > Undead Blood aggro > Wipe
The above two wipe patterns are too common in public Salvage runs. Be very careful.

Know the ToAU area mobs aggro logic

Chariots - Sound
Rampart - Sound
Gear/Gears - Magic/True Hearing

Gears, Ramparts and Chariots are treated as the SAME race. They will all Link.

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