
Last-modified: 2014-04-04 (金) 10:25:42




Welcome to TelevisaYou got an achievement for launching the Televisa app!0
My First FavoriteFor adding your first favorite you have an achievement0
Live is better:)Because you watched 2 complete live events in 3 months you have an achievement0
TelenovelaBecause you watched 8 episodes of your favorite Telenovela you have an achievement0
Shows for you!Watch 2 full shows from the entertainment section and get an achievement0
Extra! Extra!Watch 8 videoclips from the news section and get an achievement0
New is the bestGet with the new and watch 2 full episodes and win this achievement0
To BeginPin any Televisa content to start and get an achievement0
From the TopWatch any video from any of our sections and get an achievement0

