
Last-modified: 2011-10-27 (木) 15:14:16
  • SleipnirプラグインSeaHorse用スクリプト、AutoPagerize for SeaHorse のSITEINFOです
  • 新しいSITEINFOを追加する場合は、基本的には最後尾のページ(末尾の番号が一番高いページ)に追加してください。SITEINFOの順番を考慮する必要がある場合は除きます。
  • 必ずローカル環境で確認済みのものを追加してください。
    • sleipnirのインストールディレクトリ\plugins\seahorse\AutoPagerize\siteinfo.jsで実験してください。

@nifty TimeLine - ソーシャル・タイムライン

url: '|category)/.+',
nextLink: 'div.pageing>span:last>a',
pageElement: '#mainContainer>h2~*'

@PEDIA(アットペディア) - みんなで作る キーワード辞書

url: '|search|createkeyword|updatekeyword|keywordlist)',
nextLink: '#word_box>b+a, #word_box>center>b+a',
pageElement: '#word_each>h1~*:not(form):not([align=center])'

1001 Fonts .com

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next Page")',
pageElement: 'table[width=880]>tbody>tr>td[width=520]>*'

1stwebdesigner - Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, span.previous>a',
pageElement: 'div.hfeed>*'

10Steps.SG - Photoshop Tutorials and Resources

url: '',
nextLink: 'li.active_page+li>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#leftcont>*:not()'

12,651 Adobe Photoshop Tutorials listed on

url: '|gallery)/[^/]+/[0-9]+',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: 'div.main>*'

2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next Page"), link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content_area>*'


url: '',
nextLink: '#blog-pager-older-link>a',
pageElement: 'div.container>div.SL>*',
noDesignMode: true

99Express Cars Blog | 99Express Bikes | 99Express Fashion

url: 'http://(cars|bikes|fashion)',
nextLink: '#blog-pager-older-link>a',
pageElement: '#main>div.Blog>*'

Aaron Weyenberg

url: '',
nextLink: 'li.prev>a',
pageElement: 'div[class="grid_10 omega"]>*'

Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials

url: '',
nextLink: 'li.pager-next>a',
pageElement: '#main>*'

Adam Oliver’s Blog

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#maincontent>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'li.pager-next>a',
pageElement: 'div.l-main>div.l-left>*'

amanaimages | ストックフォト・写真素材のアマナイメージズ

url: '|index).aspx',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="btn-004.gif"])',
pageElement: 'td[width=156]+td>table' カスタマーレビュー:

url: '[^/]+/',
nextLink: 'span.on+a',
pageElement: 'table.CMheadingBar~*:not(#SponsoredLinksCustomerMediaPage)'

Amazon おすすめ商品

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="more-results-s._V45730852_.gif"])',
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pageElement: 'div.ys' 本のベストセラー

url: '',
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Amazon ベストセラー(新)

url: '[^/]+/',
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Amazon ベストセラー

url: '',
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pageElement: 'td:has(.zg_feature)>*:not(#cdZgTeaser)'

Amazon wishlist

nextLink:'form:last a:contains("Next"),form:last a:contains("次")'

Amazon 検索結果

url: 'http?://.*',
nextLink: '#pagnNextLink',
pageElement: '#atfResults, #btfResults'

aNieto2K | Desarrollo web, Wordpress, y alguna cosilla más

url: '',
nextLink: 'strong.previous>a',
pageElement: '#main>*'

AppBank - おすすめiPhoneアプリとiPod touchゲーム

url: '',
nextLink: 'p.previous>a, span.current+a',
pageElement: '#contentleft>*:not(:has(.wp-pagenavi):first)'

Back to Essentials

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#left-column>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next Page")',
pageElement: '#c_content>#post_entry>*'

Best Web Gallery - Flash + CSS Gallery

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#left-col>*'

Bike EXIF | Loud Pipes Save Lives

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.nav-previous>a',
pageElement: '#content>*'

BlendFu - anything to blend here ? a mix and match of resources, plus search! :-)

url: '',
nextLink: 'a[rel=next]',
pageElement: 'div.main-content>div.pagination~*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'p.older>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*'

Brothersoft - Free software download,Over 100000 software free downloads

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.pages>span+a, table.pageli>tbody>tr>td>b+a',
pageElement: 'div.content-l>div.pages~*, div.the1>div:has(iframe)~*' - フリーソフト・シェアウェアのダウンロード

url: 'http://(jp|fr|de|es|ru)',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次の"), a:has(img[src$="button-next.gif"])',
pageElement: 'div.content>div.content-r>*'

Build Internet! | Web Design, Development, and Business

url: '',
nextLink: 'li.active_page+li>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'span.this-page+a',
pageElement: '#content>#maincontent>*'

Carbonmade : Your online portfolio.

url: '',
nextLink: 'a[title="Go to Next Page"]',
pageElement: '#contentCon>#left>*'

Caschys Blog - Software und mein Leben nebenher. Live aus Bremerhaven.

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#main>#content>div'

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#centercol>*'

CeeSeS | We are the BalkaniCSS!

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Sljed")',
pageElement: '#container>div.row>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'a[rel=next]',
pageElement: 'div.bg_box>div.item_list_num~*'

CNET News - Technology News| - Free Software Downloads and Reviews

url: 'http://(news.cnet|',
nextLink: 'li:has(a.youAreHere)+li>a',
pageElement: '#contentMain>#contentBody>*:not(.bidwar)'


url: 'http://(www.)?',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next")',
pageElement: '#box-showcase>#gall-file'


url: '[0-9]+/',
nextLink: 'div.pager>strong+a',
pageElement: '#content>*'

Craving Search

url: '\\?',
pageElement: 'div.background_box',
nextLink: 'table.search_navi_inner td.now_page+td>a'

Craving Search - 動画ランキング TOP 100

url: '',
nextLink: '>a',
pageElement: 'div.rank_zapbox>div.rank_zap>*'

Craving Explorer Developer's Blog

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel="prev bookmark"]',
pageElement: '#alpha-inner>*'

CrazyLeaf Design Blog - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: 'div.wpn_left>*'

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#wrapper>#content>*' | Crestock Stock Photos Design and Photography Blog

url: '',
nextLink: '#ctl00_cphMainContent_lnkNext',
pageElement: 'td.blog_content>div.blog_body>*' | Popular Royalty Free Images at Crestock Stock Photos

url: '',
nextLink: '#ctl00_cphMainContent_lnkNext2',
pageElement: 'td.contentcenter>div'


url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
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Css and Web Design Community News

url: '',
nextLink: '#pagination>span:not(:contains("..."))+a',
pageElement: '#content>#main>*'

CSS Based Web Design Gallery - Designers love nature!

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next"), li.empty+li>a',
pageElement: '#main-body>div.sites>*, #main-body>>*'

CSSBloom | CSS Gallery

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, a:contains("Previous Entries")',
pageElement: '#content>#main>*'

CSSclip | web design inspiration and gallery

url: '|resources)/',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#maincontent>div.maincontent_inner>*'

CSS Collection | Showcasing CSS Websites.

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Older Entries")',
pageElement: '#body>#alpha>*'

CSS Drive- Categorized CSS gallery and examples.

url: '|resources-cat)/.+/',
nextLink: 'div.pagination>b+a',
pageElement: 'div.content-sub>div.pagination~*, div.contentinner>h1.theme~*' - CSS Gallery » Showcasing the best in CSS web design and development.

url: '|resources)',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: 'div.central div.wp-pagenavi~*'

CSS Flavor - Gallery of Best CSS Design Websites

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.last+a',
pageElement: 'div.container_bg>div.container_middle>*'

CSS Gallery | CSS Showcase | XHTML/CSS Website Gallery | CSS Impress

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="next_button.jpg"])',
pageElement: '#container>#content>*'

CSS Gallery Web Design Gallery For Inspiration

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Previous")',
pageElement: '#container>#content>*'

CSS Gallery | Website Design

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.this-page+a',
pageElement: '#wrap>#content>*'

CSS Import™ | The CSS Gallery

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next")',
pageElement: '#content>#gallery>*'

CSS Inspirace

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("star")',
pageElement: '#container>#content>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'div.links>b+a',
pageElement: '#lvl-3>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Older Articles"), link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content-area>*'

CSS Vault » The Web's CSS Gallery & Site

url: '[0-9]+|resources|blog)/',
nextLink: 'a.current+a, div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: 'div.content>*'

Days on the Moon

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次>>")',
pageElement: '#center>#main>#navi-top~*'

Design Inspiration + Visual Art Inspiration | Designflavr

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#maincontent>#leftcolumn>*' - Articles and Resources for Web Designers

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#main>*'

Design Shack | CSS Gallery, News, Tutorials & Community

url: '|community|articles)',
nextLink: 'div.gallerypages>b+a, a:contains("Older Entries")',
pageElement: '#middlecolgal>*, #middlecollarge>*'

Design Snack / The design showcase that you control / CSS, XHTML and Flash Inspiration Gallery

url: '',
nextLink: 'li.selected+li>a',
pageElement: '#left>#showcase, #left>#showcase+div'

DESIGNwalker max

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#content>#main>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次の")',
pageElement: '#contentBox>#headline, #contentBox>#pageBar'

Devthought - JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, PHP, Symfony, Wordpress and all the stuff you love

url: '|tag|page)/.+/',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#content>div.posts-listing>*'

Digital Camera Product Reviews: Digital Photography Review

url: '|previews)/.+/',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next >")',
pageElement: '#container_rc>#content>*'

digital hole

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#content>#main>*'

Discover Magazine | Discover Blogs

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#mainContentInnerNoBorder>div.content>*'

DISCOVER Magazine | Science Photography | Galleries

url: '',
nextLink: '>a',
pageElement: '#mainContentInner div.content>*' - In fun we trust! Pictures, photos, videos, flash, games, celebs, hot stuff

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(span#right_span)',
pageElement: '#dle-content>*'

download PSD - Download Free PSD

url: 'http://(www.)?',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#left-inside>*'

Download Squad

url: '',
nextLink: '',
pageElement: '#content>*'

*drawlogic - interactive and game development technologies for the web

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#page>#content>*:not(:has(iframe)):not(:contains("Your Ad Here"))'

Dzine Blog | Design inspiration and Resources

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#columns>.col1>*'

Eight7Teen - The web design/development blog, and css menu showcase of Josh Jones.

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, a:contains("Previous Entries")',
pageElement: '#left-div>#left-inside>*'

Enjoy! スマートフォンブログ★ウィルコムのスマフォン情報~WILLCOM 03、Advanced/W-ZERO3[es]など

url: '[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+.php',
nextLink: 'a:contains("前へ")',
pageElement: '#alpha>#alpha-inner>*'

Existing Visual

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#left>#content>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'span.nextText>a',
pageElement: '#main-contents>#channel-block>*'

FAZED - Until the weekend heals us

url: '',
nextLink: 'li.pagination-cellsel+li>a',
pageElement: '#content>*'

Free Download Vector,PSD,FLASH,

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.plist>strong+a',
pageElement: 'div.right_home_right>div.cont1>*'

Free fonts | Download fonts

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.pages>b:not(:contains("Select page: "))+a',
pageElement: '#paging_wrap>div.pages~*'

Freelance Advice and Freelance Jobs - FreelanceSwitch

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#main>#content>*'

Free Photoshop,PSD Files, Action,Shapes,Styles,Buttons at

url: '',
nextLink: 'strong.on+a',
pageElement: '#content>*'

Free PSD Resources -

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next")',
pageElement: '#content>tbody>tr>td.articleBg>*'

freesound :: home page

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains(">>")',
pageElement: '#main>*'

Freeware Files - Free Software Downloads

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("NEXT")',
pageElement: '#AutoNumber3>tbody>tr>td[width=418]>div:gt-last(2)'

FreewareGeeks - We try to mantain true freeware!

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="arrow_right.png"])',
pageElement: 'body>table:last>tbody>tr:nth-last(1)>td:nth-last(1)>table:gt-last(2)' | Best Freeware Reviews and Downloads

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: 'div:has(#navigation):last>*'

Free Web Resources - Web Resources Depot

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: 'div.leftWrap>*'

frogx three | Blog de diseño y desarrollo web

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.left>a',
pageElement: '#cuerpo>#main>*'

F's Garage

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*:not(#sidemenu)'

fudgegraphics | for lovers

url: '',
nextLink: 'li.active_page+li>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*'

Function Web Design & Development [ Blog ]

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.pagination-older>a',
pageElement: '#left-back>*' - The Source For Video Game Media

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next")',
pageElement: 'div.page_content>div:not(.rightthin_content)>*:not(iframe)'

url: 'http://www.(garbagenews|gamenews|jgnn).(net||com)/',
nextLink: 'a[rel=next], a:contains("前記事"), link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#center>.content, #center2>.content'

Ghacks Technology News

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: 'div.main>*'

Gist - GitHub

url: '',
nextLink: 'a[hotkey="l"]',
pageElement: 'div.main>*'

GLOBIS.JP | グロービスがビジネスパーソンに贈る経営情報誌

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.onpage+a',
pageElement: '#contentsBlock>*:not(.channelbg)'

goo ニュース

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次のページ→")',
pageElement: '#incontents>div.arcticle>*'

Gran Angular Blog

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#content>#content_posts_wrapper>*'

Graphic Rating | Web Design, Website Rating, Website Performance, Wordpress

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Older Posts")',
pageElement: '#body>#content>*'

GUI Championships » THE International Skinning and UI Competition!

url: '',
nextLink: '',
pageElement: 'div.left>>*'

hicksdesign / journal

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="older.png"])',
pageElement: '#content>div.primary>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#page>#content>*'

HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="next_page.gif"])',
pageElement: '#content>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(span.nav-previous)',
pageElement: '#content>*' - Professional Stock Logos

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next")',
pageElement: '#center>*'


url: 'http://www.(ideaxidea|simplexsimple).com/',
nextLink: 'li.older>a',
pageElement: '#main>*:not(.topicPath:first)'

iGoogle - Add gadgets to your homepage/Add themes to your homepage

url: '',
nextLink: 'p.pagelinks>b+a',
pageElement: 'div.page_table>div.main_content>*'

I love Typography (iLT), devoted to fonts, typefaces and all things typographical

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#mainCol>*'

IMEEM - what's on your playlist?

url: '',
nextLink: 'a.ActiveFilter+a',
pageElement: 'div.RightColumn>*'

Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current-page+a',
pageElement: '#centercontent>*:not(:has(div#google_ads_div__explore))'

iPhone・iPod touch ラボ

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains(次へ), link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#main>div.inner>*'

iTechMax - Softwares, Technology, Blogging

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.left>a, div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#wrapper>#content>*'


url: '|voice)/(news|blog)ranking/',
nextLink: '#izaRankRanging1>ol>li:has(span)+li>a, ol.rank_links>li>a',
pageElement: '#izaListWithRankRange, #izaRankRanging2'

iZa:イザ!:ニュース一覧 | ブログ一覧 |ブックマーク一覧 |イザ語一覧

url: '|voice|bookmark|izaword)/.+',
nextLink: 'li.page_number:has(span)+li>a',
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url: '',
nextLink: 'span.paging_guide_next>a, #entry_nan_hd>p:first>a',
pageElement: '#navigator_frame~*'

iZa:イザ!:女子部 [仮] - おしゃれ通信 | 教えて!専門家 | イザにゃん

url: '',
nextLink: 'span[class^=paging_navi_current]+span>a',
pageElement: '#leftside>*'

iZa:イザ!:女子部 [仮] - みんなの恋愛テクニック

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次の20件>>"), a:has(img[src$="prev.gif"])',
pageElement: '#leftside_date2>*'

Jack Rebel dot Com - Wallpapers, Icons, GUI Styles and More

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next Page")',
pageElement: '#contentwrapper>*'

Japan Probe

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#content>*'

John Resig - JavaScript, Programming, and Web Applications

url: '|projects)/',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Previous entries")',
pageElement: '#body>div.wrap>*'


url: '',
nextLink: '#blog-pager-older-link>a',
pageElement: '#main>#Blog1>*'

jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Previous Entries"), span.previous>a',
pageElement: '#content>#innerwrapper>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'span.idx+a',
pageElement: 'table.main>tbody>tr>td.left>div.idx~*'

Lang-8 - Multi-lingual language learning and language exchange

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.pagerRelative>a:contains(">>")',
pageElement: '#Left>*:not(.searchFormBox)'

Lang-8 - Members

url: '[0-9]+/.+',
nextLink: 'a.pager_next',
pageElement: '#Center>*'

Lang-8 - Groups

url: '',
nextLink: '>a',
pageElement: '#Center>*:not(.searchFormBox)'

Levitation Design

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#wrapper>#content>*'

livedoor スポーツ - 写真ギャラリー

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.nombre>strong+a',
pageElement: '*'

Logo Design Love

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next page")',
pageElement: '#mid>#mainCol>*'

Logofi - A New Experience of Logo Design Inspiration

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.next_page>a',
pageElement: '#container>*'

Lucky bag::blog

url: '[0-9]+/[0-9]+/',
nextLink: 'dl.subNav>dd>ul>li>a',
pageElement: '#center>div.content>*'

Men and Cats

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#content>*'

MephoBox | Web Design and Web Inspiration

url: '',
nextLink: 'strong.pager-current+a, div.previous_node>a',
pageElement: '#middle-content>*, #left-content>*'

mF247 - エピソード2公開記念 特別メッセージ

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="next_off.jpg"])',
pageElement: '#privacypolicy>div.section>*'

MOCO Video-YouTube日本語タグ化アグリゲーター

url: 'http://(www|w10)|search|channel).php',
nextLink: 'div.pagenav_right>p>a',
pageElement: '#content>#leftcon>*, #content>#con_full>*'

My3W | CSS Genius

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, p[align=right]>a',
pageElement: '#wrap>#main>*'

MyFonts : Find, try, buy and download fonts online

url: '',
nextLink: 'td[align=right]>b>a',
pageElement: 'table[width=645]>tbody>tr>td[width=560]>*'

National Geographic - Inspiring People to Care About the Planet

url: '[0-9]+/[0-9]+/photogalleries/.+',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next >>")',
pageElement: '#content-center-well>div.photoGalleryImage'

National Geographic News | Daily Nature and Science News and Headlines

url: '[^/]+.html',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next >>")',
pageElement: 'div.centerContentWell>*'

netzfruehling, CSS Showcase

url: '',
nextLink: '#lcPaginate>b+a',
pageElement: '#lineContent>#lcScreening>*'


url: 'http://www.(notcot|notcouture|liqurious).(org|com)/',
nextLink: '#older, a:contains("... SEE MORE POSTS!"),
 link[rel=prev], a[href*="page"]:contains("NEXT")',
pageElement: '#contentwrap>*, #main>*',
remainHeight: 400


url: '',
nextLink: 'div.navigation>span:last>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#main>*:not()'

One Pixel Army: Web Design Inspiration

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#page>#content>*'

Packaging of the World - Packaging Design Archive in a Package

url: '',
nextLink: '#Blog1_blog-pager-older-link, span.showpagePoint+span>a',
pageElement: '#Blog1>*'


url: '[^/]+/index.php',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次のページへ"), a:contains("次を表示")',
pageElement: '#left>#list, #left>#blockBacknumber'

Pakila - ソーシャルネットワーキングサ-ビス「Pakila(パキラ)」

url: '|blognew).php',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次を表示")',
pageElement: '#blockBacknumber~*'

Perfection : Design Gallery

url: '',
nextLink: 'p.pages>span+a',
pageElement: '#wrap>#content>*'

Pet Tube

url: '|channel_detail).php',
nextLink: 'a:contains("NEXT")',
pageElement: '#stage>table[width=900]'

Photoshop Freebies

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#content>div.article, #content>div.navigation'

phpLiveDocx - Generate PDF, DOCX, DOC & RTF with PHP

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Previous Entries"), a:contains("Older Entries")',
pageElement: '#mainarea>#contentarea>*'


url: '|tag_cloud)/',
nextLink: 'li:has(>a',
pageElement: '#main>#main_in680>*'

Picsearch - Image Search for pictures and images

url: '',
nextLink: 'td.yl>b+a,>b+a',
pageElement: 'p>table.sug+table, p>'

Playground Blues

url: '',
nextLink: 'a.older',
pageElement: '#body>div.content>*'

PSDVIBE - Tutorials and Resources

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignright>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#left_column>*'

PV.M Garage | Web Development & Design per passione

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '>*'

QBrushes - Quality Brushes for Photoshop | QVectors - Quality Free Vector Graphics

url: 'http://(qbrushes|qvectors).com/',
nextLink: 'strong.on+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*:not(#top5,.top5)'

QBrushes | QVectors - The Blog

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.previous-entries>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*' - Get inspired!

url: '',
nextLink: '',
pageElement: '#col1>*'

» screenfluent | the web's most favorite collection for zeitgeist of screen design

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.fbthispage+a',
pageElement: '#page #containernavi~*'

ScreenToaster - Search videos

url: '',
nextLink: '>span+a',
pageElement: '#searchResults>*' - Free Seamless Textures

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next →")',
pageElement: '#content>div:not(#sidebar)' [検索プラグイン配布]

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.navi_up+a',
pageElement: '#midright1>*'

Six Revisions - Web Development and Design Information

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*'

Sizlopedia - All about web and technology

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*'

Smashing Apps - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.nav-next>a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#content>*'

SourceForge.JP: Open Source Project News List

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("[古い10件 >>]")',
pageElement: '#news-headlines>*'

SourceForge.JP: New File Releases

url: '',
nextLink: 'td[align=right]>strong>a',
pageElement: '#main-content>table'

SourceForge.JP: Software Map

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次へ >>")',
pageElement: '#main-content>div.toggle-all~*'

SourceForge.JP Magazine 記事

url: '[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+',
nextLink: 'span.this-page+a',
pageElement: 'div.article>#article-body, div.article>div.pagemenu'

SourceForge.JP Magazine 検索

url: '',
nextLink: '',
pageElement: '#magazine-search-page>#search-result>*'

Speckyboy Design Magazine

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#contentmiddle>*'

Spoonfed Design - Design Tips, Tutorials, and Inspirations

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#content>*'

Stickam JAPAN! - 無料のライブカメラコミュニティ スティッカム

url: '|search)/.+',
nextLink: 'li.nowPage+li>a',
pageElement: '#mainContents>*' - Funny Videos, Funny Video Clips, Home Videos and Stupid

url: '|flash_games|pictures|members)/',
nextLink: '#pag>font.pag_text>b+a',
pageElement: '#Browse>#CCol>*, #MemberBrowse>#CCol>*'

Style Grind · Daily Web Tech, AJAX and CSS News

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#content>#news>*:not(#copyright)'

StyleShare for Sleipnir

url: '[0-9]+.html',
nextLink: 'a:contains("NEXT:"), a:contains("Next:")',
pageElement: '#mainbody'

Submit Css | Showcasing only great design

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#content>#gallery-container>*'

teacup. 動画検索

url: '',
nextLink: '',
pageElement: '#search-video>div'


url: 'http://[0-9][^/]+/bbs',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次のページ")',
insertBefore: 'body>center:last+*',
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url: '[^/]+/',
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TechCult - Categories

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: 'div.content>div[class="column one"]>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#wrap>#content>*'

The Art of Adam Betts

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#main>#content>*'

The Spanner - A tool for designers dealing with programmers dealing with designers…

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.nav-previous>a',
pageElement: '#content>div.hfeed>*'

The Wojo Group

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.left>a',
pageElement: '#blog>#main>*' - News Photos - News Pictures - Photo Essays - Interactive Graphics

url: '|graphics)',
nextLink: '>a',
pageElement: '#photosAll>*:not(#quigoSpecials, #paginationWrap)' - News articles and special reports of current events

url: '|10questions|postcards-from)',
nextLink: '>a',
pageElement: '#specialsAll>*:not(#quigoSpecials, #paginationWrap)'

TinEye Reverse Image Search

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#result_images, #pag_bottom'

[to-R]JavaScriptやSEO対策、CSS、Movable Typeなどの情報を発信

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#main>*'

Tucows Download

url: '|search).html',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next")',
pageElement: 'div.Left>#frmSearch~*'

twicco ついっこ

url: '|words|compasses)',
nextLink: '>a',
pageElement: '#main>div.main>*'

twitter検索 (yats)

url: '',
pageElement: 'table',
nextLink: 'div.yui-g>p:last>a[rel="next"]'

Unreality - Your Online Portal for Movies, TV, Video Games and Unreal Stuff

url: '',
nextLink: 'a[href*="page"]:contains("Next")',
pageElement: '#left>*' Power ups for your browser

url: '',
nextLink: 'a.next_page',
pageElement: '#content>div.pagination~*'

Vandelay Design Blog | Web Design Blog

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#main>*'

Vector:ソフトウェア・ライブラリ&PCショップ - 検索結果

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains(">>次の")',
pageElement: 'basefont>div:has(a:contains(">>次の"))~*:not(div:last)'

Veerle's blog 2.0 - Webdesign - XHTML CSS | Graphic Design

url: '',
nextLink: '#content-primary>p>strong+a',
pageElement: '#content-primary>*'

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("More Icons"), a:contains("Next")',
pageElement: '#wrapper>#contentMain>*:not(#rightColumn)'

Visual-Blast Media

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#page>#content>*' - Desktop Wallpapers | Wallpaper Clocks

url: '|wallpaperclock)/',
nextLink: 'a.nav_b_next',
pageElement: '>div.maincolumn>*' - Blog |

url: '',
nextLink: 'a.nav_b_next',
pageElement: '>div.leftcolumn>*'

W3C Sites - Web sites created by designers that conform with W3C standards

url: '',
nextLink: 'ol.pageno>li:has(strong)+li>a',
pageElement: '#page>#midcontent>*'

W3C Sites - Sites Submitted

url: '',
nextLink: 'ol.pageno>li:has(strong)+li>a',
pageElement: '#maincontent>#leftcontent>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'span#pinactive+a',
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Wannahaves International - Gadgets, Games, Lifestyle, Video

url: 'http://(.+)',
nextLink: 'a.current+a',
pageElement: 'div.teaser-block>*'

Web Design Inspiration, CSS Gallery and Video Review Podcast -

url: '|podcast|interviews|news)/',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
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Welcome - Weebl's Stuff

url: '',
nextLink: 'p.listing-paging>a:has(strong)+a',
pageElement: '#content>#content-left>*'

WellMedicated // Web Design Overdose

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a',
pageElement: '#page>#content>*'

Within Windows

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.align-left>a',
pageElement: '#outer>#ziplock>*'

Witty Sparks - Ignite Your Thoughts - WittySparks

url: '|tag|2006|2007|2008|2009)/',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#contents-b>#content-b>div.wp-pagenavi~*'

WittySparks - Videos

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#videobuzzSP>#bodyDiv>form[name=searchForm]~*'

WPZOOM - Free & Premium WordPress Themes

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#articles>*'

Wuapi: your life in high definition

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("Next")',
pageElement: '#container>#fullside>*'

Wuapi: your life in high definition - Categories

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("next")',
pageElement: '#container>#leftside>*'


url: '',
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Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.this-page+a, div.floatright>a',
pageElement: '#contentbody>*'

yappr - Learn English by watching videos

url: '',
nextLink: 'a.pactive+a',
pageElement: '#videoListContainer>*'

ZDNet Japan - 競争力向上にITを活用するすべての企業へ(仮)

url: '*,[0-9]+.htm',
nextLink: '',
pageElement: '#block_story, div.pages'

ZDNet Japan - 競争力向上にITを活用するすべての企業へ

url: '*,[0-9]+.htm',
nextLink: '',
pageElement: 'div.style_block1>div.article_body, div.style_block1>div.pages'

ziolog | 人生デッドロック

url: '',
nextLink: 'a[id$="_hlPrev"]',
pageElement: '#content>#banner~*'


url: 'http://(s-io|upload[0-9]).dyndns.(tv|org)/up/[0-9]/_/',
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pageElement: 'body>table.file, body>table.file+div.page_info'


url: '',
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新s あらたにす(日経・朝日・読売):新聞案内人

url: '',
nextLink: 'li.on+li>a',
pageElement: '#mclBg>#annainin>*:not(.kizilink):not(.cmL):not(#komentIchiran)'

安心の通販サイト NTT-X Store

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="arrow_next.gif"])',
pageElement: 'td[width=602]>div[align=right]~*'

うごメモはてな - みんなの作品|チャンネル|作者検索|検索

url: '|channels|users|search)',
nextLink: 'a:has(span.right-arrow-btn)',
pageElement: '#memo-navigation-top~*'

エキサイト 翻訳 - 公開テキスト翻訳

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: 'div.world_contents>form#form~*'

おもろーTV動画ちゃんねる - お笑い&バラエティ番組秘密のコレクション

url: '',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#main #content>*'


url: '|library)/.+',
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クックパッド - カテゴリ(レシピ|つくれぽ)

url: '[0-9]+/(recipe|tsukurepo)',
nextLink: 'a[rel=next]',
pageElement: '#one-col>*:not(#category_main)'

クックパッド - 新着(レシピ|つくれぽ)

url: '|tsukurepo)/recent',
nextLink: 'a[rel=next]',
pageElement: '#one-col>*'


url: '[0-9]+',
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url: '[^/]+',
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クックパッド - 検索(仮)

url: '[^/]+/+',
nextLink: 'a[rel=next]',
pageElement: '#one-col>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'div.alignleft>a, link[rel=prev]',
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【ぐるなびSearch】 検索結果

url: '',
nextLink: '>a',
pageElement: '#Main>*'

【ぐるなびレシピ】 検索結果

url: '',
nextLink: '',
pageElement: 'td:has(#list)>*'

月刊4B[フォー・ビー] 忙しいサラリーマンへ、情熱と癒やしを。

url: '[0-9]+/.+/page[0-9]/',
nextLink: 'span.pageRight>a',
pageElement: '#main>div.whitebox>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'li:contains("HOME | ")+li>a, li:contains("ホーム | ")+li>a',
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ココログ - 611GCM

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#beta-inner>*'

ココログ - i-Radio: cocolog

url: 'ht//tp://',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: 'div.content>*'

ココログ - [mi]みたいもん!

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#left>div.content>*'

ココログ - yko1998のブログ

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#beta-inner>*'

ココログ - 切込隊長BLOG(ブログ) Lead‐off man's Blog

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: 'div.content>*'

ココログ - 計画立てずに想定外

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#beta-inner>*'

ココログ - コンタンのブログ

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#alpha-inner>.content-nav~*'

ココログ - タイトル未定っす

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#alpha-inner>*'

ココログ - 日々平凡

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#alpha-inner>*'

ココログ - フランスねこのNews Watching

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#beta-inner>*'

ココログ - 風柳亭 - 別館:書庫のある庵 -

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel="prev"], a:contains("back")',
pageElement: '#center>div.content>*'

ココログ - リアルタイムアンケートまんが

url: 'ht//tp://',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: 'div.content>*'

ココログ - レビューブロガーによるレビューブログ:WADA-blog(わだぶろぐ)

url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: '#main>*'

ココログ ↓試験運用

url: 'http://.+.(cocolog|tea|way)',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
pageElement: 'div:has(.content):last>*'


 url: '',
 nextLink: '.entry-nav a:first',
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url: '',
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ザ・ペットファイル (動物専門、おもしろ画像や動画を紹介)

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:contains("次へ")',
pageElement: 'td.table_main>*'

社長名鑑| 社長の価値観から年収・給与水準まで!上場企業情報サイト

url: '',
nextLink: 'div.pager>strong+a',
pageElement: '#search_result>div.contents02>div.paging_area~*'


url: '|search2).jsp',
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とれまがファイナンス - 著名人ブログ

url: '[^/]+/',
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pageElement: '#ccon>div.column1>*'

手書きイラストコミュニティ[drawr] - 最新の投稿 | 最新のスレッド

url: '|thread).php',
nextLink: 'p.left-food-link>a:contains("Older")',
pageElement: '#pixiv>div:has(.floleft)~*'

手書きイラストコミュニティ[drawr] - 手描きイラスト・日記

url: '[^.]+$|user.php)',
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pageElement: '#content>*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'div.PageBar>b+a',
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「デブネコぴや君」のPちゃんち /ウェブリブログ

url: '[0-9]+/.+.html',
nextLink: 'table.navi td[align=right]>a',
pageElement: '#blog>*'


url: '',
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[どらく] - 朝日新聞がビートルズ世代に贈る、こだわりエンタテインメントサイト

url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="btn_page_next.gif"])',
pageElement: '#contIdCont>*'

ニコニ・コモンズ - 投稿した作品一覧

url: '[0-9]+',
nextLink: 'a.arrow_next',
pageElement: '#index_left>#index_box_ti~*'


url: '',
nextLink: 'link[rel=prev]',
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ねこ鯖 nekoserver 鯖缶はたいへんだニャーの巻

url: '',
nextLink: '#page>ul>li:last>a',
pageElement: '#logs>*'

ビカム | ファッション の商品検索結果 / ウェブ検索結果

url: 'http://(fashion|search)',
nextLink: 'span.current+a',
pageElement: '#mainBlock>#contentsBlock>*:not(.sponsorBlock)'

百式(100SHIKI.COM) - 世界のアイディアを今日も明日も明後日も -

url: 'http://www.(100shiki|popxpop|valuexvalue).com/',
nextLink: 'p.nav_bar>a:first:not(:contains("メイン"))',
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url: '',
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ブログならteacup. AutoPage - 趣味や旅行のティーカップブログ

url: '',
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窓の杜 - アップデート情報

url: '[0-9]+.html',
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url: 'https?://',
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マンションの口コミ・評判も検索@マンションコミュニティ物件検索 - 掲示板一覧

url: '|board|thread)/.+',
nextLink: 'span.current+a, a:contains("次の")',
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url: '[0-9]+/',
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url: '',
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みんなの仕事場 - みんなで作るオフィス仕事場サイト

url: '',
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pageElement: '#wrapper_inner>div.div_c-1_03~*:not(#div_keyword_bottom)'


url: '',
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url: '',
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pageElement: '#KrecipeSearch>h2~*:not(table):not(form)'


url: '',
nextLink: 'a:has(img[src$="arrow_right.gif"])',
insertBefore: 'div.g-footer',
pageElement: 'body>div.pankuzu~*:not(div.g-footer)' 天下漫友是一家 - 搜索结果

url: '',
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pageElement: 'body>center>table:eq(3)' - 动画 | 音乐 | 游戏 | 娱乐 | 文章 | 专辑 |

url: '|music|game|ent|art|zj)/.+.html',
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优酷网 - 视频|专辑

url: '|v_showlist|playlist|playlist_show|playlist_showlist)/',
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PIXNET 痞客邦 - 搜尋

url: '|sb|sa)/.+',
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