ShackTac ArmA2 TTP2 Guide/Attachments/Weapons Company

Last-modified: 2013-03-03 (日) 05:17:59
ShackTac ArmA2 TTP2 Guide



About the Weapons Company

The Marine Weapons Company is a Battalion-level organization that carries the heaviest weapons of an infantry battalion. Organizationally, it is far above the level of the ShackTac Platoon, and we will only see small elements of it at any given time. Like the Weapons Platoon, the ShackTac Platoon will find itself attaching elements of the Weapons Company to it for specific missions.


The Weapons Company consists of the following platoons.

  • Mortar Platoon (8x 81mm mortars)
  • 迫撃砲小隊(8x 81mm迫撃砲)
  • Anti-Armor Platoon
  • 対戦車小隊
    • Anti-Tank (TOW) Section (8x TOW)
    • 対戦車(TOW)課(8x TOW)
    • Javelin Section (8x Javelins)
    • Javelin課(8x Javelins)
  • Heavy Machinegun Platoon
  • 重機関銃小隊
    • 6x M2 .50cal HMGs
    • 6x Mk19 40mm GMG
    • HMMWVs to mount the above on
    • HMMWV上に搭載

Weapons Company Roles

The different roles of the Weapons Company units are described in the following sections.

Javelin Anti-Tank Missile Team

The Javelin team wields the most deadly anti-tank infantry-carried weapon system in the Marine Corps. When heavy armor is expected, they are great assets to have attached to the platoon.

"A Javelin gunner searches out targets through the powerful optics"

About the Javelin

The Javelin is a fire-and-forget top-attack anti-tank missile system that uses an explosive formed penetrator (EFP) to kill tanks and other armored vehicles by striking them in their thin top armor.
Javelinは,薄い上部装甲を打つ事によって戦車と装甲車をだめにするのにexplosive formed penetrator (EFP)(爆発成形侵徹体)を使用する撃ち放し上部攻撃対戦車ミサイルシステムです。

"The Javelin assistant gunner observes a target as the gunner prepares to fire his missile"

The Javelin characteristics are as follows.

  • Fire-and-forget guided missile. Once the missile has been launched, the team can immediately take cover.
  • 撃ちっ放し誘導ミサイル。 ミサイルがいったん発射されると,チームはすぐに,隠れる事ができます。
  • Flight profile options ace2_banner_small.png. The Javelin gunner can choose to fire his missile in a high profile (arcing into the sky before coming down onto the target) or low profile (shoots up a bit above the target, but not as high as the high profile mode) attack mode. This allows him to avoid obstructions such as trees and the like which may otherwise risk the effectiveness of the missile, or to strike targets hiding under bridges and other obstacles.
  • 飛行姿勢選択 ace2_banner_small.png。Javelin砲手は,高姿勢(標的に落ちて来る前に,空中に弧をなす)か低姿勢(少し標的の上に打ち上げますが,高姿勢モードほど高いわけではない)攻撃方法でミサイルを発射するのを選ぶ事ができます。これで,ミサイルの有効性を危険にさらす,木や同様の物などの障害を避けるか,橋と他の障害の下に隠れてる標的に当てる事が可能です。
  • Extremely deadly EFP warhead. The explosively formed projectile that is the heart of the Javelin's killing power is extremely effective against enemy armor. Javelins are superb at killing enemy tanks.
  • 非常に致命的なEFP弾頭。 Javelinの殺傷力の中心である爆発成形弾は敵の装甲に対して非常に効果的です。Javelinは敵戦車殺害でずば抜けています。
  • Long range. The Javelin can be used out to about 2000 meters, giving it far more range than any other comparable infantry system.
  • 長射程。 Javelinを約2000メーター以上まで使用できます,いかなる他の匹敵する歩兵システムよりも遥かに多くの射程を与えます。
  • Soft-launch. The soft launch nature of the Javelin means that it can be fired from enclosures without risk to the team. Additionally, the soft-launch results in a lower visual signature (ie: backblast) than other AT weapons, making it hard to locate Javelin teams after they've fired. ace2_banner_small.png
  • 安全発射。 Javelinの安全発射性質は,囲いからチームへの危険無しで発射できる事を意味します。さらに,安全発射は他のAT兵器より低い目印(例:バックブラスト)の結果,発射した後に,Javelinチームの場所を見つけるのを困難にします。ace2_banner_small.png
  • Magnified optic. The Javelin sports a high-magnification, variable-power optic that can be used for target identification and post-shot battle damage assessment.
  • 光学照準。 Javelinは高倍率を誇り,可変電源照準は標的識別と次期発射損害査定に使用できます。
  • Reloadable. The Javelin system consists of a Command Launch Unit (CLU), which the missile system marries up to and uses for pre-launch guidance. Once a missile has been fired, the CLU can be detached and another missile loaded onto it.
  • 再装填可能。 JavelinシステムはCommand Launch Unit(発射指揮装置)(CLU)から成ります,ミサイルシステムと合わせ,打ち上げ前の誘導に使用します。ミサイルをいったん発射したら,CLUを取り外し,別のミサイルに装填する事ができます。
    "Javelin missile taking flight"

Javelin Team Organization & Responsibilities

Each Javelin team consists of two people - a gunner and assistant gunner.
それぞれのJavelinチームは2人から成ります - 砲手と補助砲手です。


Their responsibilities are as follows.

  • Gunner
  • 砲手
    • Senior member of the team.
    • チームの上級メンバー。
    • Carries the Javelin.
    • Javelinを携帯。
    • Picks the position from which the missile system will be employed.
    • ミサイルシステムを使う位置を選ぶ。
    • Engages targets and listens to his a-gunner's directions.
    • 彼の補助砲手の指示を聞き,標的と交戦。
    • Decides on the best engagement profile to use on the given target (high or direct).
    • 特定の標的に使用する中で最も良い交戦姿勢(高いか直接)を決める。
    • Exercises good judgment insofar as "What rates being destroyed by my weapon?", and preserves his round(s) when other AT assets are available to deal with lesser armor.
    • "私の兵器によって何を破壊したら効率が良い?"限りにおいて良い判断を働かして,他のAT財産が,低装甲に対処する為に利用可能である時に,彼の弾(s)を保存してください。
  • Assistant Gunner
  • 補助砲手
    • Junior member of the team.
    • チームの下位メンバー。
    • Equipped with binoculars, he carries an additional missile for the Javelin and acts as a spotter for the gunner.
    • 双眼鏡を装備して,Javelinの為に追加ロケットを運んで,砲手の為に監視人を務める。
    • Scans for, identifies, and prioritizes enemy armored targets.
    • 確認と優先する敵装甲標的を調べる。
    • Provides an additional Javelin missile to the gunner when the first has been expended.
    • 1発目を費やした時,追加Javelinミサイルを砲手に提供。
"The same shot, from a different angle"

Javelin Team Tips

  • Do not waste your missiles on light armored targets. AT4s and SMAWs can deal with light armor just fine - save the Javelin missiles for enemy main battle tanks or other high-priority threats.
  • 軽装甲の標的にミサイルを浪費しないでください。 AT4sとSMAWsは問題なく軽装甲に対処できます - 敵の主力戦闘戦車か他の最優先の脅威の為にJavelinミサイルを温存してください。
  • When not fighting armor, the Javelin's magnified optic can be used to assist the infantry in spotting concealed or distant targets.
  • 装甲車と戦闘していない時,Javelinの光学照準は隠れているか,遠い標的を探す歩兵の手伝いに使う事ができます。
  • Reload in cover. Fire from different positions each time, as the situation permits. Due to the soft launch nature of the rocket, your backblast will be hard for the enemy to locate.
  • 遮蔽物で再装填してください。 状況が許すなら,その都度異なった場所から発射してください。ロケットの安全発射性質の為,貴方のバックブラストは場所が敵に見つかりにくくするでしょう。
  • Know your flight profiles, and in what terrain they work best. Direct attack can be used when striking targets at the edges of woods, or those under bridges or with other obstacles in the path that would normally be taken by the top-attack profile.
  • 貴方の飛行姿勢とどんな地形でうまくいくかを知ってください。 通常,上部攻撃姿勢によって捕らえる経路で森の縁,または橋の下か他の障害の標的に当てる時,直接攻撃を使用できます。

Crew-Served Weapon (CSW) Team - M2, Mk19, TOW, 60 & 81mm Mortars

Crew-Served Weapons (CSWs) are heavy machineguns, mortars, grenade machineguns, anti-tank missile systems, and other weapons which require more than one person to carry around, deploy, and operate due to their bulk and weight.
Crew-Served Weapons(要員操作兵器)(CSWs)は重機関銃,迫撃砲,グレネード機関銃,対戦車ミサイルシステム,そして他の兵器のどちらも大きさと重さの為,持ち回り,配備,操作する為に一人以上必要とします。


These weapons typically break down into three components - the gun itself, the tripod to mount it on, and the ammo. A crew-served team consists of however many people are necessary to move the weapon and ammo around the battlefield. One person acts as the gunner (and carries the gun itself), another acts as the assistant gunner (carrying the tripod), while a third and potentially fourth and fifth haul around the ammo and act as security for the gun team.
これらの兵器は3つの構成部品に通常分解します - 銃自体,取り付ける三脚台,および弾薬です。多くの人々で成る要員操作チームは戦場周辺に兵器と弾薬を動かす為に必要です。一人は砲手を勤めます(そして重自体を携帯),他は補助砲手を勤めます(三脚台を携帯),三番目と,もしかすると4番目と5番目は,弾薬と周辺に引っ張り銃チームの為に警備を勤めます。


Crew-served weapons tend to be extremely powerful and can be effective in both the defense and offense when employed correctly. The following guidelines should help to ensure that these powerful weapons are in fact employed correctly.

".50cal M2 Browning Heavy Machinegun"

General "CSW" Team Organization & Responsibilities

A crew-served weapon team typically consists of a gunner, assistant, and ammo man. The exact responsibilities will differ based on the type of weapon it is, but their general responsibilities are as follows. Adapt the relevant guidelines for other teams (ie: M240, SMAW, mortar) where appropriate.
要員操作兵器チームは砲手,補助,と弾薬手から通常成ります。正確な責任は兵器のタイプに基づいて異なるでしょうが,総合責任は以下の通りです。充当した所で他のチーム(例: M240,SMAW,迫撃砲)の為の関連指標を適合させてください。

  • Gunner / Team Leader
  • 砲手/チームリーダー
    • Senior member of the team.
    • チームの上級メンバー。
    • Carries the main part of the CSW.
    • CSWの主要部品を携帯。
    • Chooses where to employ the CSW and directs the a-gunner to deploy the tripod accordingly.
    • どこでCSWを使うかを選んで,それに応じて,三脚台を配備するよう補助砲手に指示。
    • Responsible for relocating the CSW as required, in coordination with higher leadership.
    • 必要に応じてより高い指導力の協調でCSWを移動させる責任。
    • Engages targets and listens to his a-gunner's directions.
    • 彼の補助砲手の指示を聞き,標的と交戦。
  • Assistant Gunner
  • 補助砲手
    • Second in command of the team.
    • チームの副司令官。
    • Carries the tripod for the CSW as well as some additional ammo.
    • いくらかの追加弾薬と同様にCSWの為に三脚台を携帯。
    • Equipped with binoculars, he acts as a spotter for the gunner.
    • 双眼鏡を装備して,砲手の為に監視人を務める。
  • Ammo Man
  • 弾薬手
    • Junior member of the team
    • チームの下位メンバー
    • Ensures that the CSW is loaded and that ammo is available for reloading.
    • CSWを装填し弾薬を再装填可能にする事を確実にする。
    • Provides security for the gunner/a-gunner when not actively loading the CSW.
    • CSWに活発に装填していない時,砲手/補助砲手に警備を提供。

General Guidelines for a Crew-Served Team

  • Stick together. A heavy machinegun without a tripod to put it on is functionally worthless. The gunner & assistant gunner (who carry the weapon + tripod) should stick close together, with the ammo bearer(s) tagging along behind them.
  • 密着してください。 置く三脚台のない重機関銃は機能上価値がありません。弾薬運搬人(s)が後を付いて行き,砲手&補助砲手(兵器+三脚台携帯)は互いに密着しなければなりません。
  • Know how to deploy/undeploy rapidly. The crew-served team is most vulnerable while emplacing the weapon or breaking it down. They may have to deploy or displace under fire or on short notice, so it is imperative that the crew be familiar with the process. The gunner removes the gun from the tripod, the assistant gunner takes the tripod, and the ammo bearers act according to the situation. Ammo bearers either provide cover fire for the gunner/a-gunner (if in contact or under fire) or pick up any spare ammunition at the site of the gun (if the situation allows for it - do not grab the ammo if it means you're going to get shot doing so).
  • 迅速な配備/配備解除の方法を知ってください。 要員操作チームは兵器を据え付けるか,ばらしている間,最も被害を受け易いです。彼らは攻撃を受けているか,突然の通知で,配備か,置き換えなければならないかもしれないので,乗組員が過程に詳しくなる事は必須です。砲手は三脚台から銃を取り外し,補助砲手は三脚台を取り,状況に従って,弾薬運搬人は行動します。弾薬運搬人は,砲手/補助砲手の為に(もし交戦か攻撃を受けているのなら)援護射撃するか,銃側のどんな予備弾薬も拾います(もし状況がそれを考慮するなら - もしそうする事が撃たれる事を意味するなら,弾薬をつかまないでください)。
  • The team leader decides on where to emplace the gun, and he coordinates with higher leadership (ie squad or platoon leader) to get his crew-served teams set up where they can best support the platoon. He should pick spots from which the weapon can have a good influence on the battlefield without being too exposed to the enemy. Positioning on a prominent, visible terrain feature tends to get crew-served teams wiped out.
  • "チームリーダー"は,どこで銃を据え付けるかを決め,彼は小隊を最もよく支援できる所に彼の要員操作チームを設置させる為に,より高い指導力(例 分隊か小隊長)で調整します。 彼は兵器が戦場で敵にあまり露出せずに良い影響を与える事ができる場所を選ぶべきです。際立って,目立つ地形での位置決めは,全滅要員操作チームを出す傾向があります。
  • When deployed, the ammo bearers act as security for the crew-served weapon. They should "ground" (drop) some ammo for the two-man gunner/assistant gunner team, then move to positions from which they can protect their gun team.
  • 配備した時,弾薬運搬人は要員操作兵器の為に警備に勤めてください。 2人の砲手/補助砲手チームの為にいくらかの弾薬を"地面に置き"(drop),次に,銃チームを保護できる所定の位置に移動するべきです。

Man-portable crew-served weapons will be a introduced in the Advanced Combat Environment 2 mod. 'Static' varieties exist in ArmA2 out of the box, but cannot be moved around. It is anticipated that ace2_banner_small.png will introduce the ability to move deployed weapons around while they're assembled - proof-of-concept work has already been done on this, infact.
個人携帯要員操作兵器はAdvanced Combat Environment 2 modで紹介するでしょう。ArmA2の'Static'種類に存在し出す事ができますが,ほとんど動かす事ができません。ace2_banner_small.pngが組み立てられている間に地面に配備された兵器を動かす能力を導入すると予期されます - 事実,概念立証で既に動いています。

"Tripod-based TOW missile system.
The main advantage of the TOW missile over the Javelin is
that it has approximately two times the range of a Javelin
- almost 4 kilometers. "

Javelinの射程の約2倍 - およそ4キロメートルという事です。"};};

Mortar Squad (81mm)

The main difference between the 60 and 81mm mortars lies in their terminal effects. The 81mm mortar fires a significantly more powerful shell, causing greater damage upon detonation.

"81mm mortars set up to support an infantry assault"

The 81mm mortar is also significantly heavier than the 60mm mortar and requires more effort to transport around the battlefield. They will often end up carried in HMMWVs and other vehicles, with minimal 'foot marching' occurring. This is in contrast to the 60mm mortar, which can fairly easily be man-transported over the battlefield.


Other than these differences, the mortar squad and 60mm mortar team are virtually identical. The 81mm Mortar Squad uses the 60mm mortar and Crew-Served Weapon guidance as their baseline.

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