
Last-modified: 2010-10-25 (月) 14:52:17


BERCon ArmA 2BERCon GUI Tool

Dedicated serverへの導入方法

All you have to do to enable it is creating a BEServer.cfg file in your BattlEye working directory (in the application data / profiles / BEpath folder, not the install folder) with a line containing "RConPassword [password]" (without [] of course) and (re-)start your ArmA 2 server. That's it. No need to open an additional port in your firewall or anything.


You can put "MaxPing [ping]" in your BE Server config file, which causes all players exceeding this limit to be kicked from the server.


the best way to define BattlEye working directory is:
start server -profiles=server1 or -profiles=mygameserver
the Battleye workin directory is then in your ArmA2\server or \mygameserver folder.
Or use -BEpath= if you don't specify a -profiles= folder.
If neither is used the default working directory is "C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2\BattlEye".

BERCon Tool

You can now easily connect with the BE RCon tool using the server's IP address, its usual game port and the specified RCon password. Note that this can be done by multiple admins at the same time (unlike ArmA 2's in-game admin feature). When logged in, you can enter BE Server commands and ArmA 2 server commands prefixed with #. In addition you will see all BE Server messages (like information about new players) live in the console.


To log out, simply type "logout". To quickly close the tool, type "exit".


A command to display all available BE Server commands will be added soon. The main commands for now are: "players" (display player list including BE GUIDs and pings), "kick [player#]" (kick a player, his # can be found in the player list), "RConPassword [password]" (change the RCon password), "MaxPing [ping]" (if a player has a higher ping, he will be kicked from the server).
More commands will follow over time.


You can use all ArmA 2 commands (prefixed with #).


To get a list of available commands on the server, simply type "commands".


The following commands are important:

  • kick [player#] [reason] - if reason is not specified the player will be kicked with "Kicked by admin"
  • ban [player#] [time in minutes] [reason] - if time is not specified or 0, the ban will be permanent; if reason is not specified the player will be kicked with "Banned"
  • banip = ban, except that it bans the player's IP address

Bans are written to guidbans.txt and ipbans.txt in your server's BE working directory and therefore will be saved even if the server restarts. Note that the ban files are only read on BE Server initialization, so bans can only be added via the RCon interface.
