Ground Stomp

Last-modified: 2011-09-18 (日) 00:23:27

Ground Stomp

Unlocked at level 8

  • Generate:15 Fury Cooldown:12sec
    Shake the ground to inflict 30% weapon damage to all enemies within 12 yards and stun them for 3 seconds. Only generates Fury if you hit an enemy.
    AlabasterDeafening Crash
    Enemies in the area are slowed for 10 - 12 seconds after they recover from being stunned.
    CrimsonTrembling Stomp
    Increase damage to 102% weapon damage.
    GoldenFoot of the Mountain
    Increase Fury gained to 43 Fury per stomp.
    IndigoWrenching Smash
    Increase the area of effect to 33 yards. Enemies are pulled closer before the strike lands.
    Enemies are knocked back 15 yards and inflict 175% weapon damage where they land.