Leap Attack

Last-modified: 2011-09-18 (日) 00:22:42

Leap Attack

Unlocked at level 6

  • Generate:15 Fury Cooldown:10sec
    Leap into the air, dealing 40% weapon damage to all enemies within 8 yards of your destination. Only generates Fury if you hit an enemy.
    AlabasterDeath from Above
    Land with such force that enemies suffer a 100% chance to become stunned for 3 seconds.
    CrimsonCall of Arreat
    Shockwaves burst forth from the ground at the destination and knock enemies toward the Barbarian from 45.0 yards away.
    GoldenIron Impact
    Gain 700% additional armor for 4 seconds after landing.
    IndigoToppling Impact
    Send enemies hurtling 6 yards into other nearby enemies who suffer 80% weapon damage and are pushed back in a chain up to 2 times.
    Jump into the air with such great force that enemies within 7.5 yards of the origin of the jump take 160% weapon damage.