
Last-modified: 2007-11-24 (土) 00:49:35


snes9xをLinuxで遊ぶための設定 by blaze

私は s9x.linuxc6.139.i386.tar.gz を使いました。


   $ tar xzvf s9x.linuxc6.139.i386.tar.gz


  snes9x   X Window System用
  osnes9x  X Window SystemでOpenGLを使う
  gsnes9x  X Window SystemでVoodoo対応
  ssnes9x  SVGA用エミュ本体
  s9xserver 通信対戦用サーバー(?)


  $ su (ようはrootでやれってこと)
  # chown root snes9x
  # chmod 4755 snes9x
  # exit


./roms に置くとよいでしょう。

   $ snes9x <パラメータ>



     error in loading shared libraries
     cannot open shared object file : No such file or directory


     自分のID   ALL=(ALL) ALL

を追加します。そして、xshared-4.1.0-10.i386.rpm などの、

    $ cd /usr/X11R6/lib/
    $ sudo ld --whole-archive -shared -o libXxf86vm.a
    $ sudo ld --whole-archive -shared -o libXxf86dga.a
    $ sudo ldconfig

これで起動できると思います。 $ snes9x <パラメータ>




*ROMのタイプは、*.smc, *.sfc, *.fig or *.1, *.2, or sf32xxxa,sf32xxxb


*S-RAMセーブは、通常 $HOME/.snes96_snapshots に保存されるが、環境変数



Keyboard Controls


'Escape' やめる
'Pause' or 'Scroll Lock' 一時停止
Alt+'f' or PrtSc フルスクリーンの切替え

Joy-pad 1:
'up' or 'u' # ここは分かるね
'down', 'j' or 'n' #
'left' or 'h' #
'right' or 'k' #
'a', 'v' or 'q' L ボタン
'z', 'b' or 'w' R ボタン
's', 'm' or 'e' X ボタン
'x', ',' or 'r' Y ボタン
'd', '.' or 't' A ボタン
'c', or 'y' B ボタン
'return' Start ボタン
'space' Select ボタン

'tab' ターボモードボタン

'0' H-DMA emulation の切替え
'1' background 1 の切替え
'2' background 2 の切替え
'3' background 3 の切替え
'4' background 4 の切替え
'5' スプライトの切替え
'6' コントローラー1と2交換
'7' Rotate between Multi-player 5, mouse on port

                       mouse on port 2 and SuperScope emulation.

'8' Toggle background layer priorities for

                       involved in sub-screen addition/subtraction.

'9' 16-bit screen mode のときは選ぶ。.
Shift+'9' SNES mode 7 bitフィルタリングの切替え
'Backspace' エミュのwindowsグラフィックの切替え.

'-' フレームスキップの速度低下
'+' フレームスキップの速度上昇


Shift+'-' フレームの表示時間の短縮.
Shift+'+' フレームの表示時間の延長


Shift+'F1-F10' 簡易セーブ(F1-F10はスロット)
'F1-F10' 簡易ロード F1-F10までで選んだ場所からロードする。
Alt or Ctrl+'F1' 音楽抽出?データは.spc

Alt/Ctrl+'F2' or 'F11' Load a game's saved position.
Alt/Ctrl+'F3' or 'F12' Save a game's position. (同様)

Alt/Ctrl+'F4' -> 'F11' サウンドチャンネルの切替え.
Alt/Ctrl+'F12' 全てのサウンドチャンネルを反転する。


           Lots of command line flags are available:

Graphics options:

  • tr or transparency (default: off)
      Enable transparency effects, also enables 16-bit screen mode selection.
      Transparency effects are automatically enabled if the depth of your X
      server is 15-bit or greater.
  • 16 or -sixteen (default: off)
      Enable 16-bit internal screen rendering, allows palette changes but no
      transparency effects.
  • hires or -hi (default: lo-res.)
      Enable support for SNES hi-res. and interlace modes. USE ONLY IF GAME
  • y or -interpolate (default: off)
      Enables 'TV mode', hires support, 16-bit internal rendering and
      transparency effects. TV mode scales the SNES image by x2 by inserting an
      extra blended pixel between each SNES pixel and 80% brightness
      between each horizontal line. The result looks very nice but needs a fast
      machine. Use with the full-screen X mode and a 15 or 16 depth X server,
      or the SVGA port for fastest operation.
  • y2 or -interpolate2
      Enable Kreed's Super 2xSaI image processing mode.
  • y3 or -interpolate3
      Enable Kreed's Super Eagle image processing mode.
  • y4 or -interpolate4
      Enable Kreed's 2xSaI image processing mode.
  • y5 or -interpolate5
      Enable Kreed's software bi-linear filtering and image scaling mode.
  • nms or -nomodeswitch (default: switch modes)
      The Linux X Windows System port can change the screen resolution when
      switching to full-screen mode so the SNES display fills the whole screen.
      Specify this option to stop it if causes you problems.
  • fullscreen or -fs
      Start the emulator in full screen mode, rather than a window on the X11
      port if supported by your X server, a suitable screen mode is defined in
      your XF86Config file and the snes9x binary has root permissions (see
  • scale or -sc (default: off)
      Stretch the SNES display to fit the whole of the computer display.
      Linux X Window System full-screen mode or SVGA port only. Use only if you
      have a very fast machine.
  • displayframerate or -dfr
      Display a frame rate counter superimposed over the bottom, left-hand
      of the SNES display. The value before the slash (/) indicates how many
      frames per second are being rendered compared to a real SNES, the value
      which is displayed after the slash.

Sound options:

  • ns or -nosound
      Disable sound CPU emulation and sound output, useful for the Starfox 2
      floating around that has corrupt sound CPU code, causing the game to hang
      with sound emulation turned on. Disabling sound also speeds up emulation
      speed, at the expense of no music or sound effects during the game and
      reduced game compatibility.
  • sk 0-3 or -soundskip 0-3 (default: 0)
      ONLY USED IF SOUND IS DISABLED. The algorithm to use when trying to fool
      a ROM into thinking that the SPC700 sound CPU is there when actual
      of it is turned off (for speed reasons).
  • stereo or -st (default: stereo)
      Enable stereo sound output.
  • mono (default: stereo)
      Enable mono sound output. Slightly faster, but doesn't sound as nice.
  • r 0-7 or -soundquality or -sq 0-7 (default: 4)
      Sound playback rate/quality:
          0 - disable sound, 1 - 8192, 2 - 11025, 3 - 16500, 4 - 22050
          5 - 29300, 6 - 36600, 7 - 44000.
  • envx or -ex (default: off)
      Enable volume envelope height reading by the sound CPU. Can cure sound
      repeat problems with some games (e.g. Mortal Kombat series), while
      others to lock if enabled (eg. Bomberman series). Use with -sy option
      to fix the problems this option can otherwise create.
  • ts or -threadsound
      Starts to feed data to the sound card using a separate thread rather than
      using timers, signals and polling. Use to work around a bug in the beat
      Blaster Live Linux driver that keeps telling Snes9x that the sound card
      can accept more sound data, when it actually cannot and Snes9x slows down
      or locks up. A multi-CPU system could benifit from using this option -
      sound processing could take place on another CPU for speed.
  • sy or -soundsync
      Turns on sound-sync code where sound data is generated in sync with the
      emulation of the SNES sound CPU instructions. Slightly slower emulation
      but helps reduce note and sound effects timing problems and one or two
      games actually require this mode, notably Williams Arcade Classics.
      Also turns on interpolated sound and envelope height reading.
      Pressing the ']' key during gameplay toggles sound-sync only on and off.
      Not very effective/useless when thread sound is enabled due to mutex data
      locking timing problems.
  • is or -interpolatedsound (default: off)
      Turns on interpolated sound. Any samples played at a lower frequency than
      the current playback rate (-r option) have additional sample points
      computed and played where previously the same sample data was played
      repeatedly. Lower frequency sounds have improved bass and sound much less
      harsh - I suspect the real SNES does this.
      Pressing '[' during gameplay toggles the feature on and off.
  • b size or -buffersize size or -bs size (default: auto-select)
      Sound playback buffer size in bytes 128-4096.
  • nosamplecaching or -nsc or -nc (default: on)
      Disable decompressed sound sample caching. Decompressing samples takes
      slowing down the emulator. Normally the decompressed samples are saved
      just in case they need to be played again, but the way samples are stored
      and played on the SNES, it can result in a click sound or distortion when
      caching samples with loops in them.
  • alt or -altsampledecode (defalt: off)
      Switch to using Anti Resonance's sample decoding method. Some games,
      notably Squaresoft RPG games, make use of a SNES hardare sample decoding
      feature to generate wind and swish-type sound effects; selecting this
      enables code that tries to simulate the feature. The disadvantage is that
      it can decode some 'normal' samples incorrectly.
  • noecho or -ne (default: on)
      Turn off sound echo and FIR filter effects. Processing these effects can
      really slow down a non-MMX Pentium machine due to the number of
      required to implement these features.
  • ratio 1+ or -ra 1+ (default: 2) (OBSOLETE)
      Ratio of 65c816 to SPC700 instructions. The value is no longer used
      because SPC700 cycle counting is now implemented giving much more
  • nomastervolume or -nmv (default: on)
      Disable emulation of the sound DSP master volume control. Some ROMs set
      the volume level very low requiring you to turn up the volume level of
      your speakers introducing more background noise. Use this option to
      always have the master volume set on full and to by-pass a bug which
      prevents the music and sound effects being heard on Turrican.

Cheat options:

  • gg or -gamegenie
      Supply a Game Genie code for the current ROM. Up to 10 codes can be in
      affect at once. Game Genie codes for many SNES games are available from:

  • ar or -actionreplay
      Supply a Pro-Action Reply code for the current ROM. Up to 10 codes can be
      affect at once. At the moment, codes which alter RAM do not work.
  • gf or -goldfinger
      Supply a Gold Finger code for the current ROM. Up to 10 codes can be
      at once.

Speed up/slow down options: (See "Speeding Up The Emulation")

  • f or -frameskip (default:
      Set this value to deliberately fix the frame skip rate and disable auto-
      speed regulation. Use a larger value faster emulation but more jerky
      movement and a smaller value for smooth but slower screen updates.
      Use '+' and '-' keys to modify the value during a game.
      Ideal for some Super FX games that confuse the auto-adjust code or
      for games that deliberately flash the screen every alternate frame.
  • frametime or -ft
      (default: 16.6ms NTSC games and 20ms for PAL games)
      If auto-adjust frame skip option is in effect, then the emulator will try
      to maintain a constant game and music speed locked to this value by
      the rendering of some frames or waiting until the required time is
      Increase the value to slow down games, decrease it to speed up games.
      During a game the value can be adjusted in millisecond steps by pressing
      Shift '-' or Shift '+'.
  • h <0-200> or -cycles <0-200>(default: 100)
      Percentage of CPU cycles to execute per scan line, decrease value to
      increase emulation frame rate. Most ROMs work with a value of 85 or
  • j or -nojoy
      Turn off joystick, SideWinder and GrIP detection (joystick polling on the
      PC slows the emulator down).

ROM image format options:

  • i or -interleaved (default: auto-detect)
      Force interleaved ROM image format.
  • i2 or -interleaved (default: can't be auto-detected)
      Force alternate interleaved format (i.e. most Super FX games).
  • hirom or -fh or -hr (default: auto-detect)
      Force Hi-ROM memory map for ROMs where the Hi-ROM header test fails.
  • lorom or -fl or -lr (default: auto-detect)
      Force Lo-ROM memory map for ROMs where the Hi-ROM header test fails)
  • header or -hd (default: auto-detect)
      Force the detection of a ROM image header. Some ROM images have been
      hand-edited to remove unused space from the end of the file; if the
      resultant image size is not a multiple of 32k then Snes9x can't
      auto-detect the presence of a 512 byte ROM image header.
  • noheader or -nhd (default: auto-detect)
      Force Snes9x into thinking no ROM image header is present. See -header
  • p or -pal (default: auto-detect)
      Fool ROM into thinking this is a PAL SNES system and adjust frame time
      to 20ms (50 frames per second)
  • n or -ntsc (default: auto-detect)
      Fool ROM into thinking this is a NTSC SNES system and adjust frame time
      to 16.7ms (60 frames per second)
  • l or -layering (default: off)
      Swap background layer priorities from background involved in sub-screen
      addition/subtraction. Can improve some games play-ability - no need to
      constantly toggle background layers on and off to read text/see maps,
      Toggle feature on and off during game by pressing '8'.
      Not used if transparency effects are enabled.
  • l or -loadsnapshot
      Load snapshot file and restart game from saved position.
  • nh or -nohdma (default: H-DMA enabled)
      Turn off the H-DMA emulation. Pressing '0' during a game toggles H-DMA on
      and off.
  • n or -nospeedhacks (default: speed hacks)
      Turn off a couple of speed hacks. The hacks boost the speed of many ROMs
      but cause problems a few ROMs.
  • nw or -nowindows (default: graphics windows emulated)
      Disable graphics windows emulation. Use 'backspace' key during a game to
      toggle the emulation on and off.

Joystick options:

  • joymap[1|2|3|4] followed by 8 numbers
      Specify the SNES joypad buttons to Linux joystick driver buttons mapping
      each of the four supported joypads.
      Specify the Linux joystick button number for the corresponding SNES
      in the following order: A, B, X, Y, TL, TR, Start and Select
      The default map is: 1 0 4 3 6 7 8 9
      which is suitable for Sidewinder gamepads.
  • s or -swap
      Swap emulated joy-pad 1 and 2 around, pressing '6' during a game does the
      same thing.
  • j or -nojoy
      Turn off joystick, SideWinder and GrIP detection (joystick polling on the
      PC slows the emulator down).

For example, to start a game called "mario", with sound, and transparency
effects, type:

snes9x -tr mario.smc