The Heirloom

Last-modified: 2015-07-05 (日) 01:55:51
Asking for itnone50%Time-Saver: 現在の研究が25%加速する。
50%Public Speaking: 全てのヒーローが現在のXPの10%を失う。
Taking it awaynone50%Heartbreaking: ヒーローはDisheartenedを取得する。
50%Ulterior Motives: 現在の研究が25%減速する。
Waiting her out15~20年0% or 50%Passed On: 現在の研究が25%加速する。
50% or 100%Rest with Piece: 変化なし。
Recruiting hernone50%Living the Dream: ヒーローの叔母が仲間に加わる。
50%Are You Serious?: 変化なし。

A lost piece of the Chalice has been discovered! hero name recently learned that it's in the possession of a distant aunt in region name, but she refuses to part with it because it's the only thing she has left to remember her family by. However, she respects you a great deal so when hero first name asked her to come to the Capital today with the piece, she did so. What do you do?

  • Talk her into giving it to you.
  • Have hero first name take it away. Saving the nation is more important than the whims of one person!
  • Wait her out. We'll get the piece when she passes away.
  • She's had the piece for years? She must be attuned to the Chalice then. Recruit her!


  • 彼女にその欠片を譲るように言う。
  • ヒーローに、その欠片を奪うように言う。一人の思いより国家を救う方が重要だ!
  • 彼女が死ぬのを待つ。欠片は我々のものになるだろう。
  • 欠片を何年も持っていたのか?ならば聖杯に順応しているに違いない。彼女を雇おう!