Goblin Work Site

Last-modified: 2011-06-23 (木) 18:58:07

<<前 Fortress of Ascension

Goblin Work Site

Goblin Work SiteNormal: Level 70-72
Hard: Level 71-73
Very Hard: Level 72-74
Champion: Level 73-75▐ Crest: Desert Eagle


  • Stone Clan Goblin
  • Stone Clan Worker
  • Stone Clan Fighter
  • Grim Prior
  • Brutus (Mini Boss)
  • Sethek (Boss)





ElesisWhere are we? This is some other world, for sure. Where's the edge of the world?ここはどこだ?まるで別世界ね。世界の果てにでも来ちゃった?
JinWhere in the world are we? Did we get lost? I thought we were going to Archimedia.ここはいったいどの辺りになるんだ?迷ったんじゃないか?俺たちアーキメディアを目指してるんだろ?
(The screen moves to the right, showing a Stone Clan Goblin and Stone Clan Fighter who've just noticed the Chase)
Stone Clan Goblin...・・・
LireHey, admiring this new land is great and all, but are you all aware that there are goblins up ahead?みなさん、未開の地にうっとりするのもよいですが、すぐそこにゴブリンが来ていることに気づいてますか?

Mini Boss

BrutusI am Brutus. What are you doing skulking about my site?わしはブルータス。おぬしらわしの作業場でなにをこそこそやっとるんじゃ?
ElesisWe're not skulking about, we simply found ourselves walking into this noisy party.別にこそこそなんかしてないわよ。単にこの騒がしいところを通ってるだけよ!!
BrutusHow dare you talk back to me like that! Me, Brutus! Show some manners!このわしに向かってなんたる口の利き方!我、ブルータス!礼儀を教えてやるわぃ!!
ElesisWhat, we don't even know you!はぁ?あんた誰よ??
BrutusSilence! I will show you no mercy even if you beg! Ready yourselves!黙れぃっ!!謝らぬのなら、情け無用じゃ!覚悟するがよい!!


SethekAh, I see you are visitors and not of this desert land. Excellent. You will make perfect sacrifices when we consecrate the new temple.おぉ、訪問者達よ、おぬしらこの砂漠のものではないようだな。素晴らしい。おぬしらは新しい寺院への捧げ物にぴったりだ。
ElesisIs it just me or does everybody want to eat us around here?あたしに捧げ物?それともその辺のヤツらがあたし達を食べたがってるってこと?
Arme*Sigh* I guess not all new places are so romantic...はぁ・・・どうやら新天地はロマンチックなところじゃないようね・・・
SethekIt's foolish to be so fearless. In any case, you will never defeat me. This spell protects me from all attacks.恐れを知らぬ愚か者め。どうあれ、おぬしらにこのわしを倒すことはできぬ。わが魔法は全ての攻撃からわしを守る。
LireHe won't be able to maintain that spell the entire time, we'll find a weak spot soon enough.ずっと強力な防護魔法が続くわけではないですわ。すぐに弱点を見つけますわっ!!

Post Boss Battle

LireOh dear! There's a goblin trapped inside that cage over there!まあっ!!向こうの牢にゴブリンが捕らえられています。
BarakhufuPlease help a poor old goblin. If you let me out of my prison, I will tell you the secrets of immortality.どうかこの老いぼれゴブリンをお助けくだされ。牢から出していただければ、あなた方に不死の秘密をお教えしましょう。
(Barakhufu's cage opens and the goblin walks out)
ElesisImmortality? I don't believe a word of it, but it wont' be too much trouble freeing him, so let's just hear it.不死?なんだか嘘くさいわねぇ。でも、こいつは危険そうじゃないし、聞いてみるか。
BarakhufuIt restores health to the infirm, youth to the old, and strength to the weak. It is the Crown of Sands. The power of this crown is beyond the imagination. It can even restore life to the dead.それは病を治し、若さを与え、強さが溢れ出すという。砂の王冠。想像を超えた力を持つ王冠。それは死さえも乗り越えられるという・・・。
ArmeWow~ Then you must know where this crown is!わぁ~、で、その王冠がどこにあるか知ってるんでしょ?
BarakhufuNo, I do not. The crown has been broken into many pieces and hidden all over this land. This is all I know. Now, I will be on my way.いや、知らぬ。王冠は砕かれていくつかに分かれ、この大陸に隠されているという。わしが知っているのはそれだけじゃ。では、行くかの。
(Barakhufu walks away and disappears out of sight)
ElesisWhy do I feel like we've been had?何か騙されたような気がするのはあたしだけ?
ArmeYes, that was kind of weird, but now that we know there's treasure out there, let's go and find it!うーん、何だか変な話ねぇ。でも、その辺にお宝が転がってるんでしょ!探しに行こう!おーっ!!
(The Chase walk away the opposite direction. Moments later, Barakhufu returns, with a sinister smile on his face)
BarakhufuHeh heh heh...ヒッヒッヒッ・・・
[Elesis]Oh my head! The land just keeps going, I've never even heard of this land!ふぅ~!進めど進めど何にもないねぇ。こんなへんぴなところがあるだなんて・・・。
[Jin]I can't believe Victor was hiding such an unbelievable map. I wonder where he got this?ビクターがこんな地のマップを隠していたなんて。いったいどこで手に入れたんだ?
[Stone Clan Goblin]...・・・
[Lire]Hey guys? I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but we've got goblins incoming!みなさん、水を差すわけではないのですが、ゴブリンが来ましたわ!
Fourth map
[Brutus]Stop! I am Brutus! Who are you weaklings that would interfere in my work?止まれ!!俺様はブルータス!俺様の仕事を邪魔する虫けらどもめ、なんだ?お前らは。
[Elesis]We're not interfering! We're just trying to get through and we got chased in here.何も邪魔してないでしょ?歩いてたらたまたまここに来ただけよ!
[Brutus]How dare you be so disrespectful to me, the great Brutus! You will pay for your insolence!偉大なるブルータス様に対してなんと無礼な!!その報いを受けるがよい!!
[Elesis]Hey, we have no idea who you are!ってか、あんた誰よ?
[Brutus]Silence! Your impertinence will be your undoing! Today you die!黙れ~ぃ!その傲慢な態度!!許せぬ、死ぬがいい!!
[Sethek]Ah visitors, you're not from this desert land. Excellent, more lambs for the sacrifices to consecrate my new temple!訪問者達よ、おぬしらこの砂漠のものではないようだな。素晴らしい。新しい寺院への捧げ物がたっぷりやってくるとはな。
[Elesis]Is it just me or does everyone want to eat us around here?むっ、あたしだけじゃなくて、みんなを捧げるってこと?
[Sethek]Perhaps you know nothing about me? Your cavalier attitude and nonchalance will be your doom! No one can penetrate my protective spells!おぬしらわしのことは何も知らぬのじゃろう。その騎士道精神と傲慢な態度は破滅を導くぞ!誰もわしの防護魔法は破れぬぞ!!
[Lire]Those spells can't be perfect, we should be able to find a weak spot!完璧な魔法なんてありません!きっと弱点が見つかるはずです!
After defeat boss
[Lire]Oh dear! There's a goblin trapped in the corner.あっ!あそこに捕まっているゴブリンがいますわ。
[Barakhufu]Help a poor old goblin. If you let me out, I will tell you a secret about immortality.この老いぼれを助けておくれ。さすれば不死の秘密を教えようぞ。
Elesis]Immortality? I don't believe him, but let's hear him out. He doesn't look dangerous.不死?なーんか嘘っぽいけど聞いてみようか。危なそうじゃないしね。
[Barakhufu]It will make the sick healthy, the old young and the weak powerful. It is the Crown of Sands.砂の王冠は病を癒やし、若さを溢れさせ、力を与えるという。
[Barakhufu]The power of this crown is so enormous it is said that it can even bring back the dead.その王冠の力は強大で、死の淵からも呼び戻すという。
[Arme]Wow, so you know where the crown is?わぁー、で、どこにあるの?
[Barakhufu]No I don't. The crown is divided into many pieces and is hidden all over this land. That's all I know. Well...残念ながらわからんのじゃ。しかし王冠はばらばらにされ、この地のどこかに隠されているという。わしが知ってるのはそれだけじゃ・・・。
[Elesis]You're just tricking us!なんか騙されてんじゃない?
[Arme]But I feel something mysterious, like our destiny is pushing us towards this crown. Let's investigate!でもなんだか不思議だわぁ。まるで運命のお導きみたい。王冠を探しましょ!
[Barakhufu]Eh heh heh heh...イーッヒッヒッヒッ・・・