Chapter 1: Review about copyright - What is Creative Commons?

Last-modified: 2022-10-28 (金) 22:13:43
water-kun.pngKusa-kun, look at this!
grass-kun.pnglet's see...
water-kun.pngI found a cute illustration on Instagram.
grass-kun.pngThis is good.
water-kun.pngI'm thinking of selling this as a merchandise...
water-kun.pngEh, is it no good?

Ex 1: Illustrations drawn by others can be freely used within the scope of private use. However, for commercial use, an individual permission application is required for the author.

water-kun.pngKusa-kun, did you see yesterday's variety show?
grass-kun.pngAh, that's the one I forgot to see.
water-kun.pngI recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube so I can see it later.
grass-kun.pngThis is a criminal!
water-kun.pngEh, is it no good?

Ex 2: A TV program has a copyright, and uploading it to a video site such as YouTube without permission violates the copyright.

water-kun.pngWow, the copyright is too strict...
grass-kun.pngBut it can't be helped. Copyright is a way to protect the rights of the author.
But there are some exceptions.
water-kun.pngWhat do you mean?
grass-kun.pngThere is also "Creative Commons".
Works licensed by Creative Commons are allowed to be reprinted or used for secondary purposes if certain conditions are met.
water-kun.pngWhat that looks interesting!

Chapter 2: What is Creative Commons??