pukiwiki_cat .emacs ;; \uffff\u30e6\uffff\u832f\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff ;;(set-language-environment "Japanese") ;;(set-default-coding-systems 'euc-jp-unix) ;;(set-terminal-coding-system 'euc-jp-unix) ;;(set-keyboard-coding-system 'euc-jp-unix) ;;(set-buffer-file-coding-system 'euc-jp-unix) ;; Emacs \uffff\uffff XEmacs \uffff\uffff\uffff\u6028\uffff (cond ;; XEmacs 21 ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version) (load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/xemacs.el")) ) ;; Emacs 21.3 <==これです ((string-match "^21" emacs-version) ;; \uffff\u3083\uffff\u0441\uffff Emacs \uffff\uffff\uffff load-path \uffff\u8350\uffff\u7d4e\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff (setq load-path (append '("/usr/share/emacs/21.3/lisp") load-path)) (setq load-path (append '("~/.lisp") load-path)) ; (load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/.emacs_ext.el")) ;; (load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/_my-font-lock.el")) ; (load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/_my-cc-mode.el")) (load "~/.lisp/.emacs-color.el") ; (setq yc-rK-trans-key [?\C-\;]) (setq yc-rK-trans-key "\C-\\") ;; ---> disable for avy ( because of not install yc.el [canna] ) ; (load "yc") ; (global-yc-mode 1) ;; <--- disable for avy (setq yc-enable-hankaku nil) (setq canna-hostname "canna") (setq default-tab-width 4) (setq tab-width 4) (setq c-default-indent 4) (setq c-basic-offset 4) (display-time) ; (load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/_my-tcl-mode.el")) (load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/_my-tcl-mode2.el")) ; dabbrev-highlight ; (load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/dabbrev-highlight.el")) (require 'dabbrev-highlight) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; C-* , change spacial key bind ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; newline and auto indent ; (global-set-key "\C-m" 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent) (global-set-key "\C-j" 'newline) ; ; C-h,BS <-> Delete ; ; M-x load-library[enter] ; term/bobcat[enter] ; ; (load-library "term/bobcat") ; ; C-h(help-for-help) -> F1 ; (global-set-key "\C-h" 'backward-delete-char-untabify) ; ; toggle-input-method (japanese<->English) -> C-o ; ; (global-set-key "\C-o" 'toggle-input-method) ; (global-set-key "\C-co" 'toggle-input-method)
;; 対応するカッコ-コッカへジャンプ
;; カッコ上で "%" を押すと対応するカッコへジャンプする。
(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "%" 'match-paren)
(global-set-key "%" 'match-paren)
(defun match-paren (arg)
"Go to the matching parenthesis if on parenthesis otherwise insert %." (interactive "p") (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1))
(t (self-insert-command (or arg 1)))))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; C-c * , for user key bind ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; goto-line -> C-c g ; ; M-x goto-line[enter] ; <line number>[enter] ; ; (global-set-key "\C-x\C-g" 'goto-line) (global-set-key "\C-cg" 'goto-line) ; ; help-for-help -> C-c h ; (instead of C-h C-h) ; ; M-x help-for-help[enter] ; <help-command>[enter] ; (global-set-key "\C-ch" 'help-for-help) ; ; openline -> C-c o ; (instead of C-o) ; ; M-x openline[enter] ; <help-command>[enter] ; (global-set-key "\C-co" 'open-line) ; ; shall-mode -> C-c s ; ; M-x shell[enter] ; (global-set-key "\C-cs" 'shell) ; ; compile -> C-c m ; ; M-x shell[enter] ; (global-set-key "\C-cm" 'compile) ; ; compile-goto-error -> C-c e ; ; M-x shell[enter] ; (global-set-key "\C-ce" 'compile-mouse-goto-error) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; for shell mode ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'comint-watch-for-password-prompt) (autoload 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on "ansi-color" "Set `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' to t." t) (add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on) ; (load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/shell-command.el")) (require 'shell-command) (shell-command-completion-mode) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; for cursol ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; scroll ; (setq scroll-conservatively 35 scroll-margin 5 scroll-step 1) (setq comint-scroll-show-maximum-oupput t) ; ; speedup ; ; 10 \u9db8\u7e41\u6a3d (defvar scroll-speedup-count 10) ;; 10 \u9de6\uffff\u6089\u8b26\uffff\u874b\u8a52\u3041\uffff\u86a3 1+1 \uffff 2 \u57aa\u6802 ;; \u6923\u5420 (defvar scroll-speedup-rate 1) ;; 800ms \u501a\u578b\u8667\u946a\u5eb7\u8eb0\u8a7c\u754a (defvar scroll-speedup-time 800) ;; \u5175\u3082\uffff\u5269 (defvar scroll-step-default 1) (defvar scroll-step-count 1) (defvar scroll-speedup-zero (current-time)) (defun scroll-speedup-setspeed () (let* ((now (current-time)) (min (- (car now) (car scroll-speedup-zero))) (sec (- (car (cdr now)) (car (cdr scroll-speedup-zero)))) (msec (/ (- (car (cdr (cdr now))) (car (cdr (cdr scroll-speedup-zero)))) 1000)) (lag (+ (* 60000 min) (* 1000 sec) msec))) (if (> lag scroll-speedup-time) (progn (setq scroll-step-default 1) (setq scroll-step-count 1)) (setq scroll-step-count (+ 1 scroll-step-count))) (setq scroll-speedup-zero (current-time)))) (defun scroll-speedup-next-line (arg) (if (= (% scroll-step-count scroll-speedup-count) 0) (setq scroll-step-default (+ scroll-speedup-rate scroll-step-default))) (if (string= arg 'next) (line-move scroll-step-default) (line-move (* -1 scroll-step-default)))) (defadvice next-line (around next-line-speedup activate) (if (and (string= last-command 'next-line) (interactive-p)) (progn (scroll-speedup-setspeed) (condition-case err (scroll-speedup-next-line 'next) (error (if (and next-line-add-newlines (save-excursion (end-of-line) (eobp))) (let ((abbrev-mode nil)) (end-of-line) (insert "\n")) (line-move 1))))) (setq scroll-step-default 1) (setq scroll-step-count 1) ad-do-it)) (defadvice previous-line (around previous-line-speedup activate) (if (and (string= last-command 'previous-line) (interactive-p)) (progn (scroll-speedup-setspeed) (scroll-speedup-next-line 'previous)) (setq scroll-step-default 1) (setq scroll-step-count 1) ad-do-it)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; c-mode ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; hokan - define ; ;(load (expand-file-name "~/.lisp/shell-command.el")) ;(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook ; (function (lambda () ; (require 'cpp-complt) ; (define-key c-mode-map [mouse-2] ; 'cpp-complt-include-mouse-select) ; (define-key c-mode-map "#" ; 'cpp-complt-instruction-completing) ; (define-key c-mode-map "\C-c#" ; 'cpp-complt-ifdef-region) ; (cpp-complt-init)))) ;(setq cpp-complt-standard-header-path ; '( ; "E:/cygwin/usr/include/" ; )) ; ; C-t ***.c <-> ***.h ; ) )
pukiwiki_cat .bashrc # # .bashrc Shin Fujimoto 23.06.1998 # #echo 'Starting bash 2.01' # 5/F0;~$K echo #export emacs # emacs mode #PS1='\h [\w] \$ ' # prompt = HOSTNAME [ Current Dir ] $ #PS1='($PLEVEL)\h:`d1=${PWD##*/};cwd_up=${PWD%/*};d2=${cwd_up##*/}; echo "$d2/$d1"` > ' #PS1='($PLEVEL)[\t]\h:`d1=${PWD##*/};cwd_up=${PWD%/*};d2=${cwd_up##*/}; echo "$d2/$d1"`> ' PS1='($PLEVEL)\h:`d1=${PWD##*/};cwd_up=${PWD%/*};d2=${cwd_up##*/}; echo "$d2/$d1"`> ' HISTFILE=~/.bash_history # %3%^%s%IMzNr%U%!%$%k = Homedir/.bash_history HISTFILESIZE=100 # %3%^%s%IMzNr%U%!%$%k$N%5%$%: ( 5/F0Cf ) HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # MzNr%U%!%$%k$N%5%$%:$,>.$5$/$J$k$*$^$8$J$$ HISTSIZE=100 # %3%^%s%IMzNr%U%!%$%k$N%5%$%: ( =*N;8e ) FIGNORE=.aux:.log:.o:.obj:.AUX:.LOG:.O:.OBJ # %U%!%$%kL>Jd40;~$KL5;k$9$k3HD%;R #export SHELL=/fsw/bin/bash export SHELL=/bin/bash #export PAGER=less if [ -x /usr/local/bin/lv -o -x /usr/bin/lv ]; then export PAGER=lv else export PAGER=less fi export TMPDIR=/tmp export ROOT=/ export TERMCAP=/etc/termcap export PATH=$PATH:/lang/diab_linux/ export PATH=$PATH:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/ export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/lang/diab_linux/licenses/netlicense.dat #avoid conflicts between SCIM and acroread/realplayer export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim if [ "$PLEVEL" ]; then PLEVEL=`expr $PLEVEL + 1` else export PLEVEL=1 fi ## alias ( = %3%^%s%I$NJLL> ) %U%!%$%k = Homedir/.bash_aliases if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ] ; then . ~/.bash_aliases fi ## end
pukiwiki_cat .bash_aliases ############# ### aliases ############# alias als=alias #if [ "$TERM" = "emacs" ]; then als ls='ls -F' #else # als ls='ls -F --color' #fi als MSG='view /var/adm/messages\!*' alias BKUP='view /var/log/backuplog' alias SYSLOG='view /var/log/syslog\!*' alias xt='ps aux | grep olwm' alias ='clear' #alias lock 'lockscreen' alias help='man' #alias key 'man -k' alias lis='setenv IOFFICE /export/tools/ioffice_4.0j; setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $IOFFICE/licenses/netlicense.dat; $IOFFICE/bin/lmstat -a' #alias h 'history | more' alias h='history' alias ls='ls -F --color=tty' #alias cd='set old=$cwd; chdir \!*; set targv=( $cwd " " ); set targv[2]=$targv[1]:h; set prompt="($plevel)$host$targv[2]:t/$targv[1]:t \\!> " ' alias back='set back=$old; cd $back; unset back ' alias lpq='echo -n $PRINTER": "; /usr/ucb/lpq' alias lpntx='setenv PRINTER nsntx;/ds/bin/enscript -B \!*' alias lpntx1='setenv PRINTER nsntx;/ds/bin/enscript -2rB \!*' alias show='more' alias la='ls -a' alias ll='ls -a -l' alias lg='ls -a -lg' alias cl='clear' alias rm='rm ' alias cg='cc -g' alias lo='exit' #als ll='ls -lF' #als la='ls -aF' #alias dir='ls -laF' #als lla='ls -alF' #als h='history' als rm='rm -i' als cp='cp -i' als mv='mv -i' als head='head -n 20' als tail='tail -n 20' #als up='cd ..' #als tai='rsh -l taki tai' #als which='type -path' alias mu='emacs' alias mule='emacs' alias edit='emacs -nw' alias diffy='diff -y -W 80' alias less='less -X' # SSH alias alias ssh2teena='ssh -l masami teena' alias ssh2avy='ssh -l masami avy' alias ssh2legacy='ssh -l masami legacy' alias ssh2jack='ssh -l masami jack' alias ssh2atami='ssh -l masami atami' alias ssh2kusatsu='ssh -l masami kusatsu' alias ssh2bert='ssh -l masami bert' alias ssh2elmo='ssh -l masami elmo' alias ssh2ernie='ssh -l masami ernie' alias ssh2bbex16='ssh -l masami'