BasicsTutorial/Declaring variables

Last-modified: 2009-11-28 (土) 20:54:38

Declaring variables


So far we have used the different characters on the end of variables to define their type (nothing for integer, # for floats and $ for strings), but that isn’t the neatest way to do things.
これまで、我々はそれの型(タイプ)を定めるために変数の終わりに異なるキャラクタを使った(整数のための何も無い、フロート(実数)のための#と 文字列のための$)、しかし、それはする最もきちんとした方法でない。
You can declare variables to set their type.
Here is how…


var1 as integer
var2 as double integer
var3 as float
var4 as double float
var5 as dword
var6 as word
var7 as byte
var8 as boolean
var9 as string

That is 6 more data types than were available to us with the previous method.
The advantage of using it?
There are several… first of all, we have more choice, whenever we used a variable before, say an integer, we may have only used it to store a 1 or a 0.
This requires a tiny bit of information but we are storing it in an integer, which can store numbers over 2 billion!
What a waste of space!
We would be able to with this method, use a Boolean variable, which is made to only store the numbers 0 and 1.
Much less memory used up.
Here are the ranges of each of the data types above…


Integer = -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648
Double integer = -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,808
Float = 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits)
Double float = 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits)
Dword = 0 to 4,294,967,295
Word = 0 to 65535
Byte = 0 to 255
Boolean = 0 to 1
String = stores text, unlimited length

Only float and double float can store real numbers (i.e. decimals) and only integer and double integer can store negative numbers.
フロート そして、ダブルフロートは実数(すなわち小数)を保存することができる、そして、整数とダブル整数( double integer)は負数を保存することができる。

Another advantage is that you can easily see the variables in your program if you declare them at the beginning, also in editors like BLUE IDE and Twilight, there are tools which show the variables you declare in a list.
もう一つの利点はあなたが始めで それらを宣言するならば、あなたがあなたのプログラムで変数を簡単に見ることができるということである、青いIDEと薄明かりのようなエディタでも、あなたがリストで宣言することを変数に明らかにするツールがある。
Very handy for neat code.
Another small advantage is that you don’t have symbols at the end of your variables, I find it neater that way,

Any way, there is no need for an example here, but I will be using this method from now on (not that there is much more to go), and I advise you do too.

Summary of Commands


· variable AS type - Declares a variable as a certain type.
変数ASタイプ - 特定のタイプとしての変数を宣言する。
See type list above.


現在 66bでは、

Double integer, double floatは 働くが精度が悪い。使うな。


var1 as integer

var3 as float

var5 as dword

var6 as word

var7 as byte

var8 as boolean

var9 as string


integer, float#, string$ の3種類だけ。