BasicsTutorial/Relational Operators and the IF statement

Last-modified: 2009-11-27 (金) 19:36:35

Relational Operators and the IF statement


The IF statement is used to tell if something is true.
This is how it is written.

If statement
    Do Stuff
    Do other stuff]

This is called pseudo code, it shows the general rule or how you would do something without the actual code.
これは 疑似コードと呼ばれていると、それが一般的な規則またはあなたが実際のコードなしで何かするだろう方法に明らかにする。
The square brackets show that this part is optional (you don’t need to always use else).
Also, notice how I have indented code inside the IF statement, this way you can see what is inside the statement and what isn’t.
Try and use it.
Basically the if statement checks the value of the statement, and if it equals anything other than 0 then the code after is executed by the computer.
基本的に、イフ命令文は命令文の値をチェックする、そして、それが0以外の何かに等しいならば、コードはコンピュータで thenの後に実行される。
However if the statement is equal to 0 then the code after else is executed instead.
しかし、イフ命令文が 0と等しいならば、elseの後の他のコードはその代わりに実行される。
It can be written as.

If statement then Do Stuff

This can be quick if you want to do only one thing when using the IF statement, but I will mostly use the other method in this tutorial.
イフ命令文を使うとき あなたが1つの事だけをしたいならば、これは速くありえる、しかし、私は大部分はこのチュートリアルにおける他の方法を使用する。
Here is an example of the IF statement.

Input "Write a number: ",value
If value
    Print "You didn't write 0"
    Print "You wrote 0"
Wait key

But that’s no use, we want to tell much more than if someone wrote 0 or not.
もし無駄でなければ、我々は誰かが 0以外を書いたかどうかを、非常に話したい。
That’s when the relational operators come in to use.
Relational operators, again, process 2 numbers and return a 1 or 0.
They are =, >, <, >=, <= and <>.

= returns 1 when both numbers are equal

> returns 1 when the first number is larger than the second

< returns 1 when the first number is smaller than the second

>= returns 1 when the first number is larger or equal than the second

<= returns 1 when the first number is smaller or equal than the second

<> returns 1 when both numbers are different

So combine this with IF.
それで、これを イフと結合しなさい。

`Get numbers
Input "Give me a number ",numOne
Input "Give me another number ",numTwo
`If numbers are equal
If numOne = numTwo
    Print "Both numbers are the same"
    `Otherwise if numOne is bigger than numTwo
    If numOne > numTwo
        Print "One is bigger than two"
        Print "Two is bigger than one"
Wait key

If numOne is equal to numTwo, then the = operator returns a 1 and the IF statement detects that, and the first code is executed.
もし、numOneがnumTwoと等しいならば、 =オペレーターは1を返す、 そして、イフ命令文はそれを検出する、そして、 最初のコードは実行される。
Otherwise the next code is executed and numOne is tested against numTwo with the > operator.
さもなければ、次のコードは実行される、そして、 >オペレーターは numOneとnumTwoに対してテストされる。
If numOne is bigger than numTwo > returns a 1 and the first code is executed, else the second code is.
numOneがnumTwoより大きいならば、 >は1を返す、そして、最初のコードは実行される(第2のelseコードがそうである)。

Now, get that?
I know it may be quite confusing, if it is, go back and read it all again.
私は それが全く混乱させるかもしれないということを知っている、そうであるならば、戻って、全くもう一度それを読みなさい。
Now lets combine the IF statement with Boolean Operators and relational operators.

`Get numbers
Input "Give me a number ",numOne
Input "Give me another number ",numTwo
`Get a word
Input "Give a word ",word$
`If numbers are equal
If numOne = numTwo and word$ = "Chicken!"
   Print "Both numbers are the same and you got the word right!"
Wait key

Now if numOne is equal to numTwo, then it returns a 1, and if word$ is equal to “Chicken!”
今 numOneがnumTwoと等しい、それから、 それは 1を返す、そして、word$と「チキン!」が同等
(yes, you can use relational operators with strings as well and numbers) then it returns 1.
Then you have the AND operator testing whether numOne = numTwo equals 1 and word$ = “Chicken” equals 1, and if they do then it prints the words.
あなたは持つ、そして、 numOne = numTwoが1 と word$ =「臆病な」に等しいかどうか調べているオペレーターが1に等しい、そして、それがするならば、それは語をプリントする。

But in the end, it’s not best to think about these operators in technical terms, you should just think of them as an English sentence.
しかし、結局は、専門用語でこれらの 演算子(オペレーター)のことを考えることは最良でないと、あなたはちょっと英語の文としてそれらの思わなければならない。
Like this…

If numOne = numTwo and word$ = "Chicken!"


If numOne is the same as numTwo and word$ is “Chicken!” then do the stuff

You’ll just get confused if you think “hmm, AND operator means that its testing the <= and <> operators for being 1…..”
I just thought it’s best to know how they actually work.

Anyway, time to move on…

Summary of Commands


· IF and ELSE and ENDIF - They are used together to do something if a condition is true or not true.
IFと、ELSE、そして、ENDIF - 状態が真実であるか 真実でないならば、それが何かするために一緒に使われる。

· IF and THEN - Quick and easy form of IF if you are in a hurry.
IF、そして、THEN - あなたが急いでそうであるイフの迅速かつ容易な形。
Also useful for keeping code compact.

End of Section Tasks


l Make a program ask the user for their name, and have a few tests to see if they are called certain things (e.g. James or Kate), and then print different comments depending on their names.
Take into account if their name isn’t recognised.
This would be a simple artificial intelligence program J.