patch 2.0.6

Last-modified: 2014-07-12 (土) 11:46:09

Diablo 3 の patch 2.0.6 は、現在「アメリカ」に適用されています。最新の変更の全容は、以下のフルパッチノートをご確認ください。


重要:あなたのリージョンにおいてパッチが有効になるまで、 patch 2.0.6 をダウンロードするよう通知はなされません。もし、あなたが「ヨーロッパ」又は「アジア」リージョンのお客様である場合、このパッチが当該地域でインストール可能になるまでお待ちいただく必要があります。また、あなたのリージョンが「アメリカ」である場合、「ヨーロッパ」及び「アジア」リージョンに patch 2.0.6 が適用されるまでの間、それらのリージョンに Global Play を利用してログインすることはできません。


Diablo III Patch 2.0.6 - v2.0.6.24641





  • General
    • Leapのアニメーション速度上昇
      • 男女共に同じ速度になった
    • Earthquakeのアニメーション速度がわずかに上昇


  • Philosophy
    • We felt that Momentum was not as strong as some other Monk passives. The buffs to Momentum should help bring it more in line with its peers.
    • While there are no additional changes at this time, we intend to buff other abilities in a future patch to open up more build diversity.
  • Active Skills
    • Wave of Light
      • Skill Rune - Pillar of the Ancients
        Bug Fix: このスキルで作成された柱に衝突判定があった問題を修正した
  • Passive Skills
    • Momentum
      • 必要な距離の減少(30 -> 25ヤード)
      • ダメージボーナス上昇(15% -> 20%)
      • 効果時間上昇(4秒 -> 6秒)



  • Increased the drop rate of all class-specific armor sets
    • Affected Sets:
      • Immortal King's Call, Natalya's Vengeance, Inna's Mantra, Zunimassa's Haunt, Tal Rasha's Elements
      • The Legacy of Raekor, Armor of Akkhan, Embodiment of the Marauder, Raiment of a Thousand Storms, Helltooth Harness, Firebird's Finery
      • Might of the Earth, Thorns of the Invoker, The Shadow's Mantle, Monkey King's Garb, Raiment of the Jade Harvester, Vyr's Amazing Arcana
    • This change will affect the drop rates from all eligible sources including monsters, chests, destructibles, and Kadala


  • Monk
    • Philosophy
      • Legendary items are just as important to class power as class skills. We recognize that the Monk class sets went out underpowered, and are substantially increasing their damage to be closer in comparison with the sets of other classes. Additionally, the Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6- piece bonus has been redesigned slightly to allow the damage to be higher, more controlled, and more deliberate.
    • Monkey King's Garb
      • (4) Set Bonus
        Explosion weapon damage increased from 100% to 1600%
        Lowered explosion delay from 1 to 0.5 seconds
        Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that cause the Spirit spent counter to reset when an item was picked up
    • Raiment of a Thousand Storms
      • (6) Set Bonus
        Will now be triggered only by Dashing Strike
        Weapon damage increased from 100% to 3000%
        Damage radius decreased from 20 yards to 15 yards
        Damage dealt can now be a Critical Hit
        Removed the target cap
        The visual effect will still be capped at six targets


  • Fixed an issue introduced in Patch 2.0.5 that prevented the +% Haunt Damage, +% Locust Swarm Damage, and +% Rend Damage item affixes from being applied


Legendary crafting recipes have received several changes:

  • Philosophy
    • Legendary crafted items are meant to be both a stepping stone into end game items and a good place to spend crafting materials at the end game. While we like the fantasy of having the unique crafting materials, obtaining them was either keeping too many people from being able to complete the recipes in a timely manner or encouraging game flipping and similar less than ideal patterns of play in order to acquire them. As such, we are removing the requirement for unique items when crafting Legendaries.
  • Unique crafting materials are no longer required
    • Legendary crafting materials will no longer drop
    • Existing Legendary crafting materials will now be grey and have had their sell prices increased
  • Level 70 crafted sets and Legendary items with unique properties now require additional Death's Breath
  • Level 70 crafted Legendary items without unique properties have had their Death's Breath costs removed
  • Death's Breath is no longer required for most Artisan training costs
    • The Blacksmith, Jeweler, and Mystic now only require 1 each to learn the first rank of level 11


  • +% Skills damage bonuses will now display on the details page
  • +% Elemental damage bonuses will now display on the details page
  • Paragon bonuses will now be reflected in Character Profile Damage, Toughness, and Healing values
  • Community chat will now be joined by default and the settings for which channels you have joined or left will be saved


パッチの適用中もしくは適用後の への接続の際に技術的な問題を確認した場合、または最新のパッチ適用後のゲームをプレイ中にエラーが発生した場合は、私たちの サポートサイト をご覧いただくか、 テクニカルサポートフォーラム に投稿して下さい。





  • とりあえず突貫で作成。 -- SB? 2014-06-11 (水) 16:36:03
  • ありがとうございます。 -- 和丸? 2014-06-11 (水) 18:25:46
  • 作成ありがとうございます。レジェクラフトマテリアルの短い命に合掌。 -- 2014-06-12 (木) 00:40:27
  • 誰でもいいからできれば和訳がほしい・・・・。 -- 2014-06-12 (木) 10:01:43
  • なんとなく読み解くのが精一杯ですね。今はパッチの変更点が多いのと更新頻度がそれなりに高いので、和訳のモチベーションが間に合わないのでは。 -- 2014-06-12 (木) 13:09:01
  • モンクのPhilosophyの移動速度が若干修正されてMomentumが微調整。モンク用セット効果が強化。あとはクラフトシステムの修正とセット装備のドロップ率上昇くらい? -- 2014-06-15 (日) 09:40:08
    • Philosophyは直訳すると「哲学」・・・、この場合はMonkの方向性、キャラ理念みたいな意味かな。どういう考えでこういう修正をしたいですっていう考え方みたいなもんだから、スキルではないよ。 -- 2014-06-15 (日) 13:16:59