翻訳/0001-0100 page/0024

Last-modified: 2008-12-02 (火) 15:01:37

KEY: Based
STR-227842: 本拠地

KEY: Language
STR-227843: 言語

KEY: Apps[comment - Appearances]
STR-227844: 出場[comment - Appearances]

KEY: Appearances
STR-227845: 出場試合数

KEY: Ast[comment - Assists]
STR-227846: アシスト

KEY: Assists
STR-227847: アシスト

KEY: Rat[comment - player (match/overall) rating short string]
STR-227848: 採点

KEY: Rating[comment - Player (match/overall) rating long string]
STR-227849: 採点

KEY: Gls[comment - player (match/overall) goals short string]
STR-227850: ゴール

KEY: Goals[comment - Player (match/overall) goals long string]
STR-227851: ゴール

KEY: Av Rat[comment - Average rating]
STR-227852: 評価

KEY: Average rating
STR-227853: 平均評価

KEY: Drb<COMMENT dribbles made per game>
STR-227854: ドリブ

KEY: Dribbles made per 90 minutes
STR-227855: 90分間で行った平均ドリブル回数

KEY: Gls
STR-227856: 得点

KEY: Goals
STR-227857: 得点

KEY: MoM[comment - Man of match]
STR-227858: MoM[comment - Man of match]

KEY: Man Of The Match
STR-227859: マン・オブ・ザ・マッチ

KEY: One[comment - One on ones]