翻訳/3101-3200 page/3186

Last-modified: 2009-10-04 (日) 05:17:24

KEY: However, some of the the fans have voiced their concern over <%male#1>{s} performances and that is something that <%person#2-you> should think about.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283351: しかし 何人かのサポーターは <%male#1> のパフォーマンスを懸念しており そのことに対して 何か考えるべきだ との声をあげています[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: However, the board are concerned at the state of the club's bank balance.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283352: しかし 理事会はクラブの財政状況について 懸念をもっています[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: However, the board are slightly concerned at the state of the club's bank balance.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283353: しかし 理事会はクラブの財政状況について 若干の懸念をもっています[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: However, the board would prefer the bank balance to be in a healthier state.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283354: しかし 理事会はクラブの財政状況を健全化することを求めています[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: However, they are particularly concerned at the negative atmosphere emanating from the squad.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283355: However, they are particularly concerned at the negative atmosphere emanating from the squad.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: However, they are slightly concerned at the lack of harmony amongst the players.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283356: However, they are slightly concerned at the lack of harmony amongst the players.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: However, they are monitoring the mood amongst the players in the squad.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283357: However, they are monitoring the mood amongst the players in the squad.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: However, they are concerned that the club is not being held in the same regard as to before <%person#1-you> took charge.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283358: However, they are concerned that the club is not being held in the same regard as to before <%person#1-you> took charge.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: Despite the positives, the fans are understandably extremely disappointed at <%scoreline#1-long> and hope can make amends.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283359: 良い点が複数あるものの 今年の重要試合と位置づけられていた<%scoreline#1-long> したことは非常に不満で 試合終了後 <%person#2-you>を 解任要求する抗議活動がありました

KEY: Despite the positives, <%scoreline#1-long> cannot be ignored and the fans have voiced their discontent at the result.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283360: 良い点が複数あるものの 今年の重要試合と位置づけられていた<%scoreline#1-long> したことは認めがたく、ゴール裏から試合結果に不満の声を示しています[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]

KEY: Despite the positives, the fans are unhappy at <%scoreline#1-long>.[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]
STR-283361: 良い点が複数あるものの 今年の重要試合と位置づけられていた<%scoreline#1-long>したことで、ゴール裏から「戦う気持ちを見せろ!」と痛烈な叱咤激励を浴びました[COMMENT: board confidence summary panel]