翻訳/0101-0200 page/0115

Last-modified: 2008-12-05 (金) 10:32:43

KEY: Appears increasingly cynical about his future
STR-231262: 自分の将来に次第に懐疑的になっている

KEY: Worried that he might lose his team place
STR-231263: チームでの居場所を失うかもしれないと 心配している

KEY: Worried that he might not regain his team place
STR-231264: クラブでの自分の将来を心配している

KEY: Worried about his future at the club<COMMENT - player profile screen; player's mood>
STR-231265: チームでの将来を心配しています <COMMENT - player profile screen; player's mood>

KEY: Appears to be getting complacent
STR-231266: プレイが自己満足になっている

KEY: Believes he isn't fully fit yet
STR-231267: 体調が万全ではないと感じている

KEY: Feels he is not in his optimum physical condition
STR-231268: まだ完璧な状態ではないと考えている

KEY: Feels he is in poor physical condition
STR-231269: まだ完璧な状態ではないと考えている

KEY: Feels the players haven't been backed by the management<COMMENT: player_concern_string; displayed on player's happiness panel>
STR-231270: 選手達は経営陣からの支援を受けたことがないと感じている

KEY: Feels you need to give the team more credit where it's due<COMMENT: player_concern_string; displayed on player's happiness panel>
STR-231271: 然るべき場合には もっとチームを信頼してほしいと感じている

KEY: Feels his manager needs to give the team more credit where it's due<COMMENT: player_concern_string; displayed on player's happiness panel>
STR-231272: 然るべき場合には 監督にもっとチームを信頼してほしいと感じている

KEY: Feels you would benefit by giving the players more credit where it's due<COMMENT: player_concern_string; displayed on player's happiness panel>
STR-231273: 然るべき場合にもっとチームを信頼すれば 利益に貢献できると感じている

KEY: Feels his manager would benefit by giving the players more credit where it's due<COMMENT: player_concern_string; displayed on player's happiness panel>
STR-231274: 然るべき場合にもっとチームを信頼すれば 監督の利益につながると感じている

KEY: Feels you aren't giving the team enough credit<COMMENT: player_concern_string; displayed on player's happiness panel>
STR-231275: チームは十分な信頼を受けていないと感じている