翻訳/0101-0200 page/0124

Last-modified: 2008-12-04 (木) 00:19:55

KEY: To help you achieve this goal the <%club#1-short> board have given you a transfer budget of <%cash#1-short-roundlarge>.
STR-231488: 目的達成のため <%club#1-short> 理事会は あなたに <%cash#1-short-roundlarge> の移籍資金を与えました

KEY: Unprofessional Behaviour
STR-231489: プロらしからぬ行為

KEY: Dismissal in prior match
STR-231490: 以前の試合で退場

KEY: Violent Behaviour
STR-231491: 暴力行為

KEY: Poor performance
STR-231492: 低いパフォーマンス

KEY: No Reason
STR-231493: 理由なし

KEY: unprofessional behaviour
STR-231494: プロらしくない振る舞い

KEY: dismissal in prior match
STR-231495: 前試合で出場停止

KEY: violent behaviour
STR-231496: 乱暴な振る舞い

KEY: poor performance
STR-231497: 低いパフォーマンス

KEY: no reason
STR-231498: 理由無し

KEY: <%number#1> teams<COMMENT - Hall of fame table, number of teams a manager has used to achieve record>
STR-231499: <%number#1> チーム<COMMENT - Hall of fame table, number of teams a manager has used to achieve record>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#1> Domestic Title<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231500: <%team#1-short> の国内タイトル数: <%number#1><COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#1> Domestic Titles<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231501: <%team#1-short> の国内タイトル数: <%number#1><COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#2> Major Domestic Cup<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231502: <%team#1-short> の国内メジャー大会: <%number#2><COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#2> Major Domestic Cups<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231503: <%team#1-short> の国内メジャー大会: <%number#2><COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#1> <%continent#1-continentality> Major Cup<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231504: <%team#1-short> の <%continent#1-continentality>内メジャー大会: <%number#1><COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>