翻訳/0101-0200 page/0136

Last-modified: 2008-12-04 (木) 15:31:21

KEY: Has poor opinion of you<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231635: あなたを悪く思っている

KEY: Has very poor opinion of you<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231636: あなたをとても悪く思っている

KEY: Slightly jealous of you and your position<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231637: あなたとその地位に少し嫉妬している

KEY: Jealous of you and your position<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231638: あなたとその地位に嫉妬している

KEY: Highly jealous of your position<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231639: あなたの地位にひどく嫉妬している

KEY: Fairly annoyed with you<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231640: あなたに対して若干いらだっている

KEY: Angry with you<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231641: あなたに対し怒っている

KEY: Extremely angry with you<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231642: あなたに対しものすごく怒っている

KEY: Hoping he can gain an advantage in the press over you<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231643: 報道陣からあなたより良い評価を得たいと思っている

KEY: May look to use the media to gain an advantage over you<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231644: メディアを利用してあなたより優位に立とうと考えている

KEY: Willing to use any advantage to ensure his team is more successful than your team<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231645: あなたのチームより自分のチームが優れているとはっきりさせる利点があるならどんなことでも使おうと思っている

KEY: Wants to keep his fans happy by enjoying some success over your team<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231646: あなたのチームに勝ってファンを喜ばせたいと思っている

KEY: Is looking to satisfy his fans by having the upper hand over your team<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231647: あなたのチームに勝ってファンを満足させようとしている

KEY: Is determined to ensure his fans have the upper hand in the rivalry between the clubs<COMMENT relationship towards you manager profile screen>
STR-231648: クラブ間の競争に勝ってファンを確保するつもりでいる