翻訳/0101-0200 page/0149

Last-modified: 2008-12-06 (土) 15:07:52

KEY: Resigned as manager of <%team#1-short>
STR-232028: <%team#1-short> の監督の辞任

KEY: Left as manager of <%team#1-short><COMMENT: staff achievement; staff history; manager left the club>
STR-232029: <%team#1-short> の監督職を去る

KEY: Hired as caretaker manager of <%team#1-short>
STR-232030: <%team#1-short> の暫定監督に就任

KEY: Sacked as manager of <%team#1-short>
STR-232031: <%team#1-short> の監督を解雇

KEY: <%comp#1-long> winners
STR-232036: <%comp#1-long> 優勝

KEY: <%comp#1-long> runners up
STR-232037: <%comp#1-long> 準優勝

KEY: <%comp#1-long> third placed
STR-232038: <%comp#1-long> 3位

KEY: <%comp#1-long> champions
STR-232039: <%comp#1-long> チャンピオン

KEY: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> <%award#1-long>
STR-232040: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> 年 <%award#1-long>

KEY: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> <%award#1-long> runner up
STR-232041: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> 年 <%award#1-long> 2位

KEY: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> <%award#1-long> third placed
STR-232042: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> 年 <%award#1-long> 3位

KEY: Named in <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> <%award#1-long>
STR-232043: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> <%award#1-long>

KEY: <%award#1-long> for <%string#1 - Month name(e.g.February)>
STR-232044: <%string#1 - Month name(e.g.February)> の <%award#1-long>

KEY: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> Supporters Player of the Year
STR-232045: <%string#1 - year e.g. 1997/98> 年 サポーターが選ぶMVP選手

KEY: First U21 international cap against <%team#1-short> aged <%number#1 - Age(e.g.21)>
STR-232046: 最初の 21 歳以下代表戦は <%number#1 - Age(e.g.21)> 歳の時の対 <%team#1-short> 戦になります

KEY: First international cap against <%team#1-short> aged <%number#1 - Age(e.g.21)>
STR-232047: <%number#1 - Age(e.g.21)> 歳で初代表(対 <%team#1-short> 戦)

KEY: Won in <%fixture_name#1-long>
STR-232048: <%fixture_name#1-long> での勝利

KEY: Knocked out in <%fixture_name#1-long>
STR-232049: <%fixture_name#1-long> で敗退