翻訳/0201-0300 page/0248

Last-modified: 2008-12-09 (火) 22:36:09

KEY: This victory has seen them end their run of games without a win.\n\nUnfortunately, they find themselves just outside the relegation zone with the end of the season fast approaching.\n\nMany were tipping <%team#1-nickname> for the drop this season and they will need to find more victories in upcoming games to stay up.
STR-240579: この勝利は 彼らにとっては久々の勝利となります \n\n残念なことに シーズン終了が近付いているにもかかわらず 彼らは降格圏間近に位置しています \n\n今シーズン 多くの人が <%team#1-nickname> の降格を予想しています 彼らは 残留に向けより多くの勝利が必要です

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> may have just suffered this first defeat for a while, but here's no disguising the fact that they're only just outside the relegation zone.\n\nHaving been tipped for the drop this season however, a similar position come the end of the season would be seen as a great success.
STR-240580: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> はここ最近で久しぶりの敗北を喫しました しかし忘れてはいけないのが 降格圏内のほんの少し上に位置していると言う事です \n\nシーズン前は降格と目されていたチームだけに 最後までこの位置で粘る事ができれば上出来なシーズンと言えるでしょう

KEY: Having been tipped for relegation this season, <%team#1-nickname>{s} position just outside the drop zone looks a good one.\n\nHowever, fans will feel that their recent unbeaten run should really have moved them further away from the relegation zone and they will need to get back to winning ways sooner rather than later to preserve their status in this division.
STR-240581: 今シーズンは降格決定と予想されていましたが 現在 <%team#1-nickname> のリーグ順位は降格ゾーンの真上に位置しています \n\nしかし 最近の快進撃を喜ぶサポーターからは 現状維持で満足するのではなく 降格ゾーンからさらに上を目指し勝ち進んで欲しいとの声が挙がっています

KEY: With the end of the season fast approaching <%team#1-nickname>{s} undefeated run had looked to be a blessing.\n\nHowever, with the run now having ended with the side just above the relegation zone, the pre-season relegation favourites will need a few more wins to ensure they avoid the drop.
STR-240582: シーズンも終わりに近付き <%team#1-nickname> が無敗を続けていることは賞賛されています \n\n降格圏のすぐ上にいるチームとの対戦は終わってしまったため シーズン前 降格候補とされたチームは 降格を避けるためには更に数勝が必要になります

KEY: Despite having been tipped by many for relegation this season, <%team#1-nickname> have made an encouraging start to their campaign and they currently find themselves in a mid-table position.\n\nIf they can continue to play as they are now, it may well turn out to be a successful season for the club.
STR-240583: 今シーズン 多くの人が降格を予想したにもかかわらず <%team#1-nickname> は良い滑り出しを見せ 現在中位につけています \n\n今の状態が続くようなら クラブにとっては 成功したシーズンと言えるでしょう

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname>{s} recent form has been thoroughly impressive and the pre-season relegation candidates find themselves sitting deservedly in mid-table.\n\nHowever, they will need to continue working hard until the end of the season to make sure they don't get sucked into a relegation battle.
STR-240584: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> の最近の活躍は目を見張る物があり シーズン前は降格候補だったチームは現在 リーグ中盤の位置をキープしています \n\nしかしながら 降格争いに巻き込まれないように シーズン終了まで現在の調子を維持し続けなければなりません

KEY: With the end of the season fast approaching it looks as though <%team#1-nickname> have managed to avoid relegation this season.\n\nMany fancied the club for the drop this season, but their recent performances have surely prevented that unless things take a massive turn for the worse.
STR-240585: シーズン終了も近付き <%team#1-nickname> はどうにか降格を免れそうです \n\n多くの人がそのクラブの降格を予想しましたが 事態がかなり悪化しない限り このところの好調を考えると降格は避けられそうです

KEY: Despite being many peoples' favourites for the drop, <%team#1-nickname> find themselves currently sitting in mid-table.\n\nHowever, with the season has only just begun, if the club continue to play as they have done in recent games, it won't be long until they find themselves struggling at the wrong end of the table.
STR-240586: 多くの人が降格を予想したにもかかわらず <%team#1-nickname> は現在 中位につけています \n\nしかしシーズンは始まったばかりなので 最近の試合と同じような状態が続けば チームはすぐに下位争いを強いられるようになるでしょう