翻訳/0201-0300 page/0259

Last-modified: 2008-12-09 (火) 22:40:33

KEY: Just as <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only>{s} form had started to suggest they could battle out of the relegation places, the team suffer another disappointing defeat.
STR-240664: ようやく降格圏内から抜け出したと思われた <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> ですが 再び無様な敗戦を喫してしまいました

KEY: <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> have faltered with this result and after a promising unbeaten run, still remain in an anticipated relegation birth.
STR-240665: 連勝記録を続けていただけに <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の今日の結果はファンに降格の二文字を予感させ心配をあおっています

KEY: With time running out for <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only>{s} battle against relegation, the recent defeat comes as a major blow to their hopes.\n\nThe luckless team now appear destined for the drop.
STR-240666: <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の降格争いも佳境に入り この敗戦は 残留の希望に対して大きな痛手となりました \n\nツキに見放されたそのチームは降格すると思われます

KEY: Though just outside the relegation places, <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only>{s} prospects this season could be better than originally feared as the team continues to perform above expectations.
STR-240667: 降格圏のすぐ上の順位で現在は不調とは言え 今シーズンの <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> は もともと悪かった順位予想を上回るパフォーマンスを見せていると思われます

KEY: Though currently on the fringe of the relegation places <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> have recently been showing signs they could easily move to a more comfortable mid-table position.
STR-240668: 現在は降格圏間近ですが <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> には より安心できる中位の順位まで上がってくる兆しがあります

KEY: As expected, <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only>{s} fans find their team just above the relegation places; but their current form could well see them avoid being dragged into the drop zone.
STR-240669: 予想通り <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> のサポーター達は チームが降格圏のすぐ上に位置していると思っていますが 現在の調子なら降格圏への脱落を免れるかもしれません

KEY: With their team tipped to struggle, the club's poor current form and early season position just above the relegation zone has had {upper}<%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> fans fearing the worst.\n\nAll they can see for the rest of the season is a long hard battle for survival.
STR-240670: 苦戦が予想され クラブの最近の不調とシーズン初めの順位が降格圏のすぐ上だったこともあり ファン達は事態が悪化することを恐れています \n\n彼らにとって シーズンの残りは長く厳しい戦いとなります

KEY: Struggling <%team#1-short> continue to let down their fans who now fear that they may be dragged deeper into the relegation battle.
STR-240671: <%team#1-short> の不振ぶりに落ち込んでいるサポーター達は 今や降格の可能性もあるかも知れないという不安を抱いています

KEY: With so little of the season remaining, <%team#1-short>{s} fans remain uncertain of the team's future.\n\nThough sitting outside the relegation places, their current form isn't going to keep them safe much longer.
STR-240672: シーズンも終盤ですが <%team#1-short> のファン達はチームの将来に確信が持てません \n\n降格圏には入っていませんが 最近の調子を考えると もうこれ以上楽観視はできません

KEY: Even at this early stage of the season, <%team#1-short> sit as expected on the fringe of the relegation places.\n\nAfter a disappointing run of results this recent victory has given fans hope.
STR-240673: シーズンの序盤ですが 予想通り <%team#1-short> は降格圏ギリギリのところにいます \n\n残念な結果が続いていましたが この勝利でファンには希望が湧いてきました

KEY: With their team sitting perilously close to the relegation positions, <%team#1-nickname>{s} fans are showing how relieved they are that their side's run of games without a victory has finally come to an end.
STR-240674: 降格圏に近付く危険性があったため <%team#1-nickname> のファン達は チームが勝てない状態から脱出し安心しました