翻訳/0201-0300 page/0293

Last-modified: 2008-12-13 (土) 01:11:31

KEY: As poor form looked like dragging <%team#1-nickname> into a relegation dog fight, the maximum points they collected from their last game will go some way to help them win a survival battle they never should have been in.
STR-240950: <%team#1-nickname> が熾烈な降格争いに巻き込まれるようなひどい成績なので 前回挙げた最大勝ち点が 経験したことの無い残留争いを勝ち抜くのに いくらか役立つでしょう

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname>{s} recent performances had shown signs that the club was on the way up to the league position they expect to occupy.\n\nHowever, this latest defeat should act as a reminder that there is a long way to go and they aren't that far off the bottom yet.
STR-240951: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> の最近のパフォーマンスは これからリーグのポジションが上がり 予定通りの位置に来る可能性を示唆しています \n\nしかしながら 先日の敗北はシーズンはまだ長いと言う事を思い出させるだけでなく 現時点でのポジションがリーグ下位に位置していると言う事を再確認させました

KEY: Although the possibility of launching a title bid now looks close to impossible, <%team#1-nickname> have shown massive signs of improvement in recent weeks.\n\nHowever, their good run looks to have ended, and if they don't bounce quickly back, they could find themselves in trouble.
STR-240952: タイトル争いに加わるのは もはや不可能に近いと思われますが <%team#1-nickname> はここ数週間 進歩の兆しを見せています \n\nしかし 彼らの好調さも終わったようなので すぐに復調しなければ窮地に陥ります

KEY: Despite being one of the pre-season title favourites, <%team#1-nickname> are still not safe from the drop at this late stage in the season.\n\nRecent results had been going their way, but defeat has left them keeping a nervous eye on the teams below them.
STR-240953: シーズン前は優勝候補と見られていた <%team#1-nickname> ですが シーズン終盤に降格する危険があります \n\n最近は思い通りの結果を出せていますが 敗戦により 下位チームにも気を使わなければならなくなりました

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname>{s} form certainly looks to have picked up recently.\n\nThey will need this vein of form to continue if they are to mount the title challenge they should be capable of.
STR-240954: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> は最近何かをつかみかけているようです \n\nもしタイトル獲得と言う可能性を実現させたいのであれば このままの調子を維持していかなければいけません

KEY: At last <%team#1-nickname> are playing in the style expected of them.\n\nSitting mid-table is an underachievement for the side though, but the longer this good run can continue, the better their chances of rescuing their season.
STR-240955: やっと <%team#1-nickname> は 期待通りの戦いをしました \n\nチームが中位の順位に付けているのは不本意ですが 好成績が続けば 巻き返すチャンスも出て来ます

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> are looking unbeatable at the moment and are showing signs that they are finally beginning to fulfil their potential.\n\nIt is a shame they have left it so late in the season though, and will probably now have to settle for a disappointing mid-table spot.
STR-240956: 現在の{upper}<%team#1-nickname> は負ける気が全く無く チームの持つポテンシャルがやっと現れ始めた感じがします \n\nしかしそれを見せる時期があまりにも遅く 不本意ながら リーグの中位に落ち着くのが今では精一杯といった感じです

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> have yet to get out of the starting blocks this season.\n\nThey are sitting in a relatively poor league position and their recent performances have done little to suggest that this will improve in the coming weeks.
STR-240957: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> は依然 シーズン当初のつまづきから抜けられないようです \n\n最近のパフォーマンスではチームが良くなっている兆しが垣間見えますが 現状リーグの順位は下位に甘んじています