翻訳/0201-0300 page/0294

Last-modified: 2008-12-13 (土) 01:15:22

KEY: Pre-season optimism that a title challenge was on the cards this season has failed to materialise into anything for <%team#1-nickname>.\n\nAn abysmal run of results over the last few weeks has seen them take up residence in the middle of the table.
STR-240958: 開幕前に優勝候補の一角として名前が挙がっていた <%team#1-nickname> ですが 今は見る影もありません \n\nここ数週間の最悪な結果により チームは完全に中位の順位をさまよう位置にいます

KEY: Most <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> fans will be glad when this season draws to a close.\n\nTheir poor form and disappointing league position are a far cry from the title ambitions they held at the campaigns start.
STR-240959: <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の大抵のファンは今シーズンが終わりに近づくと喜ぶでしょう \n\n 彼らの不調と期待外れのリーグポジションはキャンペーンスタート時に抱いてたタイトル獲得への野望とはほど遠いものです

KEY: This result may mean <%team#1-nickname> are finally about to kickstart their season!\n\nA disappointing league position combined with their recent winless run has done little to inspire their supporters' hopes of a title challenge so far and they will need to build on this victory if a successful season is to be in the offing.
STR-240960: この結果で <%team#1-nickname> は 遂にシーズンをスタートさせたと言えるでしょう! \n\n勝利に見放され順位が低迷していることから サポーター達は優勝を諦め始めており チームがこのシーズンを成功させるためには この勝利を足掛かりにする必要があります

KEY: It has been a very disappointing season so far for the pundits' pre-season title tip.\n\nOn the bright side they have at least now put an end to their awful run.
STR-240961: 開幕前は優勝候補の呼び声も高かっただけに とても残念なシーズンを送っています \n\n明るい話をすれば 少なくとも現在は最悪のパターンから抜け出しています

KEY: Although it looks far too late in the day for <%team#1-nickname> to salvage anything from a very disappointing campaign, at least they have finally recorded a victory.\n\nAll they can do now is start preparing for next season to ensure there is some drastic improvement.
STR-240962: <%team#1-nickname> が とても期待外れのシーズンから何かを得るには遅すぎたようで とにかく最後に勝利することは出来ました \n\n今 彼らにできるのは 劇的な変化を遂げられるよう来シーズンに向けて準備をすることです

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname>{s} recent good form that had looked like pulling them up the league has taken a setback as the fell to this defeat.\n\nThey will need to bounce back to winning ways if they are to have any hope of launching a title bid.
STR-240963: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> の好調さによるリーグ順位の上昇も この敗戦で一段落ついてしまったかもしれません \n\nタイトル獲得に望みを繋ぎたいのであれば すぐにでもチームの状態を元に戻した方が良さそうです

KEY: Hopes that <%team#1-nickname> were on course to rebuild their season suffered a blow as they fell to this defeat.\n\nThis brings to an end an excellent run of results over the past few weeks.
STR-240964: この敗戦でチームの好成績が途切れたため <%team#1-nickname> が 今シーズン中に立ち直る事と願っている

KEY: A very disappointing season is drawing to a close for <%team#1-nickname>.\n\nIn recent weeks they had been playing at the level so many expect of them with an excellent run of results but that was ended as they slumped to this defeat.
STR-240965: <%team#1-nickname> にとって大変期待外れだったシーズンも 終わりを迎えようとしています \n\nここ数週間は 多くの人が期待した素晴らしい結果を残した戦いぶりでしたが それもこの敗戦で終わりを迎えました

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> have been widely tipped as outsiders in the title race this season and if their current early season form continues, who knows what they can achieve.
STR-240966: シーズン当初はタイトル争いの圏外にいた{upper}<%team#1-nickname> ですが このままの好調さを維持できるのであれば最後に何が起こるかわかりません