翻訳/0201-0300 page/0295

Last-modified: 2008-12-13 (土) 01:19:36

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> are playing extremely well at the moment and many pundits are sticking by their pre-season prediction, convinced the club will be challenging for honours when the season draws to a close.
STR-240967: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> は現在素晴らしいプレイを展開していますが 関係者の多くは いまだにチームのタイトル獲得は大変であるという見解を 変えていません

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> look like they should easily qualify for Europe by the end of the year, especially if their current form can continue.\n\nIf they don't claim the title this season, pundits still believe there is a lot of promise left for this team next season.
STR-240968: もし今の状態を維持できるのであれば 今シーズンの{upper}<%team#1-nickname> は簡単に欧州選手権出場を果たせそうです \n\nたとえ今シーズンタイトルに手が届かなかったとしても 来シーズンへの期待がとても大きく感じられます

KEY: A quick change in form is needed by <%team#1-nickname> if they are to have any hope of a title bid this season.\n\nAlthough they are in the top portion of the league, on current form they will lose sight of the leaders very quickly indeed.
STR-240969: もし <%team#1-nickname> が今シーズンのタイトル獲得を望むなら 至急戦術を変更する必要があります \n\n彼らはリーグの上位につけていますが 現状のままでは ごく短期間のうちに 更に上位のチームの姿を見失うでしょう

KEY: If <%team#1-nickname> have any intentions of holding their current league position, they need to start improving their performance soon.\n\nThey may be on course to qualify for Europe at the moment but there is plenty of time for that dream to evaporate.
STR-240970: もし <%team#1-nickname> が現在のリーグ順位を守りたいのなら すぐにでもプレイの質を上げていかなければなりません \n\n今のところは欧州大会出場権を獲得しそうな勢いですが この先状況が変わる可能性は大いにあります

KEY: If <%team#1-nickname>{s} poor run of form continues for much longer, they may place their chance of playing European football next season in jeopardy.\n\nManager <%person#1-surname> would surely be the first to agree that this really is the wrong time of the year to have a bad run of results.
STR-240971: <%team#1-nickname> のスランプが長引くようであれば 来シーズンの欧州大会出場のチャンスも危うくなるでしょう \n\n <%person#1-surname> 監督は 一番悪い時期にスランプに陥ったと嘆いている事でしょう

KEY: With this result, {upper}<%team#1-nickname> have broken their barren spell and brought something of a smile to the manager's face.\n\nIf they can build on this result, it should still give them the opportunity to launch a strong title challenge over the coming year.
STR-240972: この結果を受けて {upper}<%team#1-nickname> は不調を克服し 監督の顔にも笑顔が戻りました \n\nこの結果を続けることが出来れば 来年優勝争いをするチャンスを得ることができます

KEY: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> season looks like it may be back on track with this result.\n\nTheir fans have been going through some tough times lately but this win should help them get their title challenge back on track.
STR-240973: {upper}<%team#1-nickname> はようやく本来の調子を取り戻しつつあるようです \n\nファンにとっては長く苦しい時でしたが この勝利によって再びサポーターも燃えてくるでしょう

KEY: After breaking their recent winless steak, it looks as if <%team#1-nickname> may hold on to their current league position after all and not blow their chances of playing European football next year.
STR-240974: 最近の連敗続きに終止符を打ちましたが まるで <%team#1-nickname> は現在の順位を死守するかのようで 来シーズンの欧州大会への出場権を賭けて戦う可能性はないようです

KEY: After a promising start to the season, <%team#1-nickname> have suffered an untimely defeat.\n\nIf they are serious about their title ambitions they will want to get back to winning ways as soon as they can.
STR-240975: 今シーズン期待できそうなスタートを切った後 <%team#1-nickname> は突然の敗戦を喫しました \n\n彼らが真剣にタイトル奪取を目指すなら できるだけ早く常勝街道に戻りたいと思っています