翻訳/0401-0500 page/0435

Last-modified: 2008-12-14 (日) 12:28:39

KEY: [%person#1-surname] not a fan of [%person#2-surname]
STR-245797: [%person#1-surname]、 [%person#2-surname] を好かず

KEY: After hearing that [%person#2] would have no qualms about seeing [%team#1-short] underachieve this season, [%person#1] was surprisingly relaxed about the whole incident.
STR-245798: [%team#1-short] が今シーズン成績不振でも全く気に掛けないという [%person#2] の発言を耳にしても [%person#1] は驚くほど落ち着いていました

KEY: After hearing that [%person#2] would have no qualms about seeing [%team#1-short] underachieve this season, [%person#1] was disappointed that [%person#2-surname] felt it necessary to talk to the press about their personal differences.
STR-245799: [%team#1-short] が今シーズン 成績不振でも 全く気に掛けないという [%person#2] の発言を耳にした [%person#1] は [%person#2-surname] が個人的な意見の相違を マスコミに話したことを残念に思ったようです

KEY: After hearing that [%person#2] would have no qualms about seeing [%team#1-short] underachieve this season, [%person#1] was hardly motivated to respond.
STR-245800: [%team#1-short] が今シーズン成績不振でも全く気に掛けないという [%person#2] の発言を聞き [%person#1] は答える気すら起きませんでした

KEY: [%person#1-surname] unsure of [%person#2-surname]
STR-245805: [%person#1-surname]、 [%person#2-surname] を信用せず

KEY: [%person#1-surname] said that there is just a complete personality clash and there is no chance they will ever see eye to eye.
STR-245811: [%person#1-surname] は 2人の性格が全く反対であり 今後 面と向かうことは ありえないと述べました

KEY: [%person#1-surname] makes feud public
STR-245812: [%person#1-surname] 不仲を明らかに

KEY: [%person#1] was understandably annoyed about the recent comments from [%person#2] and responded accordingly.
STR-245814: [%person#1] は 自分に関する [%person#2] の最近の発言に 当然のことながら気分を害し それ相応の返答をしました

KEY: [%person#1] didn't see any need to rise to [%person#2]{s} recent remarks and chose to largely ignore them.
STR-245815: [%person#1] は [%person#2] の最近の発言に目くじらを立てても しかたがないとして 無視することにしました

KEY: Speaking to journalists from [%string#1 COMMENT: media_source], [%team#1] boss [%person#1] found the time to praise [%team#2] manager [%person#2].
STR-245818: [%team#1] の監督 [%person#1] は [%string#1 COMMENT: media_source] のインタビューの中で [%team#2] 監督の [%person#2] を褒めたたえました

KEY: [%person#1-surname] speaks of [%team#2-short]{s} good form
STR-245828: [%person#1-surname] [%team#2-short] の好調ぶりについて語る

KEY: [%person#1-surname] speaks highly of [%person#2-surname]
STR-245836: [%person#1-surname]、 [%person#2-surname] を高く評価

KEY: 'No grudges,' says [%person#1-surname]
STR-245844: [%person#1-surname] 「恨むまねはしない」と発言