翻訳/0501-0600 page/0539

Last-modified: 2008-12-23 (火) 13:13:11

KEY: Team[COMMENT: team talk - player: use overall team talk for this player]
STR-248895: チーム

KEY: None[COMMENT: team talk - team: no team talk; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248896: なし

KEY: None[COMMENT: team talk - team: no team talk, long]
STR-248897: なし

KEY: Letting the team down[COMMENT: team talk - team:; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248898: チームそのものの危機

KEY: Explain that the team's pride is at stake![COMMENT: team talk - long]
STR-248899: チームの誇りがかかっている! と説明する

KEY: We must get a result here, no excuses[COMMENT: team talk - team:; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248900: 言い訳無用 結果が必要

KEY: Tell the team you expect nothing less than a win[COMMENT: team talk - long]
STR-248901: 勝利以外は求めていない とチームに伝える

KEY: Embarrassing[COMMENT: team talk - team: embarrassing; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248902: 恥ずかしい

KEY: Explain that the result was embarrassing for the team[COMMENT: team talk - team: embarrassing, long]
STR-248903: 恥ずべき結果であった と説明する

KEY: Awful[COMMENT: team talk - team:]
STR-248904: ひどい

KEY: Explain that despite the win their performance was awful[COMMENT: team talk - team: long]
STR-248905: 勝利したもののひどい試合内容であった と伝える

KEY: Angry[COMMENT: team talk - team: angry; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248906: 怒り

KEY: Show your anger at the team[COMMENT: team talk - team: angry, long]
STR-248907: チームへの怒りを示す

KEY: Where's the passion lads?[COMMENT: team talk - team:; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248908: 情熱を失ったのか?

KEY: Tell the team that you expect them to perform much better after half-time[COMMENT: team talk - long]
STR-248911: 後半は見違えるようなプレイを期待している とチームに伝える

KEY: Not good enough[COMMENT: team talk - team: not good enough; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248912: 十分ではない