翻訳/0501-0600 page/0544

Last-modified: 2008-12-28 (日) 20:43:03

KEY: Not good enough[COMMENT: team talk - player: not good enough; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248980: 十分ではない

KEY: Disappointing[COMMENT: team talk - player: disappointed; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248982: 落胆している

KEY: [ W e l l] done[COMMENT: team talk - player: delighted; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248988: よくやった

KEY: Did well[COMMENT: team talk - player: delighted; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248990: よく戦った

KEY: Pleased[COMMENT: team talk - player: pleased; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248992: 喜んでいる

KEY: Fantastic[COMMENT: team talk - player: delighted; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248994: 素晴らしい

KEY: Delighted[COMMENT: team talk - player: delighted; keep this string as short as possible]
STR-248996: 非常に喜んでいる

KEY: Team (<%string#1 - general team talk description>)[COMMENT: team talk - use the standard team setting]
STR-248999: チーム (<%string#1 - general team talk description>)[COMMENT: team talk - use the standard team setting]

KEY: Goalkeeper[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]
STR-249000: ゴールキーパー[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]

KEY: Full Back[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]
STR-249001: ディフェンダー[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]

KEY: Centre Back[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]
STR-249002: センターバック

KEY: Defensive Midfielder[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]
STR-249003: 守備的ミッドフィルダー[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]

KEY: Attacking Midfielder[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]
STR-249004: 攻撃的ミッドフィルダー[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]

KEY: Winger[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]
STR-249005: ウィング[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]

KEY: Striker[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]
STR-249006: ストライカー[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]

KEY: Target Man[COMMENT: tactical_templates; Position]
STR-249007: ターゲットマン

KEY: League Dates
STR-249022: リーグ日程

KEY: Group Stage
STR-249023: グループステージ

KEY: Most Times Winner<COMMENT - on competition records screen>
STR-249024: 最多優勝チーム <COMMENT - on competition records screen>