翻訳/0601-0700 page/0608

Last-modified: 2008-12-15 (月) 23:22:07

KEY: Players[COMMENT: tactic squad list: panel title]
STR-250350: 選手

KEY: Processing[COMMENT: modal sheet animation label: processing]
STR-250362: 処理中

KEY: Renewal Signing On Fees<COMMENT: finainced panel>
STR-250372: 賃金契約の更改

KEY: Save Before You Exit To Main Menu?[COMMENT: XBox Exit Title: confirmation when save game should be saved]
STR-250375: メインメニューに戻る前にセーブしますか?

KEY: Saving...
STR-250378: セーブ中...

KEY: The current game is not saved.\nDo you want to save the game before you exit to the main menu?[COMMENT: XBox Exit Message: confirmation when save game should be saved]
STR-250402: このゲームはセーブされていません\nメインメニューへ戻る前にセーブしますか?

KEY: The in-use storage device is unavailable. Press the A button to continue.<COMMENT - dialog message when showing an error when a the storage device has been removed or become unavailable for whatever reason>
STR-250409: この保存デバイスは使用できません 続けるには Aボタンを押してください

KEY: YTL<comment Turksih Lira>
STR-250444: トルコ リラ

KEY: [%person#1] thanks [%person#2] publicly for pre-season friendly
STR-250445: [%person#1] がシーズン前の 親善試合に関し [%person#2] に公に感謝

KEY: Victorious <%team#1-short> celebrated a double after winning the <%comp#1-long> against <%team#2-short>.\n\n<%team#1-nickname> won on away goals after the match finished <%number#1>-<%number#2> on aggregate.
STR-250483: 勝利に輝いた <%team#1-short> は <%comp#1-long> で <%team#2-short> に勝ち 二冠を祝いました \n\n <%team#1-nickname> はアウェイ戦でのゴール数から総計 <%number#1> - <%number#2> で勝ちました

KEY: Victorious <%team#1-short> celebrated the Double after winning the <%comp#1-long> against <%team#2-short> at <%stadium#1-short>.\n\n<%team#1-nickname> won on away goals after the match finished <%number#1>-<%number#2> on aggregate.<COMMENT: the Double with a capital 'D' is the main cup and league in a nation; different to double with small d which is any two comp wins>
STR-250484: <%stadium#1-short> で <%team#2-short> を破り <%comp#1-long> を制した勝者 <%team#1-short> は 二冠達成を祝いました\n\n<%team#1-nickname> は <%number#1>-<%number#2> で試合を終え アウェイ・ゴール差で勝利しました

KEY: Dev[COMMENT - team screen; player status flag; Developemental player (used to show young players in MLS), short string]
STR-250546: デベ

KEY: Has a developmental contract[COMMENT - hint text for Dev player status flag, used in MLS]
STR-250547: デベロップメンタル契約