翻訳/0601-0700 page/0610

Last-modified: 2008-12-15 (月) 23:24:21

KEY: <%team#1-short> Tactics[COMMENT - Manager Main/Top Menu direct tactics link]
STR-250562: <%team#1-short> 戦術

KEY: Home Page[COMMENT: manager main/top menu: home page menu item]
STR-250564: ホーム画面

KEY: Shortlist[COMMENT: Manager main/top menu: shortlist menu item]
STR-250565: 候補リスト

KEY: National Pool[COMMENT: Manager main/top menu: national pool menu item]
STR-250567: 代表候補

KEY: Go On Holiday[COMMENT: Manager main/top menu: go on holiday item, when human is currently not on holiday]
STR-250572: 休暇をとる

KEY: Resign From <%team#1-short-notype>[COMMENT: Manager main/top menu: resign from team menu item]
STR-250573: <%team#1-short-notype> を去る

KEY: Resign[COMMENT: Manager main/top menu: resign from team menu item when team name is not shown]
STR-250574: 辞職する

KEY: Retire[COMMENT: Manager main/top menu: retire menu item]
STR-250575: 引退する

KEY: Dislikes you and finds you difficult to work with<COMMENT: player concern string; player profile>
STR-250576: あなたのことが嫌いで 一緒にやっていくことに難しさを感じている

KEY: Create Bookmark Folder[COMMENT: 'new folder' dialog title for creating new bookmark folders on the 'add bookmark' dialog]
STR-250577: ブックマークフォルダを作成する

KEY: Enter a name for the new bookmark folder[COMMENT: 'new folder' dialog text for creating new bookmark folder on the 'add bookmark' dialog]
STR-250578: 新規ブックマークフォルダに名前を付ける

KEY: Root[COMMENT: Add Bookmark Dialog: Location Popup: 'No' location, or 'Root' (main bookmark folder) location]
STR-250579: ルート

KEY: Named in <%award#1-long><COMMENT: staff achievement; staff history; player wins award e.g. Named in English Premier Division Team Of The Week>
STR-250580: <%award#1-long> を受賞

KEY: <%team#1-short> can't pick up a win from anywhere at the moment, let alone at <%stadium#1-short>. I think this match will be <%team#2-short> all the way and we should see a few goals.<COMMENT - prediction text, match screen, preview section>
STR-250582: 今の <%team#1-short> は <%stadium#1-short> ではおろか どのチームにも勝つことはできないでしょう <%team#2-short> が優勢に試合を進め 2~3点入れるのではないでしょうか