翻訳/0601-0700 page/0686

Last-modified: 2009-07-09 (木) 14:19:38

KEY: Can't understand why his boss <%person#1> would praise him for not playing well<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253008: ひどいプレイをしても <%person#1> 監督に きまって褒められることが理解できない<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Is disappointed that his boss <%person#1> has criticised his form despite him playing well<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253009: うまくプレイしたにも関わらず <%person#1> 監督が自分の調子を批判したことに落胆している<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Feels that he doesn't have to do much to get praise from his current boss <%person#1><COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253010: 現在の監督 <%person#1> からの称賛を得るには たくさんのことをする必要は無いと感じている<%person#1><COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Pleased and surprised that his manager <%person#1> has decided to praise his recent form so highly<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253011: <%person#1> 監督が最近の自分の調子を 非常に高く称賛したことに関して 喜ぶと同時に驚いている<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Feels let down by his manager <%person#1>{s} meagre praise of his recent form<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253012: <%person#1> 監督が最近の自分の調子を 少ししか褒めなかったことに落胆している<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Is determined to continue his run of form in order to force his manager <%person#1> into lavishing more extravagant praise on him<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253013: 調子を持続させて <%person#1> 監督に自分をもっと称賛させようという決意に満ちている<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Is pleased following his manager <%person#1>{s} recognition of his recent form and hopes to play even better in the near future<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253014: 最近の自分の調子を <%person#1> 監督が認めたことを受けて喜び 近い将来もっと良いプレイをすることを望んでいる<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Feels he is being unfairly targeted by his current boss <%person#1><COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253015: 現在の監督 <%person#1> によって自分が不当に標的とされている と感じている<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Determined to improve on his recent form despite his manager <%person#1>{s} harsh criticism<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253016: <%person#1> 監督の辛らつな批判にもかかわらず 調子を上げようという決意に満ちている<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Feels his manager <%person#1>{s} recent criticism was justified and hopes to play a lot better in the near future<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253019: <%person#1> 監督の最近の批判は理にかなっていると感じており 近い将来もっと良いプレイをしようと望んでいる<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Was pleased with how his recent learning experience went<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253020: 最近 実りの多い学習体験をしたことに喜んでいる<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Was disappointed that he didn't learn more during his recent learning experience<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253021: 最近の学習体験から 得るものが少なかったことに落胆している<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>