翻訳/0601-0700 page/0687

Last-modified: 2009-01-04 (日) 08:30:48

KEY: Feels he should get a pay-rise to match some of his team-mates' wages<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253023: チームメイトの何人かと同じレベルの賃金を得るために 昇給が必要であると感じている<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Feeling uncomfortable with the current atmosphere around the club following the recent personality clash<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253024: 最近 性格が原因となり衝突が起こったことを受けて クラブを取り巻く現在の雰囲気に居心地の悪さを感じている<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Unhappy following personality differences with a team-mate<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253025: チームメイトとの性格の不一致によって不満を感じている<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: On Holiday<COMMENT: DESCRIPTIVE_HAPPY_INFO::get_happiness_string()>
STR-253026: 休暇中<COMMENT: DESCRIPTIVE_HAPPY_INFO::get_happiness_string()>

KEY: Isn't convinced that his manager should be praising other clubs<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>
STR-253027: 監督が他クラブを称賛するべきか確信していない<COMMENT happiness string on player information screen>

KEY: Is looking to help the club progress<COMMENT: DESCRIPTIVE_HAPPY_INFO::get_happiness_string()>
STR-253029: クラブを前進させるのに一役買おうとしている<COMMENT: DESCRIPTIVE_HAPPY_INFO::get_happiness_string()>

KEY: Shortcut Already Exists[COMMENT: add keyboard shortcut dialog: title used when attempting to add a duplicate shortcut]
STR-253031: このショートカットは すでに存在します[COMMENT: add keyboard shortcut dialog: title used when attempting to add a duplicate shortcut]

KEY: Unknown[COMMENT: database selection dialog: unknown author]
STR-253032: 不明[COMMENT: database selection dialog: unknown author]

KEY: Unknown[COMMENT: database selection dialog: unknown version]
STR-253033: 不明[COMMENT: database selection dialog: unknown version]

KEY: Unknown[COMMENT: database selection dialog: unknown description]
STR-253034: 不明[COMMENT: database selection dialog: unknown description]

KEY: Rename Bookmark[COMMENT: rename bookmark dialog title]
STR-253035: ブックマーク名を変更[COMMENT: rename bookmark dialog title]

KEY: Type new name for bookmark[COMMENT: rename bookmark dialog message]
STR-253036: 新しいブックマーク名を入力してください[COMMENT: rename bookmark dialog message]

KEY: Untitled[COMMENT: untitled bookmark default title]
STR-253037: 無題d[COMMENT: untitled bookmark default title]

KEY: Delete Bookmark Folder[COMMENT: delete bookmark dialog title]
STR-253038: ブックマークフォルダの削除[COMMENT: delete bookmark dialog title]