翻訳/0801-0900 page/0832

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 20:25:47

KEY: <%team#1-short> are restricted to one foreign player in their squad (not including <%nation#1-nationality>).[COMMENT: squad selection error message]
STR-256754: <%team#1-short> は 1 名を超える外国籍選手( <%nation#1-nationality> を除く) を抱えることはできません

KEY: The squad must have no more than <%number#1> foreign players (not including <%nation#1-nationality>).[COMMENT: squad selection error message]
STR-256755: チームは <%number#1> 名を超える外国籍選手( <%nation#1-nationality> を除く) を抱えることはできません

KEY: The squad must have no more than one foreign player (not including <%nation#1-nationality>).[COMMENT: squad selection error message]
STR-256756: チームは 1 名を超える外国籍選手( <%nation#1-nationality> を除く) を抱えることはできません

KEY: <%team#1-short> are restricted to one foreign player in their squad.[COMMENT: squad selection error message]
STR-256757: <%team#1-short> に編成できる 外国籍選手は 1 名に制限されています

KEY: The squad must have no more than one foreign player.[COMMENT: squad selection error message]
STR-256758: チームは 1 名を超える外国籍選手を抱えることはできません

KEY: Loan of <%cash#1-roundlarge-short> (<%cash#2-roundlarge-short>/per month until <%date#1-short>).<COMMENT:finance_summary_panel-loan amount>
STR-256765: <%cash#1-roundlarge-short> の借入 ( <%date#1-short> まで毎月 <%cash#2-roundlarge-short> )

KEY: Club Chairman Loan of <%cash#1-roundlarge-short> (<%cash#2-roundlarge-short>/per month until <%date#1-short>).<COMMENT:finance_summary_panel-loan amount>
STR-256766: クラブ会長からの借入 <%cash#1-roundlarge-short> ( <%date#1-short> まで毎月 (<%cash#2-roundlarge-short> ずつ)

KEY: Bank Loan of <%cash#1-roundlarge-short> (<%cash#2-roundlarge-short>/per month until <%date#1-short>).<COMMENT:finance_summary_panel-loan amount>
STR-256767: 銀行借入 <%cash#1-roundlarge-short> (<%date#1-short> まで 月毎 <%cash#2-roundlarge-short> )

KEY: <%cash#1-transferbudget> (<%cash#2-transferbudget> remaining)[COMMENT: club finance/budget short info]
STR-256768: <%cash#1-transferbudget> (残高 <%cash#2-transferbudget>)

KEY: Full Time[COMMENT - end of match]
STR-256776: フルタイム

KEY: Amateur[COMMENT - amateur; used if a player/training schedule is amateur]
STR-256779: アマチュア

KEY: Seriously looking to try his hand at some of the less traditional roles within the game once his playing days are drawing to a close<COMMENT: future_non_playing_role_status - personal section person_screen>
STR-256780: 選手寿命が終わりに近づいたら 選手以外のサッカーに関する職に就きたいと真剣に考えている

KEY: Thinking of trying his hand at some of the less traditional roles within the game once his playing days are over<COMMENT: future_non_playing_role_status - personal section person_screen; player is thinking of becoming a physio>
STR-256781: 選手寿命が終わったら 選手以外のサッカーに関する職に就きたいと真剣に考えている