翻訳/0801-0900 page/0843

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 20:42:32

KEY: With the squad also boasting a large number of youngsters, <%person#1-surname> must believe that it will be possible to win the game with youth.[COMMENT: MEDIA_COMMENT_ON_SQUAD_SELECTION_NEWS]
STR-256964: 今回のメンバーには多くの若手選手も名を連ねています <%person#1-surname> は若手の選手を使っても勝利できると確信しているようです

KEY: <%person#1> seems to be erring on the cautious side for these finals, having chosen a team of experience over youth.[COMMENT: MEDIA_COMMENT_ON_SQUAD_SELECTION_NEWS]
STR-256965: <%person#1> は用心に用心を重ねたようで 決勝メンバーには若手選手よりもベテラン選手を多く選出しました

KEY: <%person#1-surname> has also seemingly chosen to play safe for this match, with the majority of the squad being made up of older, more experienced players.[COMMENT: MEDIA_COMMENT_ON_SQUAD_SELECTION_NEWS]
STR-256967: <%person#1-surname> は今回のメンバー選出には用心を重ねたようで 選手の過半数は経験豊富なベテラン選手で構成されています

KEY: {upper}<%person#1-surname>{s} selection certainly appears to underline a lack of talent within <%nation#1> currently, with all the players in the latest squad playing their club football outside the country.[COMMENT: MEDIA_COMMENT_ON_SQUAD_SELECTION_NEWS]
STR-256968: <%person#1-surname> のメンバー選出は 現在 <%nation#1> 国内のクラブに有能な選手が不足している事実を反映しています 今回のメンバーは全員 外国のクラブでプレイしている選手です

KEY: The focus of <%person#1-surname>{s} squad is definitely on players playing their club football outside <%nation#1>, with only a few players included in the squad playing for <%nation#1-nationality> clubs.[COMMENT: MEDIA_COMMENT_ON_SQUAD_SELECTION_NEWS]
STR-256971: 今回 <%person#1-surname> が選出したメンバーでは <%nation#1> 国外のクラブでプレイしている選手に注目が注がれるはずです <%nation#1-nationality> 国内のクラブでプレイしている選手はほとんど含まれていません

KEY: A replacement player can be called up instead.[COMMENT: national team injury news item]
STR-256973: 代わりの選手を召集することができます

KEY: <%nation#1> <%position#1-lowercase> puts pressure on <%nation#2>[COMMENT: PLAYER_COMMENT_ON_NATIONAL_TEAM_NEWS; headline]
STR-257028: <%nation#1> 代表の <%position#1-lowercase> が <%nation#2> へプレッシャーをかける

KEY: The referee for the match will be <%person#1> from <%city#1>.<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>
STR-257054: この試合の審判を務めるのは <%city#1> 在住の <%person#1> です

KEY: The referee for the match will be <%person#1>.<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>
STR-257055: この試合の審判を務めるのは <%person#1> です

KEY: The referee is <%person#1> from <%city#1> (<%nation#1>).<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>
STR-257056: 審判を務めるのは <%city#1> (<%nation#1>) 在住の <%person#1> です