翻訳/0801-0900 page/0844

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 20:43:11

KEY: The referee is <%person#1> from <%city#1>.<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>
STR-257057: 審判を務めるのは <%city#1> 在住の <%person#1> です

KEY: The referee is <%person#1>.<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>
STR-257058: 審判を務めるのは <%person#1> です

KEY: <%person#1-surname>{s} last <%team#1> match was <%scoreline#1-long> on <%date#1-long>.<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>
STR-257059: <%team#1> が出場し <%person#1-surname> が裁いた最近の試合は <%date#1-long> に行われた <%scoreline#1-long> の試合です

KEY: Easy <%continent#1-continentality> win expected for <%team#1-short><COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_NEWS_ODDS; news item headline for continental comp>
STR-257061: <%team#1-short> に容易い <%continent#1-continentality> 大会制覇が期待される

KEY: <%team#1-short> strong favourites for <%continent#1-continentality> clash<COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_NEWS_ODDS; news item headline for continental comp>
STR-257062: <%continent#1-continentality> 大会では <%team#1-short> が優勝候補筆頭

KEY: <%team#1-short> favoured for <%team#2-short> <%continent#1-continentality> battle<COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_NEWS_ODDS; news item headline for continental comp>
STR-257063: <%continent#1-continentality> 大会では <%team#1-short> が <%team#2-short> を下すとの予想が多数

KEY: <%team#1-short> and <%team#2-short> clash in <%continent#1-continentality> match<COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_NEWS_ODDS; news item headline for continental comp>
STR-257064: <%team#1-short> と <%team#2-short> が <%continent#1-continentality> 大会で激突

KEY: <%team#1-short> face <%team#2-short> in <%comp#1-short> match<COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_NEWS_ODDS; news item headline for continental comp>
STR-257065: <%team#1-short> と <%team#2-short> が <%comp#1-short> で対峙

KEY: <%team#1-short> set for <%continent#1-continentality> clash<COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_NEWS_ODDS; news item headline for continental comp>
STR-257066: <%continent#1-continentality> 大会に向けて <%team#1-short> の準備万端

KEY: View Reports<COMMENT - respond button on scout news item to view reports for the assignment just finished>
STR-257077: レポートを表示

KEY: <%team#1-short> season tickets sold out<COMMENT: news item title; season ticket sales>
STR-257089: <%team#1-short> のシーズンチケットが売り切れる

KEY: <%team#1-short> announce season ticket sales<COMMENT: news item title; season ticket sales>
STR-257090: <%team#1-short> のシーズンチケット発売を発表

KEY: Season ticket sales update<COMMENT: news item title; season ticket sales>
STR-257091: シーズンチケット販売の最新情報