翻訳/0801-0900 page/0847

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 20:46:32

KEY: Amount of miscellaneous expenses such as advertising, supplies and travel[Comment: Finances Panel; Tooltip]
STR-257122: 広告費 消耗品費 移動費など 様々な諸経費の総額

KEY: Amount of expenses from signing on fees for renewed contracts[Comment: Finances Panel; Tooltip]
STR-257123: 契約更改にかかる費用の総額

KEY: Amount of money paid out for various match day expenses[Comment: Finances Panel; Tooltip]
STR-257124: 試合日にかかる諸経費の総額

KEY: Closing Down<COMMENT non-player favourite closing_down style>
STR-257125: 積極的に

KEY: Stand Off<COMMENT non-player favourite closing_down style>
STR-257126: まれに

KEY: Mixed<COMMENT non-player favourite closing_down style>
STR-257127: 混合

KEY: Every year[COMMENT: Menu item text for note recurrence]
STR-257129: 毎年

KEY: Age Unknown
STR-257130: 年齢不詳

KEY: <%team#1-short> - Other[COMMENT - person screen; achievements section; title for achievements panel]
STR-257131: <%team#1-short> - その他

KEY: Other[COMMENT - person screen; achievements section; title for achievements panel]
STR-257132: その他

KEY: No Games Played Yet[COMMENT; [player_positions_details_panel; string indicating that a player is yet to compete in any matches and as such has no positional data]
STR-257133: まだ試合をしていません

KEY: <%number#1><COMMENT: scout_assignements_panel; number of reports filed>
STR-257146: <%number#1>

KEY: Length: <%string#1>, Width: <%string#2>[COMMENT: team info panel; pitch dimensions]
STR-257148: 長さ : <%string#1> 幅 : <%string#2>

KEY: <%number#1> transfers selected[COMMENT: transfer centre; transfer details panel title]
STR-257149: <%number#1> 人の移籍選手を選択

KEY: - The transfer will go through on <%date#1-long> as Under-<%number#1> <%nation#1-nationality> players are not allowed to sign for teams abroad.[COMMENT - transfer offer screen; comment about delayed transfer date for Brazilian U18 players]
STR-257150: <%number#1> 歳未満の <%nation#1-nationality> 国籍の選手は外国のクラブと契約を交わすことができないため この移籍は <%date#1-long> に履行されます