翻訳/0801-0900 page/0848

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 20:47:31

KEY: <%team#1>
STR-257151: <%team#1>

KEY: Clear Pool[COMMENT - team actions bar; button for clearing the national team pool]
STR-257152: 候補を削除

KEY: <%string#1> cannot play as they have not yet arrived back at the club after international duty.[COMMENT: team_selection_confirm_info; player cannot be selected in team; string#1 is a list of players]
STR-257155: <%string#1> は まだ代表戦から帰還していないため 出場することはできません

KEY: <%string#1> cannot play as he has not yet arrived back at the club after international duty.[COMMENT: team_selection_confirm_info; player cannot be selected in team; string#1 is one player (person#1) in this case]
STR-257156: <%string#1> はまだ国際試合から帰還していないので 出場することはできません

KEY: <%number#1>m[COMMENT - distance in metres]
STR-257157: <%number#1>メートル

KEY: <%number#1>yds[COMMENT - distance in yards]
STR-257158: <%number#1>ヤード

KEY: League Points Deducted[COMMENT: heading; team_information_panel; number of starting point deductions in the league]
STR-257207: リーグポイントの減点

KEY: Capital City[COMMENT: heading; team_information_panel; capital city of nation]
STR-257208: 首都

KEY: Region[COMMENT: heading; team_information_panel; nation's region e.g. Britain]
STR-257209: 地域

KEY: Continent[COMMENT: heading; team_information_panel; nation's continent e.g. Europe]
STR-257210: 大陸

KEY: Transfer Budget Increase
STR-257212: 移籍予算の増額

KEY: Change
STR-257213: 変更

KEY: Year Founded
STR-257214: 創立年度

KEY: Media Expectaction
STR-257215: メディア予測

KEY: Competitions[COMMENT: club confidence panel box heading]
STR-257216: 試合

KEY: Create Note[COMMENT: Create Note dialog title]
STR-257217: ノートを作成

KEY: Finance
STR-257220: 財務状態