翻訳/0801-0900 page/0867

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 21:18:39

KEY: He grabbed himself a goal, fair play to the lad.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257572: 同選手は1得点を決め 上出来なパフォーマンスでした

KEY: He provided a goal for his team, a good contribution from the <%position#1-lowercase>.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257573: <%position#1-lowercase> を務める同選手は 1アシストを決め チームに大きな貢献を果たしました

KEY: He had a strange game, he didn't play well but he still scored <%number#1-text> goals and provided <%number#2-text> others, which you've got to hold your hands up and credit.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257574: 同選手は動きが悪かったにも関わらず <%number#1-text> 得点と <%number#2-text> を決めました 意外な結果ですが 彼の功績を素直に認めるべきでしょう

KEY: He didn't play particularly well but he kept plugging away and got his rewards with a few goals and an assist.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257575: 同選手は特別好調だったわけではありませんが 着実なプレイを重ねた結果 数ゴールと1アシストを決めました

KEY: I think he did enough today, he wasn't amazing but he got himself a goal and managed to provide <%number#2-text> assists.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257576: 本日 同選手は十分な努力をしたように思えます 素晴らしい活躍とまではいきませんが 1得点と <%number#2-text> アシストを果たしました

KEY: He scored <%number#1-text> goals but didn't really have the best of performances.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257577: 同選手は <%number#1-text> 得点を決めましたが まだ全力を出し切ってはいません

KEY: He had a bit of an average game, didn't do much to stand out, but managed to provide an assist.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257578: 同選手のプレイは平均レベルでした 突出していたわけではありませんが 1アシストを果たしました

KEY: He didn't look himself today but credit to the lad, he got a goal.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257579: 同選手は普段と比べて不調でしたが 1得点を決めるという功績を残しました

KEY: He didn't look himself today but credit to the lad, he provided an assist for a goal.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257580: 同選手は普段と比べて不調でしたが 1アシストを決めるという功績を残しました

KEY: He didn't have the best of luck, he made a few mistakes, but did play fairly well I thought.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257581: 同選手はわずかに不調で ミスを犯すこともありましたが ある程度良いプレイを見せたと思います

KEY: He played well, he made one or two mistakes but they happen now and then. He can be pleased with his performance today.[COMMENT: post match panel key man watch]
STR-257582: 同選手のプレイは上出来でした ミスを犯すこともありましたが時には起こることです 本人も満足して良い結果です